
The start of the New Town of Heiry

Heiry and his subordinates go to the village all that they got after going to the village are the corps of half of the Knight's, they were caught as prisoners of shuna and being interrogated by shiona one by one, he is killing them after the interrogation.

"Thank you for helping us the," village chef says

"I'm not doing these for you I'm doing these for my master Heiry-sama."

Heiry arrived and stunned on what happened, he thinks that, yes shion is strong but forty Knight's is not easy to handle, he thinks that these Knight's are very weak or shion really are strong.

"Shion you really are a monster are you?" Heiry say's.

"ohh!! Heiry-sama sorry I couldn't get information to this filthy Knight's who only knows how to kill innocent people."

This time Heiry knew that the Knight's are not weak, but shuna is really far more stronger than them. He thinks that the 80 strongest NPC's Heiry have are really overpowered in terms of strength, magicule amount, and Power value

"It's okay, we can still get information to the people in this village."

"Thank you very much mister for helping us" the village chef said to Heiry.

"It's nothing but can you tell me why are these Knight's killing you?"

"They wanted to collect tax from us vut we don't have enough money, that is why they killed us."

"Shuna Dispatch that knights if you can't get information to them," Heiry say's.

"Before going here we encountered two girls running while being chased by 5 Knight's, do they lived here are they?"

"Yes you must mean Mina and Hina, There father saved them but, he got killed."

"ohh!!! Sorry to hear that I think we still got late in going here," Heiry say's.

"N-no!!! you're a big help to us thank you for helping us Heiry-sama."

"Can we talk a bit, I need some information about this country. Shion, Fred, Albido you can go first, Gobta and I will stay here for a bit."

Shuna, Fred, and Albido leave first and Heiry and Gobta stayed to get some important information's.

[Meanwhile Hina and Mina hot back to the village]

"Hina I'm glad that you're safe," her aunt say's.

"Yes!!! thanks to Heiry-sama and his subordinates, But father is gone(speaking while crying)."

"Hina, Mina Don't worry I'm still here you just have to stay strong."

[Meanwhile in the house of the village chef]

"So what information do you wan't to collect Heiry-sama?"

"I want to know what county is this and where we are."

"This is village is located the east of the country Karachi, this village is called Rantle, The king of this country is a very bad and greedy king, he only thinks about himself without even thinking about his peoples. He doesn't care about anything that happened to his people. This country is suffering and many people are hungry and homeless. Only the rich can eat and live well in this country. The king wanted to collect tax from us here but we, insisted that we will not give them money, because even the people here in Rantle village are suffering and can't even eat three times a day, It would be a miracle if we can eat fresh meat in this village. That's why they wanted to kill us."

"To the king if people have no use for him he will kill them."

"I see so this bad and greedy king wanted to kill you!!!(angry)"

Suddenly Heiry got the feeling that he should be the king of this Country, But before that he will need to have an Army who will fight for him. Also he needs a reason on why he is attacking the country, He decided that he would make Rantle village, his first town where he was the king. But before anything else he will need to convince the people in this village.

"Village chef I have a plan, I will make this village my first town and I will became the king, are you okay with this?"


"You know this people in the kingdom will surely hunt you down, all of the people in this village will surely die. I'm thinking that I will conquer this kingdom and be it's king."

"B-b-but how would you do that?(confused)"

"Did you see the abilities of that lady who killed all the 45 Knight's? She hasn't been serious that time, if she gets serious she could destroy even a small country and I have 79 more subordinates as strong as her and some are more powerful than she is."

"R-really are you that strong? But being the king of our small village? Why don't you just Conquer the Kingdom first it will mean that this village is all yours."

"No I don't want to have a bad name to the people, if I conquer the kingdom without any reason they will think of me as an unreasonable person. Don't worry I will not govern with terror I promise that the people in my first ever town will not suffer anymore."

"But I should inform the people first, and I need their approval also"

"Call them I will discuss them on what we just talked about now."

"Okay i will gather them up"


Outside of the house of the village chef all people have gathered and Heiry explained to them about his plan, the people also agreed, because they all know what will happen to them even if they don't agree with Heiry.

"W-what Heiry-sama are you sure? Gobta and Albido asked"

"Yes I've already made up my mind Call Mavis, Ains, Rimuru, Zeref, and macarov. Tell them about our plan, be ready for war."

The Rantle village became the first town of Heiry

"Gobta call ranga and you two go to the capital of the kingdom announce them about the upcoming war and that we already conquer the Rantle village."

"Yes!!! Heiry-sama" gobta said with happy face.

"Heiry-sama we have come." Rimuru and the others come through teleportation.

"I'm glad you're all here Heiry said with happy face, Laki and Mare move the labyrinth here near this village."

"Yes Heiry-sama," laki and Mare reply's with the feeling of confusion, they can't believe that they will move the labyrinth here near the Rantle village.

The next moment Heiry explained to his subordinates about his plan.

"I have a plan, We will conquer the kingdom, and the first step is to own this village from now on this village is our first town, I have promised to the people in this village that I will rule without terror to them, they will not suffer from hunger anymore. And the task of ruling this town will go to Shuna,"

"Shuna I will assign you to govern this village do not let anyone of them being hungry anymore, so that they will not fight for foods, Just rule like a real queen of a big kingdom. Give them enough food and also jobs."

