
Stuck in the human realm?! The Return to Hell Conquest Starts Now!

After the fallen angel Lucifer gives an order to one of his generals Astrea to gather up her troops in order to prepare for war with heaven; She was suddenly transported out of hell by her friend and to the realm where humankind to save her from an angel who was ordered by God to take out all of Lucifer's generals. Now stuck in the human realm, she must now try her best to defend herself from all of the angels that attempt to hunt her down as she tries to find a way back home.

SoraNekohime · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 [A piece of an Angel's Sacred Weapon]

A eon ago, in one of hell's nine circles...

A succubus of young age is currently performing experiments with a small piece of an angel's sacred weapon, the shape of it resembled a sword's hilt that was broken using a massive amount of force.

She smiled maniacally as she saw that her tests went quite smoothly.

The small piece would start glowing like a halo everytime she would perform a test on it.

"With this, I might be able to replicate any weapon that I wish."

She mumbled, feeling a bit cocky at her achievement after learning during one of research sessions that once she successfully puts this weapon together she can easily do replications of any weapon that she wanted.

The demon girl, had the role of weapon researcher under the wing of Lucifer's army, She was the head researcher of the whole department. As well as being part of Lucifer's roundtable.

Her name was Tharrones, She was one of Astrea's dedicated "followers."

"This will prove useful once I perform some final touches and make sure that it doesn't turn on its wielder."

That was her plan anyway...

She was just about to begin to place a seal on the said "object" when the sound of a massive door creaked open.

"Is it done yet?" Astrea peaked into the room, looking a bit impatient.

Her armor was very audible as she slowly walked into the room after spotting Tharrones slowly working in a corner.

The succubus did not hear not notice the door open, she still had her back turned away from the door when Astrea entered.

"Now to attach it to the sword..." Tharrones slowly reached for a hilt-less sword that was a couple of inches away from her as the hilt-shaped object began to glow brighter but this time with a red-colored aura instead of a bright white glow that a halo would have.

It has now turned into a demonic object.

"Oh, it looks like you're just about to finish." Astrea looked over the succubus' shoulder as the sword got the hilt-shaped object attach to it.


Tharrones didn't give a reply, she positioned the two objects to be hammered together instead.




As the final strike hit the hilt-shaped object, it resulted in the former hilt-less weapon's blade to also glow red.

The glow resembled the glow of what nuclear fuel rods would make when a nuclear fusion occurs inside of a nuclear reactor.

Tharrones slowly picked up the newly-made weapon and slowly turned around to face Astrea.

"Give it a swing, will ya?"

She stated, handing the weapon to the red-eyed demon.

The weapon did not look like it was dangerous to touch but it made astrea a little cautious about it's aura.

According to hell's records, this kind of thing hasn't been performed in the past so it was not surprising that she would be cautious about the situation.

"Let's just get it over with."

She grabbed the sword from Tharrones and began to swing it.

As she swung the sword, she felt a weird sensation in her chest.

It made her stare at the sword that she was holding, that was when she noticed something...

The sword suddenly had thorned-vines growing from its pommel and was starting to wrap around her left arm.

The thorns didn't seem to make her feel any pain but it was strange that they didn't hurt her.

"Oh my, looks like it likes you..." Tharonnes grinned, she was quite satisfied at the result of the demon compatibility test.

" "It"? What do you mean "it"? Don't tell me..."

They were the only ones inside the room but Astrea suddenly felt a lot of eyes staring at her all at once and not just the eyes of the succubus in front of her.

"--A living weapon? No, No, No... " It" isn't alive. "It" is an extension of "its" wielder's will and will move as the wielder wishes. I guess You could call a "slave." "

Astrea did not expect that the weapon that was just created was one that would choose its wielder.

She could only grin back at the succubus in front of her as the sword stopped moving to wrap around her arm. She could steal remember the time when she stole the

"Looks like it's a success then."

Tharonnes said, seeing that nothing had gone wrong.

The newly-forged demonic sword was placed into Astrea's armory after the test had ended, She was now "its" master.


Current Timeline, Human World - Ship Port...

The succubus grinned as the angel attempted to land a hit on her.

