
Stuck as a Dungeon Mob

Edward, an 18-year-old college student, found himself stuck inside of a dark abyss. "Where am I?" [Spawning Dungeon Champion] "Huh?" With only a single notice, he now housed an unfamiliar body in a dark broody dungeon being forced to attack trespassers. Will he ever find a way out? Or will he be a tool for endless slaughter? Or will he perhaps... do something else entirely? Warning and potential spoiler Due to the nature of the novel the MC will be switching between bodies. That's why the status window was made the way it was. If that's not your thing you might want to skip this one. The progress is not reset though. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/vrwdkurhaA

Pwnzer · Fantasy
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593 Chs


Hours earlier Ed was reading a segment on dungeons and digesting his findings.

A dungeon. It's an entity. It is a monster in its own right. A blessing and a curse. 

This was how Ed would summarize dungeons. He based it on the few pages the encyclopedia dedicated to them.

As a monster, they can become a calamity. But they can also become a valuable resource. This did not include things found in chests. What could really make them a resource is the environment or the mobs.

Blurak's cavern was a perfect example. It was filled with veins of elemental crystals of myriad colors. Just like Vorgarag had done, humans used them to make magical devices. 

Unfortunately, the book had no blueprints on how to make any of the examples it had provided. The humans' technology was naturally much more developed and advanced than that of the orcs making them very attractive for Ed. But... it was what it was, he moved on.