I remember it like it was yesterday blinding lights hyped crowed and the the best gamer on stage performing live right infront of me. if you tell me right then that she'd be living with me I'd probably be overjoyed or dont believe you at all... but you know what they say. never meet your heroes https://discord.gg/UmYxRprzpJ join our discord where we share our interest in novels and other authors
Me and Gabriel waited at the gates of the college for Tom and Jerry who was supposed to pick us up today.
I sighed, staring onto the street waiting for something, anything to relieve me of this awkward situation.
"So …how about school?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Stressful-" He replied, staring onto the street just like me.
"How about you?" He asked.
"Same-" i sat on the floor and held my bag close to my chest..i couldn't stand anymore it's been too long!
Gabriel copied me and we both just sat there ..waiting.
"Anyone give you any trouble?" He asked.
I looked at him confused. That question came out of nowhere but he seemed to be seriously waiting for an answer.
"Nah everyone just kept their distance.."
"Really?" He gave me a look of genuine surprise.
"What do you mean, really?" I asked, also giving a look of genuine surprise.
"Well… on your current reputation i would doubt that someone wouldn't trouble you …even after all that-" Gabriel explained..He did have a point but damn-
"My reputation is as good as it gets-" I started getting defensive.
"People stay away from me because i'm too good for them-"
'He's still in denial…' Gabriel thought as he listened to me rant on and on.
"Ok ok i was wrong i'm sorry."
"That's what i thought…" I muttered to myself when I heard him give up.
"You two done talking?" We heard a voice followed by a car engine approaching us and we saw Jerry driving.
"Where's Tom?" I was confused.
"Ouch- how about a 'good afternoon' Jerry first?"
Jerry sighed before continuing.
"Well..anyways, Jerry had some important business to attend to so i came alone."
Both me and Gabriel looked at each other and then just shrugged it off.
"Miya what the fu-"
"Now, now let's not overreact here-'' Miya's voice had a sense of panic.
"We don't wanna do something we'll regret now would we?"
- - -
"We're home-" I said, taking off my shoes at the door and entering with Gabriel close behind me.
"Uh-.. where's Miya?"
I saw Eli on his phone in the living room alone.
Eli looked up at me confused.
"You mean Miku? She's upstairs in your room."
Almost immediately I felt a sense of dread.. If that door's locked…and i can't go to bed after coming from school.
I'm going to lose it-
Quickly I ran upstairs to my door and when I turned the lock… surprisingly it was open.
I peered inside the room but no one was inside.
"Hey Eli!" I shouted from upstairs so he could hear me.
"She's not here!"
"My bad!"
I shrugged and went onto my bed.
'Wait a minute…'
A thought crossed my mind.
Gabriel came into the room around the same time it did.
"Gabriel.. Can you get my controller from my locker-"
Gabriel looked at me confused but did it anyway and when he did Miya fell out duct taped on the mouth and arms she was close to tears.
"We found her!"
"Ok… What do you want-" Tom braced against a nearby desk in the detective's office.
"I want to know the full extent of your plan."
"Why? So you could butt it like last time?"
The detective looked insulted.
"One of those kids were at gunpoint-"
"For the last time..they're not kids."
The detective took a minute to cool down and think of a calm way to respond while Tom waited for his response.
"Listen…This is a very important operation you're going to be doing..you can't carry it out with only you and Jerry."
Tom looked to the corner of the room to just avoid eye contact.
"You need to trust us…"
"One last time…"