
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · Teen
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 4 Isla Brown's Pov:

University is the best part of the day to forget about your life, you only have to worry about scoring good and if that is done then everything else is fine. I love studying because that makes me forgot about the things going on in this cruel world.

They never see your hardwork because, for them popularity matters. They only care about what they want you to be not what you want to be. This is something which makes me keep on studying so that i can distract myself

Today, the day was really weary Because i had to woke up earlier and open my Cafe at 6am and work till 9am  so that i can decamp to my University and i also had lot of time so why not work. I came back again and continued the Cafe while my workers greeted me.

And now i'm in my bed with drooping eyes, I can't help but to miss both my favourite person, the one i lost in the accident and the one who was my childhood love, I don't even know if he's alive or not because it has been few years since I've last seen him.

I was gonna close my eyes when i felt my phone bumbled. I took it from the night stand and saw a text message from an unknown number.


{Hello... Do I know

You?} =>

<={Yup.....I am


{Oh, then

hello asshole 😉} =>

<={Listen you don't gotta

be rude to me, I came

here to apologise to YOU

which I don't often do.}

{Whatever, So Yoongi

told you about it?

Did Yoongi gave my

number to you?}=>

<={Yup he did gave me

your number and he even

told me about it and for me economics is important

more than my pride, so I....}

{So you.....?} =>

<={ So I made my mind

to👉👈.....you know say sorry.

I realised that I was too much stressed that day which

resulted in me doing it.}

{Boy, get to the point faster

because i don't have the whole

night to text you, If you don't

want to apologize then bye~~~} =>


{ Then do it} =>

<={Okay!! I'm sorry for being

rude to you and i beg for you

to tutor me again 😊}

{Wow! Finally you apologized

to me after years😏} =>

<={So whose place to

tutor in?}

{Definitely not mine} =>

<={Then it's my place so

let's start from tomorrow

at my place after school,Is

it okay for you?}

{Yup, sounds good,

Byee~~~} =>

<={Okay bye then!!}

I laughed at the texts and placed my phone on the nightstand as I went to a deep slumber after saving his name as Asshole;), Tomorrow is gonna be a loooong day. Fighting Isla !!!

??? Pov:

Galena.....The place where everything started and not yet ended, It has been 3 years since I came here after all those disastrous past. Maybe now i can finally meet the one I've been searching for a long time. 

"Sir, the meeting which was meant to be held today is canceled by the Min's Company due to their personal reasons", My Secretary, Joshua informed me. 

"Place looks different after three long years", i said as i placed the cigarette between my lips and ignited it.  I'm eager to meet my daughter but how can i? He  said that she lost her memory. I have to wait till she gets them back.

The long lost CEO of Brown enterprise. never knew that i might call myself the long lost one anyday so soon. Maybe the time has come for me to come back and get my daughter from that asshole's bloody mind.

I never wish for anything than to atleast let me meet her in Seoul because i left her here without my own concern, I didn't know how i went to Tokyo when i only remember myself lying on a lonely road as i see my wife's blood oozing out of the stomach and seeing my daughter getting seperated from me. And seeing that, i am sure that my son died in her womb.


??? Pov:

Me, my Daughter and my Wife were getting ready for heading to a company's celebration of Mr.Park, My childhood friend. 

"Sweetie, we're getting late", I heard my wife calling out to my daughter who was upstairs doing her last touch up of makeup.

"Yes mom, I'm Done", She came down with an discerning white gown which actually matched her skin tone. She came towards me and gave me a quick peck on my cheeks and I returned the gesture to her and smiled.

"how's my small prince in there?", i caressed the 3 months old baby bump of my wife and gave a kiss on her stomach as my wife giggled.

"come let's go dad" i heard my daughter say while i looked at her and smiled.

"Aw..... my sweetie looks so beautiful in this dress. Guess Boy's are gonna be engrossed for you", I complimented my daughter as she smiled and made my way outside as the two elegant ladies followed behind.

I opened the door of our Limousine, Both the ladies got in and i closed the door, i went to the other side and came inside of the limousine. Just when we were far away from the mansion a big truck made it's way from our right and  dash against our car making it roll and drift from one end to the other. The Door of the limousine opened due to the speed of the drift and we three were rolled outside the car.

This made me unconscious when the window glass broke and jabbed inside my head. I was laying stomach first with my head turned towards my daughter and wife laying tranquil on the road. everything happened so quick.

It looked like the whole world was turned upside down. I wouldn't have imagined this to happen when everything was all well and fine. It looked like suddenly the moon in my life was getting covered by the sky and leaving only darkness behind for me.

I saw two men coming outside the truck, they looked like workers of a rich man, they first took my wife which made me widen my eyes, "h-hey.....s-stop right t-there", i tried shouting but it was impotent.

They came again and took my lifeless daughter from the road while i punched the ground endlessly seeing the beings i love getting dragged into the truck as an object as if they were worthless. 

I felt my eyes give up due to the loss of too much blood and i fainted, I felt them dragging me to wherever god knows and at that time i gave up...

i gave up being a dad, a husband, a millionaire and all the worthy things in the world, as this tragic incident made me become a worthless piece of shit. I'm sure that my right hand man will find me soon.