
Stuck With Him | Mysterious

WARNING 21+ Loving someone who is about to get married? Enduring the pain of expecting too much? One-sided love will produce results and a happy ending? This beautiful girl loves the older brother of her best friend, unfortunately the man will marry her lover. The deep heartache she felt. But, when no one knew, she was used as a cover for the two families to marry the man, the man was the person she loved, the brother of her best friend. But something went wrong and all the family knew, she and the man did something and made them force the marriage right then and there. Those sharp and cold eyes can actually kill the universe. Killing her heart that keeps pounding. Those eyes made her stunned. Those eyes still don't know who he really is, even though she already knows his family. "Marry me? Or are we doing something hot here?". How's the story? Will it be a happy ending?

Chesyura · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Eye Contact

The sound of wide, excited footsteps entered the house with a look here and there, a gaze that was hot and angry.


The screams of a middle-aged woman who was looking for her child with a heated face. She opened the door to the room his daughter used as a shelter because the room was the safest place for her.

Sharena Athlasa, a 21-year-old girl, is studying interior design in her sixth semester. she is the second of four children. she always thought that her mother was very unfair to her and only to her. she was very distinguished and told to work hard, even though she had an older sister who was way above her and was already working.

Sharen just came out of the bathroom, she stepped into her room, suddenly she saw her mother standing there with a red face. Sharen looked confused, what happened to this mother who was already in her room with an angry expression.

"Mother~" Only one word from Sharen came out. His mother had beaten the sharen with a rattan which had always been a weapon for his children who made mistakes.

"Mom, it hurts.. Mom~"

Sharen tried to dodge. She couldn't stand it as the rattan welcomed her body firmly. she tries to stop her mother.

"Why did you hit, what did Sharen do wrong, Mom?" said Sharen who kept dodging.

"Where's your cellphone, where is it?" shouted Dara - her mother.

Sharen is steady his mother is confused. she turned her gaze to her cell phone which was charging. As soon as Dara lowered her rattan, it meant that it was a sign that Dara's anger had decreased.

"The cellphone, Sharen, is charging again, Mom," said Sharen.

Dara took Sharen's phone roughly when disconnecting it from the data cable. Dara slammed Sharen's phone there, Dara took Sharen's phone back and then slammed it back. Sharen stared in disbelief, why did his mother do that, did it on her cellphone, was slammed many times in front of her without explaining a word or two. Sharen shook his head in disbelief, until she covered her mouth with her hand.

"You know your mistake? Do you know why this rattan flew to you?" Dara asked with an angry look.

"Mother why did I slam my cellphone~" The low voice weakly escaped from Sharen's lips.

"That's because you have a mistake," shouted Dara.

What mistakes made Dara angry with her, even though Sharen did nothing wrong today or yesterday. It was enough for Sharen's laptop to be smashed one by one by Dara until it broke because Sharen didn't allow Nura - Sharen's third child or sister, because he was still halfway through his design task. But Nura complained to Dara, at that time when Sharen was working on his assignment, his laptop was immediately slammed and fatally damaged, until now his laptop is still displayed on his study table even though it is no longer used.

She only has a cellphone to communicate and do tasks outside of 3D design, if she wants to do 3D assignments in the form of video, she has to go to an internet cafe or borrow a university laptop.

"What's Sharen's fault, Mom?" asked Sharen.

"You see what time it is?" said Dara.

Sharen looked at the clock on the wall in his room. At 03.45 AM, he looked back at Dara.

"You should have picked up your sister, Depa has been waiting for you all this time she even called Nura. Where have you been?!" said Dara?

"Depa said, Sharen doesn't need to pick him up, he said he was with his friend, Mom," said Sharen.

It's true what Sharen said. Depa had told him this morning before he left for work, he said he didn't need to pick up Depa because he was going with his friend. Sharen, of course, agreed because of her sister request.

"Plans can change, as well as your sister, who wants to be with her friends. When she comes home you should be on standby with your cellphone, it should be ~ ah! Already, hurry up and pick up your sister now," said Dara.

Sharen looked at Dara, a very disbelieving look, again and again, any mistake that happened would surely fall on him even though he was not wrong.

"How's Sharen's cellphone, Mom? Sharen still has an assignment and tomorrow there will be a presentation," said Sharen.

"You fix it there for the service." Then Dara just left her room.

Sharen's right hand immediately closed her eyes and turned to her forehead, which suddenly hurt. What Dara said is true for the service, but the problem is that the cellphone may not be correct in one day. Sharen picked up the cellphone which was lying on the floor with the entire glass screen broken. Sharen's heart trembled at that moment, she didn't know what else to do to do her job. Sharen looked at her cell phone. Sharen put her broken cell phone on top of her laptop. Now two of her precious electronics are gone unusable.

"YOU STILL HERE? GET YOUR BROTHER QUICK!!" shouted Dara from the doorway of Sharen's room.


Sharen with her automatic motorbike was parked near the sidewalk. she kept looking at the big building with Oliva inscribed on it which was used by rich people's spas and salons. Sharen can't contact Depa, her sister hasn't come out yet. Sharen did not know whether Depa had returned or not. She decided to go to Oliva's parking lot, she parked her motorbike there.

"Dep where are you?" mumbled Sharen.

Sharen swept his gaze around her looking for Depa who didn't know where. She thought whether she could come in or not. She ran to the security post to ask.

"Excuse me sir, Ranas Depalia has you come home yet, sir?" Sharen asked the security guard there.

"Miss Rana huh? Looks like it's still inside," said the security guard.

"What time will you be home, sir?" asked Sharen.

"I don't know. As for the hours, the time is different here and there are many employees," said the security guard.

Cesa nodded in understanding, then she said goodbye and tried to go in there. For the first time entering this famous body care building, she usually picks up Depa only from the front.

Passing by busy employees, Sharen continued to be careful in his steps, afraid that he would collide with them. Her eyes continued to search for Depa, when it was time for Depa to go home, usually she didn't have to wait long in front of her, but now Depa is taking a long time, almost half an hour.

Her eyes suddenly turned to someone who was sitting there looking straight ahead. Sharena knows him. He is Dirgantara El Julian, a thirty year old man who has a cold and flat nature. That man was Sharen's first love when she was sixteen years old, at that time she knew love and her heart beat fast when she met him. The man is the older brother of her best friend - Atana, her best friend who has been with her for six years. That's right, Sharen likes Julian until now, this moment and forever.