
stuck with a ghost

This story is about a Nigeria girl who don't believe in ghosts and paranormal being, she also had a natural gift of seeing things before it happens. Her name is miracle bright, she was the only child. Her parents are not too rich. But they are living in their house and they own two cars, her parents are also people that goes to church. Miracle was stuck with a boy. A boy only her can see cause he was a ghost, she never believed her eyes. He was from another country. He was cursed, and it need to be broken. Find our more in the story.

Yetunde_Kate · Fantasy
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3 Chs

My name is Miracle

Miracle POV

  Miracle wake up, my mom said. I blink my eyes repeatedly before my vision became clearer. Mom I dreamt about something in school, I said to my mom.

What's it about, she asked.

  Mummy I dreamt about my seat partner, I saw her stealing my break money when I went to urinate, I asked her but she denied, i told my mom. It's okay just take your bath let me drop you off at your school, she said.I went to the bathroom and has a quick bath. I put on my uniform and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I pecked my dad and carried my back back and went to meet my mom in the car, I looked out the window during the drive.

  My name is miracle bright, am fourteen, am also the only child. My parents are not very rich but we all live in peace, there's something I don't understand about myself, I always dream of the future and sometimes I will be seeing it as a vision. I don't have friends.My mom pulled  over and we were already at our school.

"bye mom, I said and went to class to drop my school bag.

When I went to my seat a boy I had crush on was sleeping there, how will I wake him up I asked my self.

  "wake up,  I said tapping him.

  "what,he asked with his head still on my desk.

"please leave my seat I want to drop my school bag, I said.

  "please let  me rest I will take care of your school bag he said and raised his head up, I avoided his gaze to avoid drooling at him. I gave home my bag and went to seat on him seat since he is seating on my. Later the bell rang signifying Assembly period. I was going out and I discovered his still sleeping so I decided to wake him up.

  "Levi wake up,  I said.

   "just go to Assembly and let me be, he said.

"but senior might punish you if you stay here, I said.

"oh that's true, will you mind if I walk you to the Assembly, he asked.

  "No let go, I said and helped him I felt happy from the inside of me. Levi has been my crush since primary six when I had to use taxi that day cause my parents were busy, I had to enter a public bus and I saw levi and he also sat beside me I felt something new and I had crush on him since then though he don't seem to notice me, may be it's because I don't have friends.

We came down the stairs and went to the Assembly all. We were all lined up according to our class, I was in jss3a but most people in my class was mean and I had to stay away from them.

  "Good morning students,Mr John Paul the school principal  greeted and the students replied  "Good morning mr John Paul, they said.

  "I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, he asked the student.

"yes sir the student replied and every where went silence.

"we all know our daily basics and I want you all to stay quite in your class, he said.

  "okay sir, the student said.

"now match to your class, he said and the drummers hit the drum. We all went to our various classes. After everybody was in their various classes, the mathematics  teacher  came to  miracle class to introduce a new girl to the class and told her to come forth to tell the class her name.

"my name is Abigail Wilson she said and everybody clapped and welcome her,  she was told to sit beside miracle because that was the only vacant  space in the class. I was worried cuz I  don't want a seat partner and I don't want a friend.

  After the math teacher introduce Abigail to the class he started teaching,  after a while he was done teaching.            The teacher that was to teach next was not feeling too well

   Abigail was trying to speak with me but I  ignored.

   I was pressed so I decided to use the restroom. After I came back I saw Abigail talking to levi, I was hurt a little, on getting there I told levi to stand up from my sit but he refused.

"I will go and report to our class teacher, I said and he finally stood up.

"abigail I will see you before going home, levi said to abigail and she blushed.

"hi, abigail said to me but I ignored her.

"what's your name, she asked. I didn't answer and her so she asked my back sit partner.

  "her name is miracle, she whispered.

  "hi miracle, she said again.

"don't you get it abigail or whatever your name is leave me alone, I said angrily.

"I just wanted to be friendly with you, she said.

"abigail let me be I don't want to talk to you, what don't you understand, I yell at her and this time the whole class was focused on our seat.

  "take it easy, chiamaka my back seat partner said to calm me, but am extremely angry, what does she want.

   "leave me alone I said and focus on what I was reading.

The class turned back to their seat when I didn't continue the argument.

  " senior miracle our basic science teacher is calling you, a junior student said.

  "tell her am coming, I told her and she went out of the class. I packed all my books under my locker and kept my pen at the side of my bag. I went to the staff room, I greeted the few teachers I saw there and made my way to the basic science teacher.

  She gave me her lesson note to write the note on the board and she said I should explain to the class. This is not my first time of doing it but I do get nervous when every am writing on the board. She gave me a marker and she told me she will join my later.

I make my way  to the class and I dropped the note and marker on a table close to the board. Not up to a minute the teacher came inside the class.

"class greet, I said as the class captain.

  "good day Mrs.Matthew, the student said.

  "good day students I hope you enjoyed your weekend, she said.

