
Stuck as a Dungeon Mob

Edward, an 18-year-old college student, found himself stuck inside of a dark abyss. "Where am I?" [Spawning Dungeon Champion] "Huh?" With only a single notice, he now housed an unfamiliar body in a dark broody dungeon being forced to attack trespassers. Will he ever find a way out? Or will he be a tool for endless slaughter? Or will he perhaps... do something else entirely? Warning and potential spoiler Due to the nature of the novel the MC will be switching between bodies. That's why the status window was made the way it was. If that's not your thing you might want to skip this one. The progress is not reset though. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/vrwdkurhaA

Pwnzer · Fantasy
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593 Chs

Releasing the captives

It was a dark basement full of stuffy air. If that wasn't creepy enough, there were various noises varying from rattling to snoring. As the tribe's number one curious young, Gurln had ventured nowhere other than the prison, he hoped to speak to the outsiders of their conditions.

In other words, he was trying to find out if his traitorous thoughts and conflicting ideals had a solid foundation, if not then perhaps his thinking was the one with flaws.

His light steps thus echoed in the dark, as he tried to conceal his presence. He needed to pick a target of conversation but unfortunately, none of the orcs that were awake seemed friendly.

They either had imposing figures or were making threatening noises. That was to be expected as Gurln was outside the cells and they were inside. Clearly opposing sides. If there was anything surprising it was that some of the orcs still managed to fall asleep under these conditions.