
An unexpected adversary.

David looks back and sees the doctor standing a few feet behind him.

''I'm leaving.'' He answers.

''You're leaving huh? I'm gonna have to ask you to put those two down first.''


''Let me rephrase. You're gonna put those two down or you're gonna end up back in that bed again.''


''Should I take that as a no son?''


[Bought: [Smoke bomb] for 5 Sp.]


''I don't want to hurt you old man.''

''Don't you worry about that. just pu-''

David throws the smoke bomb at the floor, causing it to explode, filling the room with smoke.

He quickly dashes away through the streets. After running for a few seconds he turns around to look behind him. He sees a blurry shape moving towards his stomach.

[Skill: [Danger sense] LEVEL UP!]


A fierce blow hits David's solar plexus before he can react.

''GEGH!'' A single sound escapes his throat together with a glob of blood before he loses consciousness.


*Slap* *Slap*

David wakes up to Tommy slapping his face.

''Cough! mmm...''

''Daddy! He's awake!'' Tommy shouts to his father.

The doc walks up from the basement and comes up to his son.

''Good. Thank you for looking out for him for me.'' The doc says, patting his son on the head.

''Could you go to the kitchen and close the door Tommy?''

''Ok dad.'' The boy replies, leaving the room.

''Now... How about you explain yourself?''

''Start off with how you got here.''

''You saw it. I fell from the sky.'' David responds.

''Don't play smart with me son.''


''Well... It started like this...''

David proceeds to explain about everything that had transpired so far. After he finishes tears start rolling down his cheeks. he tries to wipe them off with his hands but finds that he can't move his arms.

''Ok. I understand son.'' The doc unties him from the bed and gives him a hug.

He cries in the doc's arms for a few minutes before noticing himself and moving back out of embarrassment.

''I'm not going to lie, this is a bit hard to believe...'' The doc responds.

''I can prove it.'' David replies, pulling some items out of his inventory.

''W-What are all of these things?''

''They're weapons from my old world.'' He explains.

''We didn't have devil fruits or crazy strong bodies like you, so we fought with these things instead.''

''How does this thing work?'' The doc asks lifting up the minigun.

''Let's go outside and I could show you. we'll have to go to a secluded space though so we don't hurt anyone.''

''Hurt anyone... Tommy! Take care of Ben and Jingfei! I'm heading out for a bit!'' He shouts at his son.

''Ok dad!'' Tommy yells back.

The men go outside and run into a forest located outside of town.

''Nobody comes around here, not a soul.''

David pulls out the minigun and starts firing into the dirt a few meters in front of him.


He stops firing and revs the gun down.

''Holy! I-If the navy found out about this...!''

''You wanna try?''

''...Sure why not!''


''HA! Now this is fun!''


After talking a bit more they go back to the clinic.

''So basically, I want to bring them along.'' He says to the doc.

''And you won't harm them?''

''I promise.'' David responds.


''Alright, but bring my son with you.''

''...Excuse me?''

''It's about time he starts his own little adventure. He's a bit of a wimp right now.''

''If you take him with you I'm sure he'll grow at least a bit tougher.''

''A-Are you sure you wanna trust me?'' David responds, feeling a bit guilty.

''I don't need to trust you.'' The doc explains.

''I'll be giving my son a den-den mushi. I'll call it every day at 8 'O clock both at morning and at night.''

''If he doesn't answer at least one of the times... I'll find you.'' The doc says threateningly

''O-Ok...'' David responds, cold sweat running down his forehead.

''Besides, you wouldn't get anywhere without someone who knows how to sail. Tommy knows how to sail. I taught him that much at least...''

''Oh, you're right... I didn't think about that.''

''Take that money you left me too, I don't need it.''

''Are you sure?''

''Am I sure? Of course I'm sure! Otherwise I wouldn't say shit!'' The man responds confidently.

''I got a boat too that you can use.''

''I-I... Don't know what to say. Thank you.''

''Hey don't worry about it! Just take good care of my son ok?''

''I will.''


''...Promise me something David.'' The mans face turns serious.


''Don't kill anyone. Ever again.''

''I-I Don-''

''Ever. Again. Even if they're scum. It's not worth the pain.''

''I... I promise...'' David responds, unconfident.


Night turns to morning and before you know it, it's time to leave.

''Here you go. Boat's at the back.''

The doc points towards a decently sized boat with a captains quarter and some cannons.

''Thank you doc I really...''

''My names Scott.''

''Thank you Scott.''

''Hey! Don't we have a say if we wanna come along or not?'' Ben shouts at Scott... or the world... or maybe even the universe itself.

''Yeah! We should at least get to choose!'' The woman adds.

Scott's face crumples up in annoyance.

''You want a choice? I'll give you a choice. Go with him or you can go back to the landfill.''


