
Stuck in an Island with Twelve Beautiful Women

Zombies...... The world fall into their hands, and the humanity was almost got eradicated. But there are some survivors, that's what Jude thought but is that the truth? He and some other people used a cruise ship and escaped from the mainland, but due to some twist of fate his wife betrayed him. Now he is stranded in an abandoned island, he thought he was alone in that place, he thought he finally became free. But is that the reality? There are some others were in that place too but he didn't know about them at that time. He didn't know that meeting those people will change the course of his entire life. [ warning........] ** The story contains many more erotic scenes, so only recommended to those who are above 18+** Harem - yes Yuri - No Please support me by adding it to your collection and gifting with anything you like and golden tickets. Your support to me is more important than you can imagine.

minatoflash · Urban
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692 Chs


As Jude succumbed to the intoxicating allure of the woman's seduction, he felt a sense of disorientation wash over him, his thoughts consumed by the overwhelming desire that pulsed through his veins. The promise he had made to himself just moments ago, to guard his heart against the deceit of women, faded into oblivion as he surrendered himself to the irresistible pull of her charms.

With each passing moment, Jude felt himself slipping further into her grasp, his resolve weakening with each breath as he gazed upon her enticing form. The memories of his past traumas were replaced by a haze of desire, his mind clouded by the heady rush of infatuation that enveloped him like a warm embrace.

As he laid down on her lap, Jude felt a sense of contentment wash over him, his senses overwhelmed by the scent of her skin and the gentle rhythm of her breath. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the exquisite pleasure of her touch, and the promise of ecstasy that lay tantalizingly within his reach.

But even as Jude surrendered himself to the blissful oblivion of her embrace, a small voice in the back of his mind whispered warnings of danger and deceit. Deep down, he knew that he was treading on dangerous ground, that the woman's seduction was but a facade masking a darker truth.

Yet, in the throes of passion, Jude pushed aside his doubts and fears, choosing instead to lose himself in the intoxicating spell of her presence. For in that moment, all he could feel was the overwhelming longing to be consumed by her love, to forget the pain of his past and embrace the fleeting ecstasy of the present.

As Jude's hands roamed over the woman's body, his senses ablaze with desire, he felt a surge of familiarity wash over him. Though her face remained blurred, obscured by the lingering effects of the sea water that still clouded his vision, he could sense the contours of her form beneath his fingertips, a tantalizing echo of the woman who had once held his heart in her grasp.

In his mind's eye, he pictured the face of his estranged wife, her features twisted with deceit and betrayal. And yet, despite the pain of her betrayal, he couldn't deny the undeniable allure of the woman who lay in his arms, her body a testament to the beauty and sensuality that had drawn him to his wife in the first place.

But even as he reveled in the physicality of their encounter, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of Jude's consciousness. Deep down, he knew that this woman was not his wife, that she was a stranger whose true intentions remained shrouded in mystery.

Yet, in the throes of passion, Jude pushed aside his doubts and fears, choosing instead to lose himself in the intoxicating spell of her presence. For in that moment, all he could feel was the overwhelming longing to be consumed by her love, to forget the pain of his past and embrace the fleeting ecstasy of the present.

As he held her close, Jude surrendered himself to the blissful oblivion of her embrace, his mind awash with the intoxicating rush of desire and longing. And in that moment, he allowed himself to forget everything that had come before, choosing instead to lose himself in the tantalizing promise of pleasure that lay before him.

He asked,

"Who are you? How did you get to this island? Are you an angel?"

As Jude posed his questions to the mysterious woman, his heart pounded with anticipation, his mind swirling with a thousand possibilities. But instead of answering, she responded with a soft chuckle, her laughter ringing out like a melody that danced upon the air.

Her touch, gentle and feather-light, sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Jude's body, as if every caress were imbued with the magic of the divine. In her presence, he felt a sense of peace and serenity wash over him, as if he were floating on a cloud high above the world below.

But as he gazed into her eyes, searching for answers amidst the depths of their enchanting gaze, Jude couldn't shake the nagging sense of uncertainty that lingered at the edges of his consciousness. Who was this woman, and how had she come to be on this secluded island?

As the echoes of her laughter faded into the ether, Jude felt a pang of frustration tugging at his heart. He longed to unravel the mystery of her presence, to understand the secrets that lay hidden beneath her enigmatic facade.

But even as he grappled with his desire for answers, Jude couldn't deny the intoxicating allure of the woman before him. In her presence, he felt alive in a way he had never experienced before, as if every moment spent in her company were a glimpse into the divine.

And as he surrendered himself to the intoxicating spell of her presence, Jude knew that he was powerless to resist the pull of her enchantment. For in that moment, all he could do was bask in the radiance of her presence, and allow himself to be swept away on the wings of her divine embrace.

Jude was like he was in a mystical world. He forgot who he was. He said,

"If you are a Siren showing tricks to me, I want to die in your hands. I've never felt anything like this before."

He said that and laid on her. She didn't reply to it either. She chuckled again.

As Jude found himself enveloped in the enchanting embrace of the mysterious woman, his senses ablaze with desire and wonder, he felt a sense of surrender wash over him. In her presence, he was transported to a realm beyond the confines of reality, where the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred into one.

With a mixture of awe and trepidation, Jude voiced his thoughts aloud, his words tinged with a hint of resignation and acceptance. For in that moment, he was willing to embrace whatever fate awaited him, whether it be the embrace of a mermaid or the tender touch of an angel.

But as his words hung in the air, unanswered by the enigmatic woman before him, Jude felt a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. He longed to understand the truth behind her presence, to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden beneath her beguiling exterior.

