

An awful experience she could never forget led theodora to something that was gonna change her life

e4mareji · Teen
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5 Chs


Maria halted her large black bike as Theodora slowly alighted with both babies in her arms, her blue, green phoenix like eyes scanned the area cause deep down she knew too well not to trust Maria, she was just too complicated which irked Theodora to the core.

" where are we?" Theodora asked curiously as she starred deadly cold at Maria.

" well I live here, as you can see it is a building with several different kinds of apartments" Maria started as she walked into the elevator

" How am I sure you ain't tryna kill me?" Theodora couldn't help but ask as she starred emotionless at Maria.

" well if I wanted to kill you you'll be dead by now" Maria yawned and stretched her body as the elevator took them up

"mm" Theodora sighed displeased at the words of Maria.

" well so you know I've got triplets hence you don't expect me to be responsible for them" Maria spoke flatly as Theodora frowned.

" I can't be responsible hope you know you found them yourself" Theodora frowned.

"And If I remember right you were searching for them like a stray dog after some leftovers" Maria sighed as Theodora frowned at the comparison.

" I can't take care of kids I'm only a teenager" Thwodora frowned as she starred at the babies.

" I was seventeen when I had my babies Mae, Ava and Nolan, I see nothing wrong in you showing some love to the poor kids" Maria spoke smiled as the elevator door clicked.

" Mrs Roberts" the lady at the front desk smiled as she saw Maria walking towards her desk.

" I need you to do me a favor Sarah" Maria spoke calmly a complete contract to Theodora's near death experience with her.

"What may I help you with ma'am?" sarah spoke calmly as she starred at Maria.

"I need the apartment down this floor tonight" Maria spoke softly.

"But ma'am......." Sarah paused as she starred at Maria with pleading eyes

"Sarah please will you?" Maria sighed as Sarah began gathering up some paperwork,she knew very well not to get on Maria's bad side.

"Done you'll have to pay me extra!" Sarah added as she handed them the papers, Theodora stared at sarah she looked so young.

" How much?" Maria asked curiously

"A thousand one hundred!" Sarah blurred out

"I've only got six hundred thanks for your time" Maria picked up the keys and walked away.

" But " Sarah face palmed as she stared at Maria who had just scammed her In broad daylight.

" you'll pay me back " Maria spoke shortly as she opened the door, the apartment was indeed not so distasteful, it was quite cozy and simple which suited Theodora alot, she sighed at the thought of her parents and younger brother.

"Don't you like it?" Maria asked curiously

" it's quite alright" Theodora spoke coldly as she starred at Maria, she felt grateful to Maria.

"No need to thank me, I'll get my refund" Maria let out an exhausted sigh.

"mm" Theodora sighed

" Well I didn't get her name" Sarah barged in panting heavily as she starred at Theodore.

" Theodore " Theodora answered softly,

" Teo for short" Maria added as she winked

" TEO!?" Sarah eye sockets almost gauged out

" it's a boyish name I know" Maria sighed as she took out her phone and made a few calls, before turning towards the two ladies.

" can u lend us stuffs u ain't needing anymore?" Maria asked sarah.

" for Teo not you"Sarah smiled before walking away as an unfamiliar man walked in

"who's he?" Theodora's cold gaze almost suffocated Liam as he stared at his wife in disbelief.

" Are u tryna kill the father of my children?" Maria sighed, Teo was surely a case.

it took about an hour to get the whole place fairly ready and get the babies dressed in Maria's baby's old clothes, she sure had so much she had stored and so many other baby stuffs.