

“Stuck!” unfolds in a dystopian future where war, global warming, pollution, and destruction have ravaged humanity, leaving Earth a scorched wasteland. In a desperate bid for survival, nations unite to send all children to space under professional care, forsaking most parents to their fate on the dying planet. However, a scientific mishap leads to the creation of a deadly monster that decimates the adult crew, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Amidst chaos, the cleverest child takes control, steering the spaceship to an emergency landing on an alien world. As they explore this new planet, they encounter other survivors from their ship. Faced with the ruins of their past and the uncertainty of their future, the children stand at a crossroads: return to the remnants of Earth or forge a new existence on this enigmatic planet. “Stuck!” is a tale of resilience, leadership, and the indomitable spirit of youth facing the unknown. Welcome to: "Stuck!" MK_The_Writer's most popular story!

MK_The_Writer · Fantasy
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22 Chs


(This episode will be told from Reine's point of view) 


"Wha- What happened?"

"Jake? Emma? Doe? Where are you guys, you forgot me."

*rustle* *rustle*

"Ah, so this is how it ends, I die from one of those monsters."

I said, very scared, but didn't have enough energy to show it.

Hi, it's me Reine, and welcome to this episode of Stuck!

I lay there, waiting for the light of heaven, hoping I would at least get into heaven, to see my parents. 

And then, the sound stopped.

I saw white hair walking through.

I only knew one person who was on the ship that had white hair. 


"Vincent! Vincent!" I screamed, unable to hold my tears of blood, because of how damaged my body now was.

But I couldn't cry for long as my body was losing blood, faster than ever, and everything went black. 

But then, they quickly opened back up.

'I can't die like this, no not me, not usele- no, not Reine, Reine can't die' I thought in my mind.

So I picked up my arms, and started to crawl toward Vincent.

"Reine!!" Vincent said his eyes full of tears. 

He picked me up, and flew.

"Vincent how can you fly?" I asked him.

But then he looked at me in a puzzled view. 

"Who are you?" He said as he dropped me and flew away.

I was confused, until I realized, it was a dream, I was really dying. 

But then…

A healing drone appeared above my head.

One of Doe's!

And I saw Doe, and he was warning me of something.

Then the ground I was laying on started to shift.

I was on the edge of a mountain.

And I fell off.

I had no more bloody tears to give left, so I gave up instead of trying.

But Doe didn't.

He jumped off, falling after me.

But he then grabbed me.

And threw some weird device down, and we landed on a soft cushion.

We were safe.

Doe then sent a drone signaling we were okay to Leo and Micah, who were there.

The drone also told them to go back to the others.

And Doe got off.

And pulled out a first aid kit.

"Nice first aid kit you have there." I said.

His face looked puzzled.

And then I realized that what I had just said was kind of weird.


"Don't talk, don't waste your breath." He said as he started bandaging my wounds.

He gave me his drone, to hold.

And we stood up to go find the others.

But something was wrong, when I was thinking of wanting to get back to the others with the drone in my hand.

I crushed it.

A steel, reinforced, multi layered drone.

What is this?