

Steve's kiss now spreads to another area, namely Sonia's peach, which is now without any thread. There was no refusal because he was drifting in the waves that Steve kept making.

Steve's gaze focused on Sonia who was biting her lower lip, and she pressed something down there through her sister-in-law's defense.

The second count of the two drifted into the melody. Sonia kept pace with Steve and so did Steve.

The game continued for a long time, Steve had not shown tiredness or the game was over, Sonia was now overwhelmed and saw Steve increasing his speed Sonia's voice echoed in the soundproof room and finally he got what he wanted all this time, a long soft voice came from his mouth.

But it didn't stop there, Steve made the girl sit on his lap, he held her waist and kissed Sonia's peach area! The girl rolled for the umpteenth time, and sweat covered her body.

"Sis, enough I'm tired!" softly.

Still pulling himself together, Steve put Sonia to sleep and freed himself.

He hugged her from behind even though Sonia could still feel that something that belonged to Steve was still defiant.

"Does it hurt?" asked Steve. "No, this is amazing!" with that question Sonia turned her face and buried herself in Steve's chest in embarrassment.

Steve happily stroked her hair and kissed her. Morning came to say hello, Steve looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table.

He saw Sonia still sleeping in his arms. Seeing that the top area was slightly exposed because it was only covered by a white blanket made Steve's bottom area react.

It was also felt by Sonia who accidentally touched her then she realized and opened her eyes. "Hey!" softly.

"You woke him up," Steve replied.

He immediately kissed Sonia and shook off the blanket and went to the toilet while carrying Sonia.

They did it again even with different styles until Sonia continued to struggle and beg for enough.

It didn't stop there, Steve kissing Sonia's flat stomach tenderly after spraying himself inside the woman.

"I'm afraid of getting pregnant"

"No way, you and Edward are not pregnant"

"But he doesn't treat me like this" "What do you mean?" Steve was curious.

"He's only capable of one minute maybe two minutes" Steve was shocked, he thought of a drug he saw when he first came to see his sister in the hospital.

But he shook off his bad thoughts, besides Edward might still want to work focus thought he was still young.

Sonia is now embarrassed to look at Steve. She leaves Steve's room and directly enters the room next to the room without anyone seeing it.

And change clothes. He then went out for breakfast, and walked very slowly because he was holding back the pain in his feminine area. Steve saw that.


"It hurts, feel it now!" Sonia whispered shyly.

Sonia stood at the end of her bartable, and glanced in various directions as well as avoiding the CCTV.

Then pulled Steve who was sitting down to look at him. "I was so surprised when I was going to wear my clothes earlier!"

"Why?" asked Steve.

Suddenly Sonia took off the loose white shirt she was wearing by lifting it up. Dozens of red marks, namely kiss marks, are on his body, with different patterns Kiss marks are signs of a red rash that usually appears on the neck area due to your partner kissing or sucking on your neck as a way of channeling his sexual desire.

These kiss marks can appear due to the presence of small broken blood vessels.

"You sucked too hard, how am I going to get this off before Edward comes home?" Sonia's face grew even more panicked now.

"Don't worry, it will be gone in two weeks!" The two of them ate breakfast together with heated gazes on each other, but did not arouse suspicion when the maids stared at or served them.

In the evening they decided to watch a movie using the projector in the living room. And because the film was monotonous Sonia opened the conversation.

"Sis, why don't you have a boyfriend?" The question suddenly made Steve turn his head. "Not important!" he answered briefly as he continued to watch the movie scene.

"Do you think loving and being loved is not important?"

"Yeah, what a waste of time,"

"What about sex? is that also a waste of time?"

"Yeah it's just a biological human need that seeks satisfaction, after all I..." Steve realized Sonia's question and turned to the girl who was staring at him.

"I didn't mean it like that Son," But Sonia got up from her seat and rushed up the second floor to the room.

Steve meant to explain something but Sonia had lost control of hearing the answer. He tried to knock on Sonia's room but there was no answer, he didn't open it at all.

Day after day they didn't even say hello, even though Steve tried to start a conversation. Sonia even went out of the house all the time and came home late at night with Jimmy, she only went to the restaurant to vent her frustration by learning to cook.

Now it wasn't Edward standing at the door but Steve.

"Where did you come from at this hour?" he asked with his arms crossed.

Sonia rolled her eyes and didn't answer she chose to climb the stairs and go to her room. Steve, who was annoyed by the girl's silence, immediately ran to grab Sonia's hand, which was about to open the door handle.

"Why are you like this, why do you keep silent on me?"

"Let go, what's your business?"

"You went out with men in between,"

"I went to my father's restaurant, that's why it's a habit"

"You're not afraid of that man, even though you already know him? Edward left you with me Sonia."

Finally hearing Steve's story made Sonia laugh a little stifled.

"Are you afraid that he will touch me or fuck me? Shouldn't I be more afraid of staying at home?" Sonia sneered at Steve.

"What do you mean? did I do it by force? I did it consensual"

"Steve is enough!" shouted Sonia, making Steve immediately fell silent.

"I don't get my sexual needs from Edward, and getting them from you makes me feel worthy of respect, if you think I'm doing it with someone else you're very wrong because before meeting you I was a really good woman, right now it's clear I really feel guilty for doing dirty things with people who think it's just a sexual need!"

"Sonia, what do you mean?"

"You said it yesterday," Sonia opened the door and closed it with a loud voice, much to Steve's surprise, Sonia locked it from the inside.

In vain Steve even wanted to explain something to Sonia, but he did not give the slightest chance.

Now, Sonia's words made him think that he had hurt her feelings as well as made him aware of his betrayal of his brother who was now in Australia. He should have taken care of Sonia, he had taken her honor away.