

I was watching memories of naruto even the ones buried deep in his mind from birth up till now the Kyuubi attack, The Hokage declaring me as a hero, but only getting cursings and death threats from civilians and shin-obis alike the mob beatings, being kicked out of the orphanage gaining an apartment Starting academy failing twice then it was Blackfire and Gine from birth to almost being killed so I saved her before she fought. same with Blackfire I already knew but I was experiencing what they experienced. How she was the elder princess betrayed her home-world due to finding out certain details about her defense this just was before she met her sister Starfire.

My eyes opened for a third time "what a rush" I said to myself Quietly before I started glancing around The first thing I saw was that we had changed location.

I Glanced at my body and felt it's Improvement before it felt weird like I somehow shrunk until I found out I was in an 8-year-old body then it made sense

my new body was fit My muscles were bigger, my height now was as tall as before 5ft 7

I felt not only Super strong Heavy but sorer than before. Most of the pain was gone but I still feel Wei...wait I.is that a tail?" I noticed I had on new clothes this is Saiyan armor? But how did I?

Blackfire and Gine were having a conversation Blackfire then glanced at me I could see the worry in her eyes she saw I was awake her face brightened

"Welcome back fishcake" Blackfire grinned causing Gine to look at me with a grin that grin has an uncanny resemblance to Goku. it's kinda weird.

"Hey Naruto-Kun," said Gine


"Gine" Blackfire said

Noticing me glancing at my armor with a confused expression

"I know that,

" I responded looking at her before I turned toward Gine "but how did you make this?"

"It was just simple Ki materialization" Gine answered with a shrug causing me to face-palm.

Blackfire chuckled

"It's not as efficient as the armor on planet Vegeta due to the lack of materials" She continued "but close enough"

"Why did we move?" I asked confused

"Well Gine was practicing that sensing ability that her son Kakorot or Goku, I prefer Goku, was able to do from your memories" Blackfire explained "but while doing it she sensed multiple people coming towards this direction Probably the Anbu So we moved

"How did she- oh right the memories." I thought before my face gained a look of curiosity as I stared at them

"So what were you talking about?" I questioned

"oh, we were discussing how we were going to train you" Gine answered with another shrug

My eyes widened before I nodded "oh... that will be difficult due to the Anbu tailing us"

"Well kind of easy now, with our bloodlines awakening in your body your scent should throw them off" Gine explained

I nodded,

I closed my eyes "system, can you unlock my energy coils?"


(Does host wish to unlock them)



a Surge of pain rushed through my body followed by a rush of energy I noticed their surprised looks before Blacking out.