I remember it like it was yesterday blinding lights hyped crowed and the the best gamer on stage performing live right infront of me. if you tell me right then that she'd be living with me I'd probably be overjoyed or dont believe you at all... but you know what they say. never meet your heroes https://discord.gg/UmYxRprzpJ join our discord where we share our interest in novels and other authors
So ..finally got my room back but i didn't get to play with my friends which to be honest is fine DnD is overrated anyway..
Today started off nice and simple, no fights no chaos just the way i like it…
Though im stuck doing chores for a month which is sad but hey at least i got my bed right?
Nothing can be better.
I heard someone at the door from my room.
"Haru!" I heard someone call me.
I rushed downstairs to see Miya and the others in the living room.
"Can you open the door?" Miya said, swiping on her phone.
I facepalmed myself and just walked to the door.
Opening it I saw Jerry outside.
"Nope..not today sorry."
I tried to close the door but he stopped it from closing mid way.
"Come on! Today was normal!" i tried pulling the door in harder and harder but my weak gamer arms couldn't keep it shut!
"This is for your own good!" I heard Jerry say on the other side.
Eventually I got overpowered by him and the door was opened.
"You're needed again." Jerry said.
I was out of breath and couldn't even find the energy to fight back.
"You ok there Haru?" They at least had cared about me enough to ask me that and not check on me…
"It's Jerry.." I said still out of breath.
Light mumbling could've been heard before footsteps coming to the door.
"So..where are you two gonna drag us this time-" Miya complains with her arms folded.
We were led somewhere …somewhere we've never been before and it looked freaking amazing!
"Welcome to the gaming room." Jerry opened the door to show us the room.
I awed at the sight of the room. The gaming equipment in here looked untouched; the walls were perfectly plated not a single scratch on a single one!
"Tom will join us shortly with someone else so why not take it easy for a while and try out the new game."
We all looked at each other then looked at Jerry with a face that said both "Really??" And "Thank you."
"Oh man Eli's gonna be so jealous!" I thought out loud as I put on one of the headgear. Soon Gabriel and Miya did the same.
"Welcome to Guardian fighters online." The title screen loaded in and the acronym G.F.O lines up on my screen.
"Let's do this!"