"yes ma, the said and they all seat. I began writing on the board and I didn't know when I wrote almost four pages, and the class began to tell me to stop, I stopped and levi asked me how many pages was left for the note to be completed, I knew it was his voice so I didn't turn back I just said two and continue writing.

  "it's okay for today the teacher said and asked if I was too tried to continue.

  "Ma it's just a few more note to go let me finish up I said politely.

  "okay, how many more pages is left, she asked.

"two more pages, she replied.

  "leave it we will continue next class, she said and explained and left the class. Some minutes later it was  break time.

I took my school bag happily to take my money so I could go for break and have my lunch. I searched and searched but I couldn't find it, I went to the cafeteria to confront abigail but people taught I was crazy.

I make my way to our class teach office and told him my money was stolen, he told me to get back to class he will come to my class after the break period was over, he gave me some money to have lunch.

After lunch was over I was waiting for my class teacher to come and search people bag and ask the class.I seat on my seat crying when someone taped.

   "miracle what's the matter,he said i raised my head and it was levi i became so nervous.

  "nothing,i said.

  "nothing??and you are crying,he asked.

  "it's nothing am just looking for my money,i said

   "how much is the money,he asked.

  "three thousand,i said.

  "is it your project money or what's the money for,he asked.

   "we are not having any projects,i said.

   "what's the money for,he asked.

   "for my lunch break,i replied.

    "lunch break,he asked.

  "yes of course,i answered.  

    "are you not eating lunch at home,he asked and i was shocked he asked.

    "i eat lunch at home,i replied.

    "well that's the money my mom gave me today my normal money is six thousand,i added.

    "do you save money,he asked.

   "nope i have an account where i received one hundred thousand every month,for future purposes,i replied.

   "can you use your atm to collect money from the account,he asked.

   "nope till am eighteen,i replied.

   "okay he said and went to his seat deep in thought and abigail came to join me later.

When everyone was present in class our class teacher came to the class and told everyone to bring out their bags, I glance at Abigail, she was a bit nervous.

He searched every one bags and it was time for abigail to bring her bag and a student told the him she was a new student but he insisted on searching her bag.

  When all her books were brought out there was no money but when he turned the bag upside down money fell down and the class was shocked but I wasn't shocked because I had dreamed about it.

    "how  can she do it, a student said.

    " but she is a new student, another said.

   Our class teacher picked up the money and counted the money, it was three thousand.

   "what!!!!, The whole class said.

    "what should we do to her, the teacher said.

     "please don't expel me, abigail said.

    "yes please don't tell the principal, I said.


    "wow, she too kind, levi said from the place he was sitting and I became  happy suddenly.


      "You don't want to tell the principal, my class teacher asked.

    "yes sir, I said.


"But why, he asked.

   "she might not have enough to eat or maybe she might need it for her transport, I replied.


    "really, he said and turned to abigail, "why do you steal the money, he asked her and abigail looked down before speaking up I was short of transport money, she said.


     "but why didn't you asked her other than stealing the money, my class teacher asked her.


    "I was shy and miracle was also snobing me I thought she would make me feel ashamed of my poor self, abigail replied and I felt guilty for the way I reacted to her.


     "am sorry, I apologize I wasn't in a very good mood I don't want a seat partner that's why, I can still give you the money, I said and collected the money from my class teacher, I gave her two thousand and i took one thousand.


     "thank you she said and sniff back tears, she was already feeling ashamed of her self and went to Pat her to make her feel better.

    "now every body bring out your note for today lesson, our class teacher (mr. Raymond )said.

   ★★some minutes later he was done teaching, we had few more lessons before it was school over★★

My driver was already waiting for me. My drive home was quite as usual.

    "Good afternoon mom, I said.

    "Good afternoon, how was school today, my mom asked.

    "it was fine, that's reminds me can you believe my dreams came to pass, I told my mommy.


     "really, did you report to the principal, she asked.


    "No because I don't want her to be expel and she did it because of her transport fees, I explained.

   "and it's all my fault I was too hard on her I don't need a seat partner and I became angry and poured it on her, so she taught I would make fun of her if she had asked me, after she explained to me, I gave her two thousand out of the money, I concluded.

      "that nice of you am proud of you I am very happy you did that, my mom said.

   "really, I asked.


     "yes, and make sure you are always nice to other people even to your enemy, because one day you might need help from them, she said.

     "okay mommy, I will always be nice to others no matter what happens, I said.

    "and also never look down at people, she said.


     "okay mom, thank you a lot, I said and hugged her.

     "that's my little princess now go to your room and change your clothes come down for lunch, she said and I quickly ran to my room I took a quick shower and put on a grown that's kneel length. I went to have my lunch with my mom and our maid, my dad is not yet back home.

    I went back to my room and went through the works we did today at school.

I opened my social studies note and it was completed, I wanted to scream but I can't it's not the first time though, I said and revise it and put it in my shelf and insert all the subject we will be having tomorrow in my bag.

    Before I knew it, it was time for dinner.

I went to eat dinner with my parents and went back to my room, being the only child is not that cool.

   I was in thought and I drift into deep sleep.


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