
#12 Recess< 2>

Writer's POV .

The bell rang .

"It's re....huh! Waste of time."

She was exhausted and no one was even listening to her . They had already started doing their own things.Mrs.Ham left class 2-6 angrily.

"Hey check out what i was doing when monkey's bride was teaching" Yi Jun showed Ha-joon a drawing of a stupid money in some weird wedding dress and they burst out laughing .

"Nice one bro."They shook some kinda boys handshake .

"Yo Ha-joon today was sick."Ji-hoon walked up to him.

"They call me the boss."He shrugged with a smirk and Si woo and Yi Jun clapped.

"Aaaaaahhh! Call him the boss."They yelled .

"Wait wait is that my Junjun?"Jun-Seo turned to Ha-joon and they hugged .

"I missed you bro, I really did."Ha-joon said while pattering his back .

"Okay okay"Jun-Seo pulled away .

"Hey, escort me to get snacks."Ji-hoon said

"Sorry I'm a bit busy."Jun-Seo said.


"Only for profit."Ha-joon.

"Whatever."Ji-hoon placed his arms around Ha-joon and he yelled;



"Hey!"Cho-hee said and sat next to Iseul and Ji-Ho .

"Hey."They responded and Ji-Ho continued reading the novel she was holding, Iseul also went back to fidgeting with her phone.

"Tittle?"Cho-hee asked Ji-Ho.

"Oh Song For You."Ji-Ho simply said and continued reading.

"I'll just act like nothing happened to my book."Cho-hee said.

"What happened to it?"Iseul asked.

"Oh you ask Ji-Ho."Cho-hee said.

"I swear it was Ji-hoon. Why would I burn your book on purpose?!"Ji-Ho said.

"Well whatever."Cho-hee said.

"Yeah."Iseul's gaze fell on her phone and continued with the fidgeting.

"Hey what's it about?"Cho-hee asked.

"It's about a girl who is in school.She mets this popular musician in her class and their love and romance continues."

"Is that why it's called Song For You?"

" Yeah.His every song when for her.She Just didn't notice until ~"

"Blah blah blah... Gotcha!"Cho-hee giggled and took her phone and earphones .

"You know, Jun-Seo is kinda just like you always reading."


Ji-Ho turned to Jun-Seo and he was busily reading . She craned her neck to see the title.

"Her....Ummm .... Little"She read.

"Hey."Cho-hee hit her.

"What, what?!"

"Told you he was handsome.Do you like him?"

"No I don't!!"

Cho-hee and Iseul continued laughing at Ji-Ho and she rolled her eyes .

"Gosh"She muttered.


"Hurry up!!Ugh !!"Myeong yelled at Yeona and Sena as they entered the washroom . She was coming out and bumped into Ji-hoon and Ha-joon .

She looked up at them, especially Ji-hoon .

"Oh hey Myeong."Ha-joon said .

"Oh hi."She replied .

She first dated Ji-hoon but they broke up last semester .

Ha-joon cleared his throat .

"I'll go to the class first see you soon."Haj-joon left the both of them there.

Fact is , Myeong actually moved on but Ji-hoon didn't.

"Fancy bumping into me right?" Ji-hoon said .

"As if "She tried to walk away but Ji-hoon held her hand.

"Can..... can we at least give .....us a chance?" He asked .

She let go .

"I don't think so Ji-hoon. I don't think i like you anymore."

"Our break up was official and I don't think I like you anymore."She continued .

"We're...oh"Sena and Yeona appeared Infront of Ji-hoon.

"Yeah let's go."Myeong said and they left Ji-hoon out there, heartbroken .
