
Stuck in my dreams

Emma is a huge fan of a thriller booked called 'My dreams', unfortunately for her the writer paused the book, leaving her at a cliffhanger and a huge desire to actually know what happens at the end, So what if her desire comes true but would she be able to survive it?

Isabritt · Horror
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10 Chs

Are Dreams really just dreams?

In this moment, as he let his guard down. Matthew didn't think about the possibilities of him attracting more monsters to his location.

Emma and Beth's room

Their mother was replacing the bandages on Emma's forehead with some fresh and clean bandages with a citrus scent, which she greatly appreciated as she didn't like the metallic smell from her, even if it was her blood.

The accident occurred two hours ago, Emma was luck to have only gained a scar from the incident, not a high blood loss or a coma with a high chance of having amnesia. Emma was focusing the feeling of the pain in her forehead on beating Beth's high score on subway surfers on her phone, while wasting her hard earned keys to beat her until she smelt the citrus in the air, making her look up to see her mother, since it was the lady's natural scent.

Her mother was holding her book in her hands, which greatly excited her, but she decided not to show it, wondering what she was about to do, since she banned her from reading after all. Her mother placed the book on the nightstand beside the bunk bed.

"Emma, you won't be able to go to school for a week." Emma visibly paled from the news, since she loved school, well she loved what she could avoid when spending six to eight hours in school, she was later brought out of her thoughts and back to reality, with the sound of flickering of pages, she looked for the source of the sound and found out that it belonged to a book, hidden behind her mother's back.

"I know how much you love school. So, I decided to compensate you by buying the prequel, which youngsters of today's world call an origin story. It's about the main character, I hope you enjoy it." Her mother removed the book from her back, showing it to Emma, whose eyes sparkled with awe. She tried to grab the book, but the sudden movement made her forehead ache her a lot, forcing her to stay put on the bed as she waited for the pain to subside.

She dropped the book in her palms, lightly kissing Emma on her cheek, allowing the tween to drown herself in the book she bought and was hoping would cheer her up. Emma decided to skip nap time, admiring the cover of the book, it was dark blue, resembling the color of the sky when it was late with clouds floating. She placed the book on her face, taking in the new book smell, which brought a happy smile on her face. She sat up straight, carefully moving her hand towards the reading glasses on the desk, which was next to her book. She moved her body slowly to not trigger the pain, she was managing to endure.

She wore the reading glasses, moving her body at a steady pace, her head resting on the pillow on her bed, which was leaning on the headboard and her back with the rest of her body laid flat on the bed under her blanket, only her arms were free, helping to support the weight on her bed. She opened the book, the pages were traced with black lines over the edges on each passing page, her face showed intrigue and genuine interest as she started to read the first lines of the first chapter of the book.

Dreams has a lot of definitions like many other words, it can be defined as a hope or sort of wish, a person truly desires. Or it could be defined as imaginary events that are produced by the mind while one sleeps. But I like to think of dreams as memories made by a person's mind, whether good or bad as they portray the most hidden and darkest parts or desires of a person subconscious.

People don't really know themselves as well as they think they do, because an individual of any sorts can never fully know everything about themselves. It is rare for a person of any sorts to remember everything from the moment they were born. Sure, they might be some people like that, but they wouldn't know nearly everything about their own bloodline. It shows how limited the human mind is, when it deals with storing information for us to remember afterwards.

Dreams can manifest in different ways, as one doesn't necessarily have to be asleep to have dreams, as the mind can be deceiving at times. Since, a person could be awake yet be dreaming and cut off from reality, this is known as daydreaming. Sometimes, dreams are lost memories seen in an unconscious state, but we wake up, we would have no recollection of such a dream.

It's a coping system activated by our minds to prevent us from remembering memories that could potentially give us trauma and cripple in one aspect or the other. In some situations, people believe their entire lives are a dream, rather than a reality. This is a story that shows what could possibly happen if every nightmare of yours came to existence and came to hunt you down.