''Landfill?'' The woman ponders, looking at Ben.

''Don't ask.'' He responds.

''Doc please...! Have mercy!''

David grabs them both under his arms and heads towards the ship. Tommy says his goodbyes to his father before running after.

'So... Where should i go?'

[I would suggest going to some secluded island to train. You have enough food for all of you for a while so now it's just time to improve your strength.] The voice suggests.

[I would suggest killing the other contestants first but that seems to be a bad option at this point in time.]

'Dude... I promised doc i wouldn't kill anybody!'

[And you really think that you can hold that promise?]


''Hey Tommy! Take us to some secluded island where i can train.'' David says to Tommy, ignoring the voice.

''Eh...? Can't we go somewhere fun?''

''Remember what your father said! I'm the captain and I make the rules.'' David responds.

''Fine...'' Tommy replies, a bit annoyed.

''Now, let's set sail!''




Name: David Baird

Condition: Excited, Confident.

Hp: 100%

Affinities: (Skills), (Learning), (Understanding), (Brawling).

Sp: 2611

Skills: {Stab/LV.4} {Danger sense/LV.3(UP)} {Basic gun mastery/LV.5} {Basic footwork/LV.MAX} {Basic knife mastery/LV.2} {Mental tolerance/LV.5} {Kick/LV.3} {Thick skin/LV.3} {Basic climbing/LV.MAX} {Basic stitching/LV.MAX} {Sense weak point/LV.5} {Killing blow/LV.5} {Run/LV.3} {Slash/LV.4} {Trolls body/LV.MAX} {Sniper's intuition/LV.3} {Enhanced eyesight/LV.2} {Spear throwing mastery/LV.1} {Leap/LV.2} {Throwing/LV.1} {Strengthen Legs/LV.MAX} {Strengthen organs/LV.MAX} {Strengthen arms/LV.MAX} {Strengthen neck/LV.MAX} {Vampiric traits/LV.MAX}


'Looks good.' David thinks to himself.

'Now what should I do to pass the time?'

[You should have a look at the old dragon's hatred.] The voice suggests.

'Oh you're right! I almost forgot about that!'

David opens up his inventory and takes a look at the old dragon's hatred. It is a 3.6 meter (12 feet) long, thick, halberd with a black and brown striped, leather spine. The axe is is made out of a brown material with small protrusions spotting it and a broken blade. The protrusion at the top is a half a meter long, jagged, black knife.

''...It looks... So cool!''

He grabs the spine with both hands and tries to move it out of the inventory.


'I can't move it an inch!'

[As i thought.]

'What do you mean?'

[The old dragon's hatred is very heavy, weighing about 11 tons.]

'11 tons?! What the hell? This thing is useless!'

[You'll be able to lift it after some training i would think.] The voice responds.

[Your body has currently not even reached one percent of its natural potential.]


[And that is only your natural potential. In the future you will be able to increase it much farther.]

'But how should I train?'

[That's simple.] The voice responds.

[Just buy some weights and start lifting. Buy one 100kg weight and two 50kg to start of with.]


[100 reps with the 100kg weight with both arms then 100 with the 50's on each.]


David does as the voice says, buys the weights and starts lifting.









David lays down on the floor after finally finishing.


[Get up and put on your armor.]


[It's time to go running.]

'Are you kidding me?!'

~1 Hour Later~

*Pant* *Pant*

[Well done David.]

*Pant* *Pant*

[You've trained your arms and legs. now all that's left is...]


[...Your stomach!]


~10 years later~


[Alright. Time for a two minute break, then we do it nine more times, ok David?]

'...This is hell.'

[Grab some water in the meantime...]


In time, the dumbbells grow in weight. From 100 to 200. From 200 to 400 and so on.

After three days and three nights they arrive at the island.

''Captain! I can see land up ahead!'' Ben shouts out from atop the lookout tower.

''I can see it so please let me down!''

''Alright, alright...''

David climbs up the lookout tower and undoes Ben's ropes.

''Hmm... this island doesn't look too barren to me.'' David says to himself.

''It kind of looks like there's already a ship there...''

''It sure does seem that way captain.''

''...Can you put me down now please?''

''Put you down?''

''Wait! No-''

''Sure thing.''



''M-Monster!'' Jingfei whispers to herself.

''Say something?'' David asks her.

''N-No! Nothing captain!''

''That's what i thought.''

David's attention is drawn back to the ship.

'Hmm... That looks like a pirate ship doesn't it?'

''Do you recognize that ship Ben?''

''Hmm... Let me have a look...''

''That looks like... Alvida's ship!''

'Alvida? Who's that?'

Hello again everybody. Here is another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, then I am happy for you :)



EpicestGamercreators' thoughts