
Stuck in a Chinese novel

An amazing world of cultivation. A majestic world where miracles happen. There is a warrior who defies destiny and forge his own path facing innumerable difficulties ahead. Come and join the life of the person who will go against the set destiny of the cruel world and become something extraordinary. ===== Extraordinary my foot. What is this illogical cr*p? Does it even make sense? If you are doctor, then work in a hospital. What the hell are you doing going after girls? If you are a commander in the army, then bring your army to get revenge on those who wronged you. Why go through the trouble of pretending to be a weakling. You are a useless son in law? Your wife's family thinks you are good for nothing? Then how the hell did you score her in the first place?!!! If they like money so much and you are a hidden millionaire, then why in the name of sanity would you hide this fact and be berated every day?!!! The hell is all this?!!! The more I read it, the more illogical it becomes. Like this all came straight out of someone's as-- [Host, why don't you calm down?] 'You shut up!!! You're the reason I'm stuck here in the first place!!!!' [Host, you need anger management] 'THE FU*K DID YOU SAY?!!!!!' ===== Hello everyone! This is my second novel and so far, nothing is decided. This is just an idea that has been plaguing my mind for quite a long time and I decided to let it out and let you guys decide whether or not I should work on it. Give it a proper read and let me know. You guys will decide the fate of this novel. Also, I would like you guys to come up with proper genres for this story. Bonus chapters: 150 PS for one chapter 300 PS for another chapter 20 GT for two chapters 50 GT for another two chapters 1 Review of 4 stars or above, 1 extra chapters Maximum extra chapters per week: 7 ===== The cover is A.I generated and is not mine. If the real owner would like me to remove it, let me know in any chapter comments. That's it. Enjoy!

Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Hiring again

Chapter 30

"Yes, Hello. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is an auction for cultivators, correct?" Wei Jun asked on the phone.

"Yes, it is, sir. But I would like you to know that unless you are a cultivator, you cannot join." The lady on the other end replied.

"Yes, I know of that. I just want to tell you that I have a miraculous pill for cultivators. If you can, send someone to pick it up and you can test it yourself. I hope you will relay my message to your higher-ups. My name is Wei Jun Ruan." Wei Jun explained his purpose and introduced himself at the end so as to be taken seriously.

The lady on the other end was surprised but before she could reply, Wei Jun spoke, "If you send someone, send them to the Rising Star Entertainment Agency by six pm. Good day." Wei Jun hung up the phone and got back to work.

Chen Xian entered and informed Wei Jun, "Miss Xia Lu is on her way. She will be here in an hour."

Wei Jun was a little displeased about the hour-long wait but he busied himself with other tasks.

An hour passed by very fast and as promised, Xia Lu arrived and entered Wei Jun's office without knocking. Wei Jun didn't mind and pointed at the seat in front of him.

"Have you thought about my proposal?" Wei Jun asked. Xia Lu didn't reply. She pointed at her phone to which Wei Jun replied, "Don't worry about it. I won't force you." The second part was just a preventive measure.

Xia Lu nodded and said, "Even if I want to, the agency I am contracted to won't just let me take part in your movie."

Wei Jun nodded and simply replied, "Then you can break the contract."

"It's not that simple. The contract termination is ten million yuan. Not to mention that I am currently playing part in two dramas." Xia Lu slightly scoffed and told Wei Jun of the circumstances.

Wei Jun nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about that. You will have funds to terminate the contract by Sunday evening. And as for the dramas, I can contact the directors and producers and manage it somehow."

After all, the Ruan name meant something in the city. Wei Jun was confident he could deal with that problem easily.

Xia Lu nodded and then pointed at her phone. Wei Jun nodded and said, "Also, you told me you were having a problem with that stalker. I will deal with that problem of yours by Monday." It was a roundabout way of saying that Wei Jun would have it dealt with by Monday.

Xia Lu nodded and displayed her acting skills once again, "Oh, you are so lovely. Let me know if you want another date. Muah…"

Wei Jun, on the other hand, showed a little frown on his face because of Xia Lu's overacting but he was an actor better than anyone as he replied, "Oh, my honey. You don't have to worry about anything."

It was Xia Lu's turn to be creeped out and she forgot to say something in return. Wei Jun ignored her and pointed at the door, indicating her to leave quickly. She said a few more endearing words and left.

