
Made in the year...

Thanks to his mental note, Ed remembered the encyclopedia. The only thing he didn't remember was where he left it.

'I can't be getting senile already, right?' He was a mass of memories or something so was it possible that he couldn't remember where he left such an important book? Or was it possible that he had in fact not placed enough importance on it?

Well, if there was a plus side to this was that his notion that how deeply impressed one was at something was what determined whether it would be remembered. It seemed kind of obvious but surely it had value… maybe.

'System, do you know where I left the darn thing?' Ed decided to just ask the system. Who knew, perhaps it would reply.

'That wasn't worth the try' Ed simply entered his mind and searched for the book himself. Smart piling made it so the piles were more or less ordered under a fitting label. This wasn't a perfect system though.