
Struck By Lightning

Three kids who used to be bullied turn superhero. These kids go in crazy adventures and one of them discovers new abilities of theirs everyday.

WYT_BAD · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Struck By Lightning

I was walking to the basketball court with my friends Ava and Skylar.

Ava turned to me and said-

"Did we really have to make that bet, Liam? We're so going to lose."

"Yes, Ava. I'm tired of being scared of them."

We arrived at the court and they were already waiting for us.

"Hey look, the losers are here." Josh snickered.

"We heard that, dummies." Skylar spat back.

Skylar wasn't scared of them like me and Ava. He always had our backs. He always got into trouble for us too, because we were too scared to do anything ourselves. He felt like a big brother to me. I was an only child, but so were Ava and Skylar. That's why we clicked. We were like puzzle pieces. We all fit together. What one lacked, the other had.

"We'll see who the real dummies are when we kick your butts in basketball." Josh snared.

Javen then added, "Can we start already? Our dad has somewhere to be, we only have ten minutes."

"Yeah, plus, it's going to rain." Said Jamal. "I heard it's going to be bad."

"Then stop talking so we can play already." I hissed.

We started playing the game. I dribbled out a few steps and passed the ball to Ava. However Ava missed the ball, but luckily Skylar caught it and dribbled down the court. Jamal was trying to block Skylar, but he jumped and scored us the first point of the game! This gave me hope. We could actually win.! But that hope quickly ceased. They scored point after point. By the time they had to go, the score was ten to one.

"Hah, I told you losers you didn't stand a chance. You lost the bet, so get ready for your prize."

The bet was that if we won they would leave us alone and make it seem like they were cool with us so we could gain some popularity. But if they won, we had to wear shirts saying we were dumb, dumber, and dumbest. They would continue bullying us in school. I knew we weren't good, but I didn't know they were that good.

We accepted our defeat and began our trek home. What seemed abrupt, it started to storm heavily. We started to dash to shelter, but suddenly were struck by lightning. All at once, our bodies fell, numb. Vision going in and out, shallow breathing. Is this the end?