She left and Chen Xian entered, "A place for the arcade you mentioned has been selected. It wasn't difficult as the building belonged to the Ruan family. Lady Lin sent the deed to the building along with a message that you can deal with it however you want."

"Send a special thanks to sister. Also, did you compile the list I asked you to?" Wei Jun instructed and asked.

"Yes. The game developers are ready in the meeting room and as for the other list, the basement of the arcade has been selected for that. The employers for that are retired and kicked out government intelligence data agents." Xiao Chen reported on both of the tasks that Wei Jun had asked.

Wei Jun nodded and stood up to leave for the meeting room. He entered the room and the first words to a bunch of strangers were, "If you're useless, get out. If you waste my time later on, it won't end with just leaving."

When instead of a welcome, the people in the room were met with a threat, they realized that they weren't in a cozy place that wanted to enter the gaming industry.

Seeing that no one was leaving, Wei Jun once again made a threat, "You all better be sure of your decision."

He then checked everyone's resumes and he was pleasantly satisfied. Each and every one in the room was either a professional or a bum with good skills. He nodded and said, "My butler will shortly hand you a file. The file contains the data of the games you have to design. For the games that require no special animations, you won't need anything but for games that do require animations, I will record those moves for you on Sunday."

The file was handed out and everyone read the ideas for the games. Needless to say, they were immensely surprised by the new innovative game ideas. Some even showed greed which Wei Jun didn't fail to notice and said, "If any of this data gets out, I will know who did it. And the punishment won't be pleasant in the least."

Many in the room gulped at those words but Wei Jun could see that the greed was stronger than a baseless threat. He nodded and gave everyone a contract. The contracts were signed and everyone left to do their job. Wei Jun stood up and went to his office.

He saw all of the developers leaving from his office window. "Were their phones bugged?" Wei Jun asked Chen Xian who had followed him.

"Yes, Young Master." Chen Xian replied. Wei Jun had asked for the phones to be left at the reception because he couldn't allow the details of the meeting to be leaked. The developers didn't mind but little did they know that their phones were being bugged.

Chen Xian handed over a Bluetooth to Wei Jun and he equipped it. He could hear who went straight home and began to work and who contacted a few big companies to make deals about selling the ideas.

"If someone comes, tell them that I have an urgent work to take care of. Tell them I won't be long." Wei Jun left and Chen Xian bowed.


"I apologize. Something urgent came up." Wei Jun greeted an old man in a suit who had been waiting in Wei Jun's office for ten minutes. The old man didn't mind and replied, "Work can sometimes be unexpected. I completely understand."

Wei Jun nodded and said, "Let us head straight to business. I don't want to waste any more of your time." Wei Jun walked and took his seat at the desk. The old man sat down as well.

"What I intend to sell you is a miraculous pill that can age one back by ten years. The effects are temporary and the supply is limited. Do you think anything can be done about that on such short notice?" Wei Jun relayed the details of his product and demands

The old man was taken aback by Wei Jun's words but before he could ask to clarify, Wei Jun continued, "I know that my claim could very well be outlandish." Wei Pulled a vial with a single blue pill and said, "Please have it, take it back to your higher-ups and you can decide yourself."

Wei Jun passed the pill to the old man and he took it without a word. He was at a loss for words and if, a very big if, Wei Jun's words were true, he didn't want to say anything that could jeopardize this miraculous deal.

"You can let me know of your decision by ten pm tonight. If you didn't contact me by tonight, I would understand the deal is off." The old man nodded and left after a few words and a greeting.

Chen Xian once again entered and informed him, "The intelligence team is here." Wei Jun nodded and stood up. While on their way to the meeting room, Wei Jun asked, "Did you research them properly?"

"Yes, Young Master. They all have troubles and records like you asked. Four of them have problems with gangs while the last one has a problem with the Quan family." Xiao Chen replied. Wei Jun smirked and entered the office. This time, instead of a threat, he had a warm welcome prepared, "Welcome, my friends. I hope you weren't treated badly."

Three men and two women were taken aback by Wei Jun's enthusiastic welcome. Wei Jun sat on the chair and said, "It's best if we become friends with each other. After all, we will be solving each other's problems from now on."

The people in the room weren't sure what Wei Jun meant by that but for some reason, none of them said anything. None of them even thought about leaving.

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