
so you didn't die-

(Area 1 desert terrain))

We've been at the game for over an hour now and things just kept getting more difficult for me.

No matter how I tried to shake this guy he's still coming after me!

Since I'm the rogue now I can move faster but apparently an aerodynamic ball of fire is faster than a trained killer so that doesn't help much.

I looked ahead of me and saw rubble up ahead.

Quickly I dived into it in an attempt to hide and it worked …somewhat.

It took him a minute but he found where I'm hiding almost instantly, shooting a fireball my way without hesitation.

I dodged the attack and shot an arrow at him but that was easily deflected.

Soon he started to get frustrated with me and started to fire non stop, hitting me almost every time.

Haru's Health: 30/100

My character's movements were slowed and I was in a panic.

All the confidence I came in vanished like it was never there to begin with, like I wasn't confident in my own skills but someone else's….

'Time to improvise..' I thought to myself.

The man goes to fire another fireball but I dodged it. My palms were sweating like I was playing the elden ring but I managed to get through by shooting an arrow at his build spot which hit him in the head.

Opponent 1 Health: 67/100

By the time he regained his composure I was already long gone.


(Area 1 Forest terrain)

Miya's already done with her opponent looking for me and Gabriel.

(Wait,wait,wait so you're telling me while Im struggling with my opponent-

They were already done?? This game is rigged!)

"Where are they…" Miya muttered to herself.

She kept navigating through the forest until she heard a rustle in the grass.

Without hesitation she pointed her sword in the direction of whatever it was in that grass.

"It's just me." Oli popped out of the grass as a wizard.

"Oh-" Miya put's her sword back.

"You done with your guy?" Miya asked as they walked.

"I beat him a while ago." Oli responded.

The forest area was peaceful and quiet but it gave off an eerie feeling..as if something was about to attack them if they weren't careful.

"I had a question I was meaning to ask you.." Oli suddenly spoke up hoping to start another conversation.

"Sure what is it?"

"Are you Miku Alvie …the number one gamer in the world." He asked.

"I wouldn't say world, people tend to over exaggerate. I'm the best in Asia((well recorded best))...wait, how are you just realizing this??"

"Well.. It's just that- That guy who you're with normally called you Miya so-"

When Oli said that she instantly knew who he meant.

"Oh- well that's just a name he calls me.." She explained.

"Oh so..you two are like..a thing?"

- - -

"Hey Tom?" Jerry tried to get the attention of his partner.


"What's up with Miku..she's all red."

"Probably opened something she wasn't supposed to." Tom responded.

- - -

"It's not like that at all!" Miya tried to explain again.

"It's just a thing between best friends and-"

"So..what's your nickname for him?" Oli interrupted her.

She thought about it for a while, and she got nothing.


(Area1 Desert terrain)

'Finally!' I thought to myself as I saw a power scroll right in front of me.

'Invisibility??' I sighed.

'Well gotta make it work'

When my opponent got to where I was he couldn't find me.

He looked all over the area but no luck.

"Think fast chucklenuts!" He heard a voice behind him but before he could react he was already stabbed in the back repeatedly.

Opponent health 57/100

Opponent health 45/100

Opponent health 25/100

Opponent health 0/100

I got off from my opponent, face covered with digital blood and a huge grin on my face.

'We won..'

'We actually won!'

convo between oli and Miya happened in private chat only .w.

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts