
The Battle in the east

The Battle day has came, and the decisive battle will begin. Heiry and his Armies has come together with the commanders, Adalman, Ranga, Gobta, Gabiru, and Geld. overwhelmed by the numbers of the enemy.

[Meanwhile in the enemy side]

"Hahahahah!!! is that all troops they have? they don't even match even half of our troops," Yulter said while laughing loudly.

"Don't be so sure we knew how strong those two guys who attacked our capital, even 100 of strong soldiers are no match for them, we still have to be more careful, we don't know if they have other strong soldiers than those two."

[Meanwhile on Heiry's Army]

"Hmmpp Heiry-sama I think they have outnumbered us, I think we should lower their number first," Adalman Said.

"Yes!!! I think we should lower their number first."

"please allow me be the one who will attack first Heiry-sama", Adalman-san, Wenti said.

"Hmmp!!! Yes you can Wenti, Heiry replied."

Wenty a cute Little girl turns into a massive skeleton dragon, and as a signal for the start of the war Wenty attacks with a very distractive attack, she charges and attack the enemy with the corrosive breath attack, Corrosive Breath is a mutation which fires corrosive gas into a large cone-shaped area. Wenti killed almost half of the enemies, after attacking he confront the enemy commander and said, that is the signal of the battle and our way of saying hi to you.

The enemy got stunned, they can't believe that with just one attack almost half of their armies got killed instantly.

Jomel One of the enemies can appraise one person's Power value and he see's that The dragon that attack them has the Power Value of 150,000,000.

"Th-th-th-that is insane, th-that dragon just now it's beyond our imagination, it's power value is 150,000,000 there is no way we can defeat such opponent", Jomel said with confused expression.

"Wh-what did you say? 150,000,000 Power Value?" Mestic said, "I only has 1,000,000 Power value and I was the strongest in the kingdom", he said with a confused face.

"Th-that dragon said that, that attack that almost killed half of our armies are just their way of saying hi to the enemy", Junnel said with an anxious expression.

"There is no way we can win this war" Jomel said losing his hope, "where the hell did this mosters came from?"

[Meanwhile in Heiry's Tent]

"That's a good start Wenti" Heiry said, "with just one attack you have lower their number into almost half".

"I think the enemy is now aware of our power" Heiry thinks that the enemy is now trembling into fear after witnessing the power of Wenti the Gehenna dragon, which is also true the enemy's almost thinking of surrendering before the true battle began.

"But why are they still not moving and attacking us?" Gobta said with an uncertain face.

"Are you really that dumb Gobta?" shallter reply's to Gobta, "They are now trembling into fear and they will now going to surrender to the mighty Heiry-sama" she said while laughing loudly.

"If they won't attack us then we will attack first" The Commander in chef Benimaru said.

"We will make sure that they experience horror from our powers".

This time Benimaru executed his plans

"The death Knights will be the front line, and Adalman's immortal legions will be in the second line, Adalman you will take commanders of their army if you encounter them, Gobta and Ranga will be at the right wing and will fight against who ever is in charge in that group, Shallter and I will go straight to their base to attack their chain of command"

"Geld and Gabiru will go to the Left wing since you have the biggest number of army and the left wing of the enemy has also the biggest number of enemy's, you will fight the strongest opponent in that area"

"Everyone is that clear?"

"Yess!!!" all of them responded

"Death Knights will attack first" Benimaru said. "Alright! attack!"

"Ohh!! n-no they are now making their move" Morel said anxiously.

"Don't be such a coward Morley, we will fight back and claim our victory" Marley said

"we will not loss to an opponent with only small Numbers of army"

"B-b-b-ut you see what that dragon was capable of it only need one attack to wipe out almost half of our entire army" Morel reply

"Even only that dragon can destroy our whole kingdom" Morel said anxiously.

"Don't be such a coward you bastard"Marley response angrily to Morel.

"Here they come, Soldiers of the Karachi kingdom attack!!!" Mestic shouts loudly.

"Mystic I will go and attack that skeleton riding in that big dragon" Junnel Marley ask to Mystic

The skeleton riding in the big skeleton dragon was Adalman, Marley don't know that adalman in stronger than the gehenna dragon that attack them, The gehenna dragon is the pet of Adalman. Marley attacks without thinking of a plan, he just attack without thinking of what may happen.

"Ohh! we have a brave soldier coming this way" Adalman said.

Marley attacks Adalman, but suddenly his attack was blocked by someone with a sword it was Albert, his sword was a mythical sword and he has an armor leveling also at mythical stage. while Marley sword is just a unique unique legrade sword which tells the very massive difference in equipment power, but Albert is not only superior in equipment's but also in power, Albert has a Power value raging to 170 Million, he is a little superior to Wenti the Gehenna dragon.

Their blades cross together but within the 3rd hits the sword of Marley got destroyed.

"Wh-wh-what my sword got destroyed b-but it's a unique grade sword, why?" Marley said anxiously "I-is it possible that your sword is at Mythical grade sword?

"Yes! Why are you surprised? this is the power given to us by Heiry-sama" Albert said while laughing loudly because of the weakness of his opponent.

"I-impossible how can we defeat such opponent, you're all monsters" Marley said.

"Goodbye you weakling" Albert said and slash through Marley, Marley's body got cut in half and got killed.

Morel See's what happened and intends to run away but Albert caught him.

"Where are you going you weak human" Albert said with a smirk in his face, it's just the proof that he was just playing around with the 2 of the strongest warriors in the kingdom.

[Meanwhile in the right wing]

The Goblin riders of Gobta and Ranga had encounter almost 300,000 enemies in the right wing and also 3 of the enemies top executive's.

"I guess we will now go to our first war Ranga" Gobta said to Ranga.

"Yes it would be a remarkable battle for the two of us" Ranga replied.

The enemies heard their conversation and they taunt Gobta and Ranga. The enemy was saying that what they are saying was childish. The enemy commander who are present are Hanes, Junnel, and Jahil.

"I can't believe that a goblin and a wolf will be our enemy here. this should be a lot more easier than I thought it would be. I thought a better enemy will be present here, because that dragon was strong, but I think that dragon was the only strongest soldier they have and they just intended to intimidate us by wiping out half of our army" Jahil said to Gobta and Ranga.

But suddenly Jahil's head got cut down and his head was roling to the ground.

"Do not talk to us when we are still talking to each other you bastard" Gobta and Ranga said angrily because the enemy was laughing at them. They have already merge and now in battle form.

Junnel, and Hanes got petrified by what they saw.

"wh-what the hell happened?" Hanes said anxiously.

"H-how could Jahil be defeated just like that?" he is second to Mestic in terms of power value and in strength" Junnel said

"How could he be defeated just like that? are you monsters? Please don't kill us" Junnel said desperately

"Too bad, just now you are laughing at us because we looked weak but now you're begging for your lives, what a disgrace. We're really disappointed to you we really thought that you're a worthy opponents, but Guess we're wrong" Gobta and Ranga said.

Meanwhile the goblin riders and the enemy armies are now battling to each other but, despite the number of the enemy they still can't kill even 1 goblin rider, instead they're number are slowly decreasing. From 350,000 they are now down to 150,000 while the 10,000 Goblin riders are still all alive and well, they have already used their ultimate technic which is the merge skill, [Merge skill is where the goblin and the wolf merge to each other] and that is the reason why they are so tough and unkillable.

"Wh-what's these why are they so unkillable they're so strong we can't beat this kind of enemy" The enemy said

The enemies moral suddenly drop down when they see's Jahil second to the strongest warrior in the kingdom got killed in an instant by a goblin and a wolf.

"H-how did that happen? did anyone see's what happened? why does Jahil-sama get killed in an instant just like that?" Knight 1 said

"they're all monsters even Jahil sama couldn't last 2 seconds against the enemy commander." Knight 2 said anxiously

Some of the enemies are already running away from the battle field, they couldn't even kill one of the goblin riders who've merge and become one. The reason why they can't defeat even one goblin rider is because, the moment that they've merge there power value also merge which means they are now to strong for a normal Knight's. Also the weakest goblin rider now is at level B(-) which are very strong in a since of power value alone, Moreover some of them are carrying unique grade items and armor and majority of them were having and item leveling at Sapphire grade.

"Oiy oiy oiy! why are you running away now? I thought you said you will kill us all" goblin rider said while laughing.

"Oiy don't let anyone of the could get away" Gobta shouts to the goblin riders, while holding Junnel at his left hand and Hanes on his right hand.

Both of them got bruises in their body, proof that they gone through a lot of beating from Gobta.

"Where are you taking us?" Hanes asks

"You wan't to live more?" Gobta asks them

"Y-yess!!! Hanes and Junnel replied fastly

"Then from now on your going to be my right and left hand. or in short you're going to be my side kick." Gobta said excitedly.

Gobta and Ranga's goblin rider has wiped out the enemy forces but, 5 of them run away.

"From now on you will train with me in our labyrinth. I will make you more stronger. If you ever think of betraying me you know what will happen to you, Also our master is Heiry-sama he is our Supreme creator, don't disappoint me to him." Gobta said with serious face.

"wow! that's the first time I saw you being serious Gobta-san" Ranga said.

"Re-really? never mind just pretend you didn't see that." Gobta said while smiling.

Meanwhile in the left wing

Geld and Gabiru are now fighting against 500,000 enemy soldiers, while 3 of the enemies top executive's are also there, it was Jomel, Jerome and Yulter.

"Hahahahaha, Are you kidding me? is that all troops you have?" Jomel Said laughing loudly.

"Don't be so sure kid, Don't make conclusions if the battle hasn't started yet." Geld reply's to Jomel.

Jomel suddenly attacks the High orcs with a rock smash attack[it's an attack where he levitates rock in his sorroundings and throw it to the enemy], His element was rock and his unique skill is Rock levitator.

But his attack didn't works on the high orcs. Jomel was shocked even one of the high orcs are still standing without bruise's and damage taken.

"Was that all the powers that you've got?" It was Geld. The reason why Jomel's attack didn't work is because Geld takes all the attack himself and make himself as a shied.

"I was names the "barrier lord" for a reason" Geld said.

"I-impossible, this is madness, how can you still stand after receiving that attack" Jomel said with surprise expression.

"Don't be ridiculous, you think that attack is strong?" It was just a childs play you idiot" Geld said with some taunt to the enemy.

"hmm let's see if you can block this second attack", "Rock thrower" Jomel shouts.

After a few seconds the Battle ground became unclear and full of dust, the next seconds, An orc general with mythical grade armor and a mythical grade shield was standing still without a single scratch on his body.

"I-impossible how could you" Jomel didn't finished talking when suddenly Geld rushes and attack Jomel. The big Sword in his right hand slashes Jomel, and Jomel got cut into two. Jerome rushes to aid to Jomel but he's already late. he attacked Geld, but Geld just defend it with the shield in his left arm.

"How could you do that to my brother Jomel" Jerome shouts angrily. [Jerome and Jomel was brothers] Jerome attacks Geld continuesly he's so angry that he doesn't even think what do next, he was just attacking randomly at full power[He is a swords man and he is the best in the kingdom]. He's rare special grade sword was cracking and soo shattered into pieces.

"Wh-what? b-but it's a unique grade sword" don't tell me that it would be the end of me after training so hard for years," Jerome said desperately.

"The armor I'm wearing is a mythical grade armor and this shield is also mythical grade." I can't believe you manage to cut the small edge of my shield" Geld said

"But don't worry it will just regenerate"

"Wh-what regenerate?" Jerome asks

"Yes! this shield is part of my body, and if this shield breaks it regenerate though my ultra speed regeneration like nothing happened." Geld explains his armors to Jerome

"Monster, Your a mons-" Jerome didn't stop what he is talking, when suddenly Geld rushes to him and put his big sword to the chest of Jerome.

"I'm sorry, I am just doing what Heiry-sama ordered us to do"

Meanwhile Gabiru are fighting against Yulter in the air

"I Guess Geld-san is done with his duty, I think it's time for me to execute my duty too" Gabiru said. His enemy was Yulter

"Don't underestimate me you idiot, that two brothers are just to reckless that's why they loss to that pig" Yulter said

"What? You have the courage to call Geld san Pig? if Heiry-sama hear you saying that to Geld-san I'm sure you'll going to regret it" Gabiru said angrily.

Yulter attacked Gabiru with his wind attack, Yulter is a wind mage he uses the wind to float in the air.

"Wind storm, Let's see if you can dodge that" Yulter said.

"Is that it? is that the power you are boosting? Pathetic" Gabiru said

"Here is another attack, "Wind burst"

Gabiru, gets hit directly, but Gabiru uses multilayer barrier, causing the attack of Yulter to be defended.

"I-impossible how did you blocked that attack?"

"What? you though that attack to be deadly? I didn't even need to activate my Dragon Scale Armorazation. I really thought you to a strong foe but I guess I'm wrong" Gabiru said the next second Gabiru teleported by using spatial manipulation and attacks Yulter by using his Water Spear Vortex. "Vortex crash" Gabiru attacked Yulter with the vortex crash, it's an attack which he slashes his vortex to the enemy and in the slash follows a water slash that can cut through things.

Yulter didn't have time to dodge and he takes a direct hit from Gabiru's attack.

"I-impossible no one can defeat such mosters" Yulter said while vomiting blood.

The forces of Gabiru and Geld also defeated the enemy forces in just a short time, it's because Gabiru's force the Hiryu had uses their strongest form the "Dragon Scale Armorazation", and the High orcs of Geld also are very strong in a since of strength, they already defeated almost 400,000 of the enemies and only 100,000 left, while their forces didn't even lost one soldier.