"That's cute, too bad your toys won't work against me!"

The angel struggled as the succubus pushes him to the ground, which resulted in a massive crater at the area of the port where he fell on his back.

"I, Tharonnes will not let Astrea be killed in the of an angel such as you." She whispired into the ear of the angel, as she produced another weapon from thin air.

It was the demonic sword that she forged for Astrea an eon ago.

"Wh-- Here I was, wondering where and what happened to that sword... Looks like it got into the wrong hands. And you're using astral projection to fight..."

The angel quickly pushed Tharonnes off of him and prepared to launch another arrow, he was shocked to find out now of all times that the sword that was stolen from them got into the hands of mere demons.

He noticed that the succubus' movements were to reckless for any race to use during combat.

"So... You figured two things out simultaneously? Well, too bad for you. This is Astrea's property now!"


Tharonnes quickly flew toward the angel, she did not show any sign of sparring the enemy in front of her.

Badump... Badump... Badump...

As the combat continued, Astrea wakes up. She quickly looks around to see what had just happened whilst she was unconscious.

How am I still alive...? I thought I was out of mana?

She questioned her current situation, not noticing the battle that was happening in the distance.

Huh? It's that sensation again... is that "thing" nearby?

After fully realizing what had happened, she felt the sensation of "it."

Her "Slave" was nearby and someone that she knew was wielding it.

She attempted to get back to her two feet but the mana that had recovered was only enough to wake her back up.

Godammit! Why is "it" here? I'm the only one that's capable of wielding it.

This makes no sense... Don't tell me... Is Tharonnes here?

Aside from herself, she sudddenly remembered that time when Tharonnes was able to hold it when it was forged back in hell without any precautions.

Was that because she was its forger?

She looked around once again, trying to confirm the presence of both her "slave" and Tharonnes.

That was when she noticed that the angel that was previously fighting her was fighting another demon.

"Tharonnes...? Is that you...? But... How...? How did she manage to get here...?"

She recognised the silhoutte of the demon that the angel was fighting against, but she couldn't tell if it was her real body or not due to the distance between herself and the demon.

Other angels were starting to show themselves as this fight continued to ensue. However, they did not notice Astrea as she managed to crawl into a space between two cargo containers before they had finished circling around the area.

Fuck! That could've ended up getting me killed.

She stayed as silent as possible as to not be noticed by the enemy, carefully peaking her head through the gap to check if they had left.

"Oh? Looks like she's awake now."

Tharonnes' grin got wider as she noticed that other angels had appeared in the area, this occurance was part of her plan.

The sword also reacted upon sensing that "its" "master" had gained conciousness and was in danger, "its" blade started to glow even brighter than it normally would.

Tharonnes maybe an astral projection at this moment but the sword wasn't.

It manifested in "its" physical form, due to "it" wanting to save Astrea from the angels.

"What? Are you scared now?"

Tharonnes insulted, trying to get the angel to come at her after noticing that he suddenly lost interest in their fight and is instead staring at "it."

"How is that even possible...? Our weapons are our tools and they can not be used by demons nor can they be wielded by them..."

He was in disbelief as the sword has not done anything to Tharonnes for the whole duration of their fight, it was like "it" was willing to obey hers' and Astrea's commands rather than destroy them due to the face that the part that Tharonnes' had attached was a part of "Divine Object."

He did not know how it was done, but he knew who owned the said weapon and how it was taken.

Tharonnes only scoffed at the angel, seeing that even "it" knew that Astrea had gained conciousness.

"It" and Tharonnes made a deal once Astrea had left her personnal armory, she snuck into the said room and talked to "it."

Their deal was...

"If "its" master was ever in grave danger, "it" could be wielded by her temporarily.

And once "its" master was now safe, "it" would return to "its" master's side."

"Looks like "it" knows that I'm now awake... heh."

Astrea was aware of the "its" location due to the fact that the seal that was placed on the former "sacred weapon part" had a sub seal attached to it that will help "it" and "its" owner track each other and to know "its" wielder's state.

It was now only a matter of time before they reunite.

(to be continued...)

dang, this chapter was fun to work on!

SoraNekohimecreators' thoughts