
To be strong

Hello I am SR it's story of my own I am living a small city it's too small and beautiful I am going to talking about since I was in 4th I was didn't understand what teacher says about teach cause I were thought what will I will get after studying after 10th I will be get married but I didn't think ever that I want to study more cause I thought I am a unable student I can't learn anything but when I finished my school like then I were joined my college and realized how beautiful and wonderful thing is learning knowing new things speaking English and when I was in college the teacher s are males but I feel comfortable with them more then our high school female teachers

The college teachers are supporters they are inspired us to learn more and be yourself so that was the time when I decided to be a botanist then I complete my FSC and applied for university but what I were see my results are very bad then I was cried alot but one thing is still running around my mind that what I can't fix my goal so fortunately I decided to be a teacher in our high school first then let's see what will be happen in future I decided to making lifes of our city girls because there's boys are superior then girls,

Girls are not allowed to going out of city for more study,

There's no support by my parents too my mom is not allowed me to go out of city and my father said" I have no money for your study" but I know they're loves me alot because if my mom is not allowed me to go out of city because she's affair of losing me , and my father's want to feed us by his own but they didn't understand what do I want to do,

but I want to do something by my own so be brave and don't forget your dreams and goals and fix your goals right now and just focus on.