
Struck At First Glance

Gulf Was a gangster who keep all the secret from his past and he meet The doctor who make his heart Calling that doctor name at first he just annoyed with him but the annoying feeling turn to interest after he realize his feeling he try to chase after him but despite all of that just like him the doctor is full of secrets and hatred he keep for some many year, that will be the reason why the relationship that he want to build just Vanish, what happen to the feeling he want to treasure will just push away by the past of each other.

JmWaxnzei · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

3rd pov

"Doc" mew suddenly look at the person who called him.

"What?" He asks while signing the paper in his office. the person is not talking but he put a coffee on his desk.

"Doc their someone wants to give it to you" he said and go out from Mew office. Mew starts to frown because of the coffee first he doesn't drink coffee.

He read the letter stick in the coffee

"Good morning, Enjoy your coffee, see you this lunch break!" He read out loud without even noticing it 'why does this guy always give me the opposite food I want?" He said in his mind first the spicy rice cake gulf gave him second this coffee but he can't refuse it because he worried that Gulf effort to give him food will be in vain.

He sips the coffee even if he doesn't like to drink a coffee but still he drinks it.

While gulf smiling because his mission is successful again. he plans to visit Kaizer before he will come back to the hospital. he drives through their subdivision and stops at Mew house.

The kid is playing outside their house alone. he smiles and starts to press the bottom of their doorbell.

Kaizer noticed him and immediately run toward him and open their gate.

"Hi Brother Handsome" He said and hug him. Gulf look surprise because of what Kaizer did when he back to his sense he caress Kaizer head

"Hahaha don't call me that I feel shy you know" he joke at him.

"Then what should I call you?" He asks Gulf held his chin to think and some nonsense words come into his mind 'phaw' he suddenly shakes his head.

"Just call me all you want but dont call me handsome because it's make me embarrass ok" he said Kaizer nod.

"Then I call you brother then," he said Gulf smile.

Kaizer invite him to go inside in first he refuses because he thinks that Mew will get mad at him if he go without his permission but Kaizer forced him to go.

"Please brother I feel lonely...." He said while pulling him.

"Ok fine" he said and they go inside the house at first when he explores his eyes inside the house it's so clean the only thing in the living room is tv and sofa and some pillow nothing else.

They sit on the sofa.

"Welcome to our home" the child sweetly said, Gulf smile at him.

"If your dad become mad just tell me ok" he said jokingly.

"Why do I need to tell you?" Kaizer curiously ask

"I punch him hahaha just kidding I just want to know," he said Kaizer stared at him.

"But I just want you to be here" the child said Gulf pat his head.

"Because if you want to enter the person you never know your daddy will be mad" he explains but the child looks like he didn't understand anything.

"Hays don't mind it. so let's play?" He asks. Kaizer nod and they began to play with some toy that Kaizer bring into the living room. they play snake and lather and puzzle until noon when it's 12 noon he stands up.

"Kaizer I need to go" he said but kaizer pout and don't let him go. Gulf didn't know What to do because Kaizer don't let him go.

"But you leave me inside all alone again" Gulf kneel and try to convince him but Kaizer began to cry.

"Ayyyss ok fine you want to come with me?" He asks but he looks at him while sobbing.

"W-where?" He wipes his eyes and Gulf help him to fix Kaizer look.

"To your dad" he said the big smile earlier is back on his face.

"You're not lying right?" He asks. Gulf shake his head and lay his hand to Kaizer and Kaizer warp his hand to Gulf and Gulf lifted him.

They walk out from the house and straight to Gulf car. he put Kaizer in the passenger seat and drive slowly even if he used to drive faster but they're a child he needs to be careful and dont act reckless.

"Are you ok?" He turn a little to ask Kaizer and put his attention back in the front.

"Yes, are you sure daddy won't get mad if he sees me there?" Kaizer ask him.

"I'm not sure but dont think about it okay? you want to see him right?" Gulf try to convince the child not to be afraid even if he felt a little nervous about what Mew will react that he get his child with him to come in the hospital.

"Hmmm, are we staying there until his work is done?" Kaizer ask again. gulf smile 'this child never running out of questions' he said in his mind before answering Kaizer question

"No, we just send him some food and we will go back to your house or I can get his permission if I can bring you to my house" he said. he feels that Kaizer looking at him.

"Are you alone in your house?" He asks.

"No, there are many animals in there you can play with them" Gulf said the animal he mentions is his gang. his gang used to be in his house they have settled there. he not complaining because they are the only ones he knows his parent is on the state doing their businesses and he is the only one who left alone in their house.

"Wow, what kind of animal?" Gulf want to laugh at this moment because Kaizer believed him that he keep some animal.

"Some dog and cats" he said while suppressing his laughter.

"Wow I'm excited to see them" Kaizer look excited to meet the animal he mentions

"Well if your dad allow us you can go, but first we need to give him some food" he said and park his car when they finally arrive at the mall he asks what Kaizer want

They order pad kra pow ( fried basil ) for Mew and

gai tod khao neaow (Deep-fried chicken with sticky rice) For Kaizer. when they finish ordering they going back to Gulf car and start the engine a little while Kaizer start to questioning him again.

"Brother can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Gulf ask.

"You know my dad? , are you close to him?, why are you giving him some food?" He surprises Kaizer asking him.

"Ohhh we're here" and he walks out to avoid

Kaizer question he turns to the passenger seat and carries the child. they won't need to find Mew because he is in the hospital entrance while talking to the nurse when Kaizer notice his dad he began to shout.

"Daddy" he shouts the two of them looking at Kaizer and Gulf Direction. he saw that Mew raise his eyebrow like he was asking.