
Stuck with my Vampire Mate...

Atarah Davidson led more than a simple life despite being a teenager. She was raised by her 'good for nothing' grandparents as she was told that her parents died in an accident. But soon her life changed, after being kidnapped by vampires. Though she tried to escape something stopped her. Maybe its him, Mr. Perfect. Ryan O Donnels who's said to be her mate, was full of secrets. He was a man with the heart of steel and many demonic powers. But when each of his secrets started to reveal she knew that all her life was a lie. That she's not just a mere human. That she indeed belonged to him.

Parvdh1_ · Fantasy
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46 Chs

His family

As I stood there, lost in my own thoughts, a sudden giggle jolted me back to reality. Startled, I turned my head to the right, only to be greeted by the sight of a young lady. Well, at least she appeared to be a young lady, roughly my age. However, something about her seemed off, as if she possessed an ancient wisdom that contradicted her youthful appearance. For all I know, just like Sid, she might be several centuries old. She was shorter than me, but there was an air of elegance that enveloped her, making her seem more mature than myself. It was as if she possessed some secret charm, a captivating aura that effortlessly commanded attention. From the way her hair was perfectly tied up, not a strand out of place, to the way she gracefully carried herself, she exuded an extraordinary allure. Her choice of attire only added to her ethereal beauty. A gown fit for a grand ball draped flawlessly over her slender figure. The fabric, perhaps silk or satin, hugged her body in all the right places, accentuating her curves and enhancing her natural grace. The soft, flowing material seemed to follow her every movement, dancing with her as if choreographed by themselves.

While I observed her, I couldn't help but feel a pang of self-consciousness. How would I ever measure up to her elegance? Would I appear clumsy and unkempt in comparison? It was hard not to compare myself to her and wonder how I would look standing next to such grace and poise. Yet, despite my insecurities, I couldn't tear my eyes away. She was a vision, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty and sophistication.

She seemed to sense my confusion, for her laughter abruptly subsided and an apologetic expression crossed her face.

"Oh, I am sorry. I was just... I mean, your mouth was..."

What is the problem with my mouth? When I glanced at my said organ, I noticed that the poor oral cavity had transformed into a cavernous void capable of devouring an entire chicken in one fell swoop. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but comparing my predicament to food always helped temper the terror coursing through my veins. With an 'oh' escaping my lips, I instinctively shut my mouth, hoping to conceal the bizarre sight from the spectators.

However, as I cautiously surveyed the room, my heart skipped a beat. There, standing before me, were an array of individuals with piercing gazes and a distinct aura of otherworldliness. Vampires. My lips twitched into a nervous smile as I realized that these were the legendary creatures of the night and that I had somehow stumbled upon their den. The vampire family was beckoning me, their eyes glimmering with a mix of curiosity and mischievous delight. Lost in my morbid thoughts about my impending demise, I failed to register the sound of my name being called. Finally snapping out of my reverie, I turned to face the source of the sound.

"Pardon me?"

It was the same girl.

"Do you usually stare off into space like this?"

I looked awkwardly at her, my eyebrow raised in disbelief. Really? Staring into space? I couldn't help but let out a silent chuckle in my head. If only she knew what was really going on inside my mind. While she assumed I was daydreaming, the truth was far from it. I was busy conjuring up various probabilities about how these mysterious individuals were planning to end my life. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as I kept my thoughts to myself. There was no way I would willingly discuss my innermost fears with my captors. I mean, who in their right mind would willingly divulge their darkest thoughts to the very people who had abducted them? It was laughable, really, if it weren't for the fact that my life hung in the balance.

"Ryan, why don't you start introducing us to her?"

It was a voice that exuded raw masculinity, a timbre that resonated with power and age. The owner of that manly voice was a vampire who appeared to be in his early forties, an age that held a deceptive charm upon his timeless face. But if Sid, at such a youthful-looking age, was already seven hundred years old, one could only imagine the unfathomable depths of his existence. Could he possibly be the first human on earth, blessed or cursed with immortality? 'Stop thinking too much,' my mind screamed, there are more pressing matters to attend to.

The irony of the situation was not lost on me. Here I was, held against my will yet bathed in the lap of luxury. How did any of it make sense? The absurdity of it all was enough to drive anyone mad.

"Is she always like this?"

I heard the girl's voice again. Who is she talking about?

