
Stuck in love

Laura a regular girl met Jason a formal superstar, who is now dragged into the business world due to some family crisis. And how she got entangled in his world.

Joy_Michael_ · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 16 Curfew

"Why did he have to come down now" Laura scream in her head.

"I'm talking to you Laura "Jason's deep voice resounded in Laura's head.

"I..I..I.." Laura struggled to say something anything.

"Look at me" Jason ordered her. She turned around to face Jason but with her head down.

"I'm sorry" she managed to say.

"From now on you will inform me of where you are going and your curfew is 7 pm. Am I clear?".

"Ye.. yes sir"

"Now follow me I have some work for you," he said before going up the stairs and Laura followed behind him while mumbling to herself.

"For crying out loud this is the weekend can't I have time for myself? Who does he think he is, bossing me around" Laura stops walking when Jason stops in front of her looking at her.

"What were you saying?" Jason asked her.

"What... nothing, I said nothing"

"I thought I heard you saying something about me being bossy"

"Huh? No not at all " Laura lied.

"Are you sure?" He asked Laura while staring straight into her eyes. Laura lost her position and stumbled back.

"Why is he so scary," Laura said in her mind.

Getting into the room Laura realized that it was his study room. Jason went to sit on his chair while handing over some files to Laura. She took the files and was about to leave when Jason called her back.

"You can do it here"


"You can sit over there and you can also use the laptop so that your work will be easier".

"Okay," Laura replied looking around the room Laura saw a couch and a table at the side of the room and a laptop. She walked to the couch sat down and start doing her work. After a while, she will glance at Jason who was focused on his laptop and then she goes back to her work.

"Did you doublecheck statistics if there are any errors?" Jason asked her but did not get any response. When he looked up he saw that she has already done off. He walked to her bent down in front of her looking at her face.

After looking at her for a while he picked her up and took her to her room. After putting her on the bed he turned to leave but Laura was holding on to him. He tried to pull his off but Laura held on tighter. Left with no other choice she sat down beside her looking at her face.

"Are you always this persistence when sleeping?" Jason said remembering the last she was drunk.


The night Jason brought her home drunk he took her to his bedroom without thinking after putting her on the bed he turned to look at her turn clothes. He went to his wardrobe and brought out one of his shirts. He knew she needed a change of clothes but how? He can't possibly undress. Then suddenly his eyes light up with an idea. He went downstairs to meet Cecelia.

"Ehhmm, Cecelia can you go up to my room, a girl is lying there, please change her clothes into something else".

Cecelia thought she misheard him and asked him again.

"What.. what did you say, sir?"

"Exactly what you heard now get going"

"Okay sir" Cecelia ran upstairs to change Laura's clothes after a few minutes she came back.

"I'm done, sir"

"Okay," Jason replied shortly.

Jason later went to his study planning on sleeping there but decided to check on her opening the door that Les straight to his room.

Getting there he saw that she had removed the covers. He went close to the bed grab the sheets to cover her. turning around he realizes that he was being held by her. He tried pulling away but she pulls him closer. In the end, Jason ended up sitting at the side of the bed till morning.


Remembering that again Jason smiled to himself.

"She looks cute while sleeping" Then he saw a strain of her hair on her face he stretch his hand and stuck it behind her ear but then he found himself caressing her face and he enjoyed doing it. His hand trace her face down to her lips looking enchanted by her.

Having no intentions of leaving soon, he kept staring at her until she turned to the other side pulling him out of his daze.

He abruptly stood up walking out of the room.

"What just happened," Jason asked himself before falling on his bed. All through the night, he kept thinking about Laura.

It's Monday and Laura was back to work. Sitting at her desk when Kate came to her.

"Tell me everything I need all the details," Kate said Laura excitedly.

"What?"Laura asked her looking confused.

"About the fun you had at the party "

"Oh, that? Trust me it wasn't fun, we left before the main event stated"

"Wait, what?" Kate exclam. "How? What happened "

"Well it all thanks to that bitch"

"Oh now I think I need to hear everything no stone unturned" Kate got curious.

Laura narrated everything to her and also what Cecelia told her.

"So the ex is back," Kate said out loud. "I never knew he had a girlfriend his fan, I never really heard of anyone except..." Kate was shocked by the sudden realization.

"Kate, what is it"

"Aria, Aria Stark the actress" Kate's face was filled with admiration when she called her name.

"Hey that's her name"

"What? Aria? I don't believe it"

"You know her? Who's she?"

"She's Aria Stark one of the top actresses in this country. Recently she's been starring in foreign movies. Are you sure she's the one you saw?"

"Well, I don't know"

Not wasting more time Kate browse through the internet and found Aria's picture. She wanted to be sure they were talking about the same person.

"Here, is she the one you saw?" Kate said putting them up for her to see.

"Yes, that's her" Laura was sure.

"Wow, I never knew she was that kind of person, she always act like an innocent girl whenever she was interviewed that's why everyone Loved her.

"Well I'm sure she only acts that way in front of cameras"

Meanwhile, downstairs in the lobby, Aria walked to the receptionist to ask about Jason.

"Hi is Jason inside?" She asked with an innocent smile.

On recognizing who she is the receptionist was fluttered.

"Oh my God, is in front of me, she is even more beautiful in real life" she kept mumbling to herself.

"Hey? I'm talking to you "

"So.. sorry ma'am. He's inside. Please can I take a selfie with you?" She asked hoping she would say yes.

"Sure, I'll be honored "

"Really?" She was so excited and brought out her phone to take the picture.

"Thank you very much, love you.." she said to Aria after taking the picture.

Aria went straight to the elevator drawing the attention of everyone.

Jason was on the phone speaking to one of his clients when the door suddenly opened. Looking up Jason saw Aria. Drawing his eyebrows together he asked her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Since you refused to call me I decided to visit instead, " Aria said walking to where he was sitting.

"Okay, that means you can leave now".

"Hey stop acting like this, it's been long since we last saw each other can't you just cut me some slang?".

"Really? I thought we meant two days ago ".

"Why don't we go out for lunch?" Aria said putting her hands on Jason's shoulders but was interrupted by someone.

"Sir the documents are rea..dy" Laura was surprised to see Aria. Not wanting to disturb them she turned around to leave.

"I think I will come back later"

"Wait" Laura heard Aria's voice.

"So you work here?"

"Yes, I'm his secretary?"

"So come a mere secretary gets to follow her boss to a family party?".

"Is it obvious that we are together?" Jason said walking towards Laura.

Both Laura and Aria were shocked.

"Really? I think you're lying. I know the kind of girls you like and she is not one of them" Aria said proudly.

"Oh, and what other reason did took her with me if we are not dating ".

Again Laura felt like dying.

"How can he make up such a lie".

"Before I forget, didn't we have a date abo..it now?" He said while looking at his watch.

"We do?" Laura asked surprised.

"Did you forget my little cutie?" he said pinching Laura's cheeks. " Come on let's go before we run late" he pulled Laura close to himself before going out.

Aria stumps her on the floor angrily.

"I know you're doing this to push me away but I promise it won't work. That stupid girl I'm going to deal with her".