Shuna is one of the 80 Strongest NPC Heiry have.

Shuna reply's, "Yes my master Heiry-sama, I will follow your orders."

"I will expect you to do your best Shuna."

"Benimaru I will assign you to lead our forces in the upcoming battle".

"Yes Heiry-sama," Benimaru is one of the 80 strongest NPC, and ge is the big brother of Shuna.

[Meanwhile in the capital of the kingdom]

"Gobta and Ranga came to the capital of the kingdom".

"Can we See your king?" Gobta says

"Who are you? why do you want to see our king? we will not allow you to do what you want here," Kyooka shouts with angry face,

Kyooka is on of the 10 strongest warriors in the kingdom, with the Power value of 500,000 and has the unique skill, Upgrader where he has the power to upgrade the abilities of his comrades. 100 of his Comrades sorrounded Gobta and Ranga, when Suddenly all of them got killed one by one, Ranga and Gobta merge and become a Hobwarewolf. They became 10 times faster than the speed of sound. the next minutes Kyooka was shocked all his Comrades whom he has given a power up through his unique skill Upgrader was killed in just 1 minute by a wolf and a goblin.

"In 1 week we will launch an attack her in the capital, we with the name of Heiry-sama declare war to the kingdom of Karachi, Also the Rantle village whom you people wanted to annihilate are now became our new town," Gobta said with a smirk in his face.

The next moment Gobta and Ranga leave and goes back to their labyrinth.

"Your Highness, some unknown people have interrupted our plan to annihilate the Rantle village, and just now they declare war against our kingdom", Kyooka said with a confused look.

In the room was the King Nedra Shieki, Kyooka, and his other 9 strong subordinates. They are Jerome, with the Power value of 450,000, Jomel with power value of 600,000, Hanes with the power value of 550,000, Marley with the Power value for 590,000, Morel with the power value of 700,000, Mestic with the power value of 1,000,000 he is the strongest of the ten and in the whole kingdom, also there's Yulter with the power value of 600,000, Junnel with the power value of 700,000 and lastly there's Jahil with the power value of 900,000.

They discuss about what to do for the upcoming unexpected battle.

"Can't we just talk to them first? Maybe they will change their mind and will not attack our kingdom," Yulter said with confusion.

"No we will not tolerate them from attacking our country and conquering the village Rantle one of our Lands," Mestic said with and angry expression.

"Do not worry we will win this war we have 2,000,000 active soldiers and some of them are over A rank, also we have the 10 strongest warriors the rank of Class SS rank."

"we have nothing to fear about the enemies."

"Yes!!! we will not just sit still here because they attack us first, besides the enemy only have the Rantle village one of the smallest land we have. I think they are just some bunch of people who have no brain. Attacking our kingdom means war, and we will give it to them."

[Meanwhile in the labyrinth]

"Benimaru, Shalltear You two lead our forces to the war" Heiry said

"We will send 5,000 death Knights, 10,000 Goblin riders leaded by Gobta,"

Goblin riders are Goblins riding wolf their leader is Gobta and Ranga, Just like Gobta and Ranga they can also merge and double their Power value. As the name implies, this unit consists of hobgoblins riding star wolves. When Unification is activated, Goblin Riders look a lot like the top half of hobgoblins has their torso fused with the bottom half of a wolf.

"We will also send 100 of the HIRYU squad leaded by Gabiru(one pf the top 80 NPC), Hiryu is a Flying Dragon Group it is one of the strongest military units of Tempest, consisting of 100 dragonewts (formerly lizardmen) that followed Gabiru. They are fiercely loyal towards Gabiru, willing to sacrifice their lives to protect him, their individual is at Class SS(+) They considered as the second strongest asset of Heiry second to the Black Numbers of Diablo.

"50,000 High orcs leaded by the Orc king Geld(also one of the 80 NPC's)."

20,000 of the immortal legions leaded by Adalman(one of the 80 NPC's)"

He has Albert his right hand and the Gehena dragon wenty his left hand, The immortal legions are unkillable as long as Adalman is alive, no matter how many times their body gets distroyed they will not die and they will just regenerate.

"Adalman I wan't your immortal legion to be in the frontline."

"Yes!!! Heiry-sama." Adalman replies.

"I have one big rule for you Don't let any one of our forces die in the battle field, I know this is war but i will not allow any death in our side, understood? Do not think of suicidal plans."

"Yes Heiry-sama!!! Benimaru replied, I as the commander of this army will not allow even one Casualties in our side, you can count on that."

Heiry's army only has 85,000 troops deployed because he thinks that is enough. only 7 of the 80 Strongest NPC's Heiry send for the upcoming battle.

[Meanwhile at the kingdom]

"Your majesty our forces of 2,000,000 has been deployed, tomorrow is the battle day, but I assure you that we will win this war," Mestic said with a smug expression.

"I will be the Commander and the other 9 will be assigned to be a captain in every battalion, we have devided our forces into 10 Battalion, with every battalion consisting of 200,000 soldiers."

"Good Job Mestic, that's the reason why I am assured that we will win this war," King Nedra Shieki said with a smile in his face.

And the battle day has come, the battle will be held at the east Border of the Kingdom.