"I don't have the slightest idea. But I guess so."

It was the Ryan guy who spoke, and I turned to face him.


He looked annoyed at this point.

"'Pardon me', 'Sorry'. If you don't mind, kindly quit wasting time and focus on what's going on around you."

In the heat of the moment, my fists clenched tightly, longing to unleash their fury on his arrogant face. The audacity with which he spoke, his smugness—it was all too much for me to bear. But, as much as I desired to let my anger wash over him like an unrelenting tidal wave, I took a deep breath and remained silent. I found myself trapped in a room filled with vampires, each one more sinister than the last. It was a battle of wits and strength, where my survival depended on keeping my emotions in check.

"That's enough, Ryan. We will do the introduction part."

This time, it was a woman. A captivating individual who appeared to be in her mid-thirties or early forties. Her voice, gentle and melodic, possessed a rare quality that could instantly calm the stormiest of seas. But it wasn't just her voice that had such a profound impact; it was her smile as well. A warmth spread throughout my body as I locked eyes with her, unable to resist the magnetic pull she had over me. The half-grin on my face betrayed the effect she had on me, and I couldn't help but wonder how a single person could possess such power.

Until that moment, it had always been the elusive Mr. Perfect who held sway over my emotions. But now, this woman, with her soothing voice and captivating grin, had managed to weave her way into my brain as well.

"Hello there, dear; my name is Elizabeth 'O' Donnels, and I am Ryan's mother."

As Mrs. 'O'Donnels introduced herself, I couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between her and her son. They both had the same piercing black eyes. She reached out her hands to me. Would it be wise for me to take it? Obviously, I ought to; otherwise, the smiling woman will be the death of me. So I shyly greeted her.

"I am Atarah Davidson."

Despite the fact that her palm was cold, it felt great to hold. We both released our hands and looked at each other with a small smile.

"Hi, I am Ebenezer 'O' Donnels, and I happen to be Ryan's father."

It's the owner of that manly voice again. He also shook hands with me. The warmth that emanated from both Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnels made me feel at ease, as if I had finally found a place where I belonged, like home. Home? I wonder what happened there. It feels like an eternity since I last stepped foot inside those familiar walls. I can't help but wonder if they're frantically trying to find their missing grandchild. Who knows? Will my disappearance even be noticed? My grandparents were out of town when I was kidnapped. And what about my manager from the supermarket? Will they notice my absence from the checkout counter? My mind spins with questions, wondering if someone will step up, alert the authorities, and launch a search for me. But even then, where would they begin to look? A numbness sets in as I realize that even if someone does raise the alarm, the chances of being found feel slim. My heart sinks, and I can't help but feel a sense of hopelessness creeping in.

"There goes her power again."

It was the young lady again, and I greeted her with a sigh.

"Hello, who are you?"

I asked, trying to strike up a conversation. It was evident that she was intrigued by my presence, and who knows? I might end up being her pet or slave. And honestly, she doesn't look that bad, unlike certain someone next to her.

"Finally! I am Margaret 'O' Donnels, but you can simply call me Marg, and Ryan is my brother."

I stood there, anticipating a simple handshake as she approached me, only to be pleasantly surprised when she enveloped me in an unexpected but welcoming hug. The contrast between the coolness of her touch and the warmth radiating from her embrace left me momentarily bewildered yet completely mesmerized. After what seemed like an eternity, she released her hold, revealing a kind smile that illuminated her entire face. With a twinkle in her eyes and a softness in her voice, she took a step closer, speaking words that echoed sincerity and familiarity.

"Welcome to our family, Atarah Davidson."

With a mixture of nervousness and curiosity, I mustered a feeble expression of gratitude, barely audible, as I mustered the courage to face the extended family. Deep down, I couldn't help but question the purpose behind this weird family meeting. Why am I even being introduced? Is it like this prior to murdering somebody? I wonder... Anyway, I played along and smiled at everyone so much that my cheeks were in pain. Engaging with his kin, I met the affable duo of uncles, Robert and Alex, accompanied by their equally amiable spouses, Patricia and Laura. Their kindness was indeed disarming, leaving me charmed by their warm reception. Although the thought of a sudden attack lingered in my mind, it soon faded after talking to three-fourths of the vampires present. How ironic.

