
The store

Iswa walked up and down the sidewalks,something caught his eye,an alleyway that just appeared out of no where. "The hell is that",he thought to himself, he walked down it till he came across a door, it had a sign on it,it read : open,walk in at own risk, he sneered at the sign and let out a sigh he walked in *ding* "welcome", a woman's voice spoke.He looked across the store to see her smiling a warm smile waving,Iswa gently waved back and searched the store with his eyes..he walked toward a shelf with a sign above 'video games'. Iswa was surprised to see the latest games here in an alleyway,he stared at a game but it didn't have a cover or a name it was blank,other than the price. He grabbed it, payed,and left.

At home

Iswa stared at the game for awhile,finally he opened it the disk was blank to. Iswa looked at it for awhile then looked up at the clock "SHIT!! It's fuckin 11:56pm", he let out a sigh "guess I'll play tomorrow,maybe ty and the others will play.