
The night sky

"What are you even talking about?" Gabriel looked at the man confused, hands still raised so Rei won't shoot his friend.

"There's no use in lying." The man said calmly, his deep voice sending shivers down Oli's spine.

The man walked up to Rei looking at Gabe the whole time as he talks.

"We know you're Hestian scum," He snatched the gun away from Rei and shot Gabe with it,

Gabe closed his eyes expecting pain from his leg but he felt nothing.

Slowly, he decided to open one eye to look at his wound but just saw Oli looking at him shocked, and his leg was fine.

The bullet fell to the floor as a tiny energy shield disappears,

"That proves it." The man said, handing the gun back over to Rei,

"Don't think your safe, we've dealt with people like you before, if you won't talk now then we'll have to take matters into our own hands." Rei pushed his gun into Oli's back indicating for him to move forward and follow the man, and so they did.