Yet, even as he sought answers, Jude couldn't deny the intoxicating allure of the woman before him. In her presence, he felt a sense of peace and contentment that he had never known before, as if every moment spent in her company were a glimpse into eternity.

And as he laid himself upon her, surrendering himself to the depths of her embrace, Jude knew that he was on the brink of a journey unlike any other. For in the arms of this mysterious woman, he would discover the true meaning of love, longing, and the boundless mysteries of the human heart.

She said,

"I'm not a Siren. But I am hoping to eat you. And I want you to eat me as well."

As the mysterious woman spoke, her words hung in the air like a tantalizing invitation, stirring a primal longing within Jude's heart. He looked at her face from her lap but didn't see it clearly because of her breasts. With each syllable, her voice carried a promise of pleasure and ecstasy, drawing him deeper into the depths of her embrace.

Unable to resist the allure of her words, Jude found himself consumed by a hunger that burned with a fierce intensity. With trembling hands, he reached out to touch her breasts, his fingers tracing the curves of her body with a reverent touch.

As he caressed her, he felt a surge of desire coursing through his veins, igniting a fire that blazed with an intensity he had never known before. And as he surrendered himself to the intoxicating pleasure of her touch, he knew that he was on the brink of an experience that would forever alter the course of his destiny.

In the heat of the moment, Jude lost himself in the ecstasy of their embrace, his senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating rush of pleasure and desire. And as he explored her body with a hunger that bordered on obsession, he felt a sense of liberation wash over him, as if every touch brought him closer to the truth of his own existence.

With each caress, the barriers between them melted away, leaving nothing but the raw, primal connection that bound them together in that moment of transcendent bliss. And as they surrendered themselves to the throes of passion, Jude knew that he had found something truly extraordinary in the arms of this mysterious woman, a love that defied logic and reason, and transcended the boundaries of time and space.

"More… more… I want more…"

As Jude and the mysterious woman surrendered themselves to the primal dance of desire, their bodies entwined in a frenzy of passion and ecstasy, the island bore witness to a spectacle unlike any other. With each touch and caress, they ignited a wild burst of energy that seemed to electrify the very air around them, drawing the attention of every living creature on the island.

Time itself seemed to stand still, as if frozen in awe of the raw intensity of their connection. The waves crashed against the shore with a rhythmic pulse, echoing the primal beat of their desire, while the stars overhead sparkled with a brilliance that mirrored the fire burning within their souls.

As they lost themselves in the throes of passion, the boundaries between them dissolved, leaving nothing but the pure, unadulterated essence of their shared desire. Their bodies moved as one, each movement a symphony of pleasure and longing that echoed across the deserted beach.

And as they reached the peak of their ecstasy, the island itself seemed to sigh with satisfaction, as if rejoicing in the union of two souls bound by an unbreakable bond. For in that moment, Jude and the mysterious woman were no longer separate entities, but two halves of a whole, united in a love that transcended time and space.

And as the echoes of their passion faded into the night, they lay entwined upon the sand, their hearts beating as one in the silence of the night. And though the world around them continued to spin, they knew that they had experienced a love that was eternal, a love that would endure long after the sands of time had slipped away.

As Jude's senses slowly returned to him, he felt a strange sensation washing over him, as if the very fabric of reality were shifting and changing around him. With a sense of growing unease, he opened his eyes and beheld a sight that filled him with awe and apprehension.

Before him stood the mysterious woman, but she was no longer the delicate figure he had known moments before. Instead, she had grown to towering heights, her form stretching upwards into the sky like a titan of an old tales. Her features were now larger than life, her body imbued with a strength and power that seemed to radiate from every pore.

As Jude looked up at her in awe, he realized with a start that he was no longer in control of the situation. The woman's transformation had unleashed a primal force that dwarfed his own meager strength, leaving him feeling small and insignificant in comparison.

With each step she took, the ground beneath her trembled, the very earth quaking beneath the weight of her presence. And as she reached out towards him with hands that could crush him with a single touch, Jude felt a surge of fear coursing through his veins, threatening to overwhelm him.

But even as terror threatened to grip his heart, Jude knew that he could not allow himself to succumb to fear. For in the face of the unknown, he found a glimmer of courage that burned brighter than ever before.

With a steely resolve, Jude stood his ground, ready to face whatever trials awaited him on this mysterious island. For he knew that within him lay the strength to confront even the most formidable of challenges, and emerge victorious in the end. And as he squared his shoulders and met the giant woman's gaze head-on, he prepared himself for the next chapter in his extraordinary journey.

As Jude beheld the giant woman before him, a wave of shock and disbelief washed over him as he realized the truth of her identity. It was his wife, the woman who had betrayed him and cast him into the sea without a second thought.

Her face, now magnified to colossal proportions, bore the same features that had once filled him with love and longing. But now, those features were twisted with a cruel smirk, a reflection of the deceit and treachery that lay at the core of her being.

In that moment, Jude felt a surge of anger and betrayal welling up within him, as the full extent of her deception became painfully clear. She had not been satisfied with simply abandoning him to his fate in the sea, she had returned, transformed into a towering giant, to torment him once more.

But even as fury threatened to consume him, Jude refused to be overcome by bitterness and despair. With a newfound sense of resolve, he faced his estranged wife head-on, his gaze steady and unwavering despite the fear that gnawed at his heart.

For he knew that he could not allow himself to be defeated by the ghosts of his past, nor by the monstrous apparition that stood before him now. With every fiber of his being, he summoned the strength to confront her, to reclaim his dignity and his sense of self-worth in the face of her cruelty.

And as he stood firm against the giant woman, Jude knew that he was not alone in his struggle. For within him burned a flame of resilience and determination that could never be extinguished, a beacon of hope that would guide him through even the darkest of nights.