
You Get Spores, and You Also Get Spores!!!

The branding machine pressed down onto the sentry shroom and then…!

[<(Mushroom) 0 Spore-radic lvl.> has been branded]

'Spo- Spore-radic? Spore… Sporadic…' Ed thought before shooting the branding machine a questioning glance. Was there something wrong with it? What the hell was with spore-radic?!?!

'I'm really curious, how are you naming these things system?' Was there some higher being or natural law that named all of these skills or was the system solely responsible? No matter the answer Ed couldn't find solace in them.

'Sigh, bad puns aside this is great' Sporadic spores were better than no spores, it didn't matter to Ed if the intermittent time was larger than it would have been under the regular skill.

Ed had of course not stopped just there. He also tossed the metal magic mushrooms onto the branding machine and clamped down on it after confirming things through the system.

[<(Fungi) 0 Mineral Spore lvl.> has been branded]

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