
Stuck in an Island with Twelve Beautiful Women

Zombies...... The world fall into their hands, and the humanity was almost got eradicated. But there are some survivors, that's what Jude thought but is that the truth? He and some other people used a cruise ship and escaped from the mainland, but due to some twist of fate his wife betrayed him. Now he is stranded in an abandoned island, he thought he was alone in that place, he thought he finally became free. But is that the reality? There are some others were in that place too but he didn't know about them at that time. He didn't know that meeting those people will change the course of his entire life. [ warning........] ** The story contains many more erotic scenes, so only recommended to those who are above 18+** Harem - yes Yuri - No Please support me by adding it to your collection and gifting with anything you like and golden tickets. Your support to me is more important than you can imagine.

minatoflash · Urban
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690 Chs

Another ship

Two years ago,

As Jude and the others tirelessly searched for a means of escape from the confines of the island, they began to notice something peculiar, a subtle, almost imperceptible shift in the landscape around them. It was as if the island itself was in motion, its contours morphing and changing like the twists and turns of a labyrinth.

At first, they dismissed it as a trick of the light or a figment of their imagination, but as they continued to explore, the sensation only grew stronger. Each step they took seemed to lead them down a different path, the familiar landmarks of the island shifting and rearranging themselves before their very eyes.

It was then that they began to realize the truth, the island was alive, a sentient being with a will of its own. No longer just a barren land mass adrift in the ocean, it was a living, breathing entity, pulsing with a mysterious energy that defied explanation.