In the far corner, a familiar face caught my attention—Adrian. Surprisingly, he's still alive despite the heavy ego that's settled on his head. But wait, next to him was someone else. Ah, it's Sid. I briskly approached them, savoring the element of surprise as Sid remained oblivious to my existence. I half-expected Adrian, that Greek God-like figure, to warn him about my presence, but he playfully kept his gaze fixed on Sid. It seems Mr. Serious knows how to have his share of fun. Hey, I am getting good at picking nicknames. I calmly reached for his back and,


Sid's expression was absolutely priceless—a perfect combination of wide-eyed terror and complete panic. Unable to contain myself, I erupted into uncontrollable laughter, my joyous giggles filling the room like a wild hyena. With each playful taunt and teasing remark, I mercilessly teased Sid, relishing in his hilarious vulnerability.

"Good gracious, did you see his face? Hahaha, I would write my soul to the devil to see it once more."

"You can see his reaction?"

After a fit of violent laughter and tears cascading down my cheeks, I glanced around the room, only to be met with bewildered faces and dropped jaws. Amidst this bewildered crowd, Ryan stood there, his lips curling into a mischievous smirk. Concern danced in my mind as I pondered the reason behind his cryptic expression. Then it dawned on me, the realization flooding my thoughts. Sid said only me and Ryan could see his features. How can I forget it? I am such a fool.

"Sorry, but I can."

I gazed upon Marg's face, which was brimming with confusion. However, within a fleeting moment, something swept over Elizabeth's reaction, transforming her astonished face into one of subtle comprehension. I sensed that she possessed some knowledge. Hopeful for answers, I instinctively turned towards her.

"Do you know something about it?"

She looked at me mischievously, then shook her head.

"None at all."

I know that she's lying, but why should she? And why the hell was she smirking?

"Everyone, food is served."

Ebenezer's announcement acted as a magical command, causing the protective glass barrier between us and the lush greenery to gracefully part ways. The air was abuzz with obvious excitement as a lively procession of eager vampires gradually moved towards the enticing scene ahead. Uncertain of whether I should join the crowd or remain where I was, I hesitated, secretly dreading the thought of consuming blood.

Wait, food? Am I the food? Are they going to kill me? Panic-stricken, I wondered if this was some hidden, macabre plot to murder me! A ritual or sacrifice. The notion of impending doom loomed large, and it seemed that my demise was uncomfortably close. Shit, I hadn't even seen Barbie yet.

"You are not our food."

Ryan's words cascaded through the air, as if reading my mind. Relief washed over me like a soothing wave, and it felt like the weight of my worries had been gently lifted off my shoulders. Gratefulness welled up within me, ready to spill forth a 'thank you'. However, before my words could find their way past my lips, Ryan continued speaking.

"You are mine."

The vampire's calculating gaze met mine, a self-satisfied smirk playing upon his lips. And just like that, Mr. Perfect walked away from my side, leaving me frozen in place like a statue. Part of me wanted to believe that he meant me as his next meal, but deep down, I sensed there was something more to his intentions. Ryan paused by the glass door, his eyes still fixed on me.

"Are you coming or not?"

Without another word, I began moving.

The long feasting table was set in a forest, it seems. The ambiance exuded a vibrant and positive energy, filling the air with an enchanting glow. I made my way to the far end of the table, which was scarcely detectable, wishing to sit alone. When was the last time luck was on my side? Margaret, or rather, Marg, came and sat right next to me. She affectionately clasped my arm, expressing her sheer excitement at finally reuniting with me. Curiosity lingered on my tongue, eager to ask the reason behind her enthusiasm, but before I could utter a word, the delectable feast was served. And when I say feast, I mean a lavish spread of culinary delights, not gruesome offerings of blood and human bones. My heart soared with gratitude as my eyes beheld the sight of succulent roast duck accompanied by freshly baked garlic bread.

As the room buzzed with lively chatter, each person engrossed in their own conversations, I couldn't help but revel in the fact that I seemed to have escaped their attention. Ah, the sweet relief! But just as I reveled in the comforting embrace of anonymity, the glass door swung open unceremoniously, introducing a gang of stunning vampires into the midst of our gathering. Three bewitching ladies and two dashing gentlemen gracefully stepped in, their mere presence injecting an electrifying atmosphere. Suddenly, my already eventful evening took a dramatic turn as I found myself caught in a thrilling vortex of beauty, danger, and, undoubtedly, a sprinkle of evil.
