
Struck At First Glance

Gulf Was a gangster who keep all the secret from his past and he meet The doctor who make his heart Calling that doctor name at first he just annoyed with him but the annoying feeling turn to interest after he realize his feeling he try to chase after him but despite all of that just like him the doctor is full of secrets and hatred he keep for some many year, that will be the reason why the relationship that he want to build just Vanish, what happen to the feeling he want to treasure will just push away by the past of each other.

JmWaxnzei · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Gulf Pov

"Mr. Afriad of injection you need to wake up to take your medicine" I wake up because of noises I heard behind my ears.

I nearly fell because when I open my eyes  his face is on my neck.

"what are you doing?" I asked while moving my back to give space in between.

"what? don't get me wrong I'm just waking you up so don't push too far" I glare at him when he suddenly left me and walk out to the door.

"Hey I need to take my medicine why are you leaving?" I shout when he is still at the door.

"I change my mind just do it by yourself, I need to go I have more patient to take care of" then he finally left .

What kind of doctor is that!

"Steffan!" I shout minute comes they finally here

"What do you want boss?" He asks I smirked and look at them with a devilish smile.

"I want that doctor background" I said they want to protest but I just give them a deadly glare.

"Ok fine we do it but first you need to come out to this hospital" I nodded. that doctor is so interesting no one can treat me like this. he is the one who treats me like I'm just nothing compare to him.

What does he think of himself.

Fast forward*

The week has passed I finally heal I'm already head to my house I just wait for the news from Steffan that I want to know. of course, I still want that doctor background.

The last time I saw him is the day that he was supposed to give me my medicine but he just leaves me like I'm not a patient at all!

Wait I'm not angry that he leave me like that I'm just annoyed because of his attitude he is a big fuck.

"Boss this is the stuff you ask" I open my eyes and stood up to the sofa when I heard Steffan voice and I rush to get the Folder on his hand.

They give me a weird look but I didn't bother to give them my attention because all I care about is this Folder i get from them.

when i open the folder i see first information about him.

Name: Suppasit Jongcheveevat

NN: Mew

Age: 30

Birthday: February 21, 1991

Status: Married

"What he's married?" I asked Steffan who is eating right now he just shakes his head to be an answer.

"From what we got he has been married a years ago but 5 years passed when his wife died in a car accident. boss he has a child we were confused why you want to waist your attention to that doctor if you want to punish him we can do that" I roll my eyes as if I want to do that.

"He's just interesting" I said and lay on the couch.

"What he's interesting for you?" I heard mike said but I didn't answer.

So he is a widow now I know why he acts like that.

"I think boss is in love" I heard them whispering

"What to that doctor? but he is a man" I think that's Nike

"What's wrong liking a man?" So Ivan is not sleeping anymore and he joined their stupid conversation.

"What are you whispering?" I asked when I was finally at their side I saw that they Flinch when they see me standing behind them.

"Ahem were whispering about that doctor he has a sex appeal"

"Don't ever look at him like that he's mine" I said and leave them there with a widened eyes.

I walk out to our house and go to my car I want fresh air.

I start my engine and start to drive while driving I see a child running to the street I came out to my car and rush to get him When i saw a big truck coming to him.

When I finally get him I put him on a street side and get my car when i finish to get my car i rush to go back to his side.

"Hey, little kid you want to die?" I asked him but he started crying I didn't know what I should do to stop him from crying.

"Shhhh don't cry" I rub his back and try to hug him but to my surprise, he hugs me back

"Where's your parent?" I asked when he finally stops crying.

"My daddy is busy in the hospital and my mom is not here" he said I rub his hair and smile.

"So who is the one who accompany you?"

He didn't answer me but he points the house in front of us.

"That's our house I'm just the only one here because my nanny is not coming anymore" what an irresponsible parent leaves his son inside that house without anyone accompany him.

"Want me to accompany you? but I'm stranger you not afraid of me?" I asked and try to carry him in my arm he just hugs me and starts to smile. 'how adorable'

"I'm not afraid why do I feel afraid of someone who saved me" I chuckle and mess his hair he just pouts.

"Ok, I will stay with you but only here outside ok?"  I said. he finally nodded at me so we sit in the street and start to talk to each other.

This is a village. my house is not far away even if I want him to go to my house its impossible. I suddenly think that his parent come to find him if they never see their son around.

"I'm hungry" he suddenly said I don't know what should I do but i remember Steffan.

i dial Steffan number and He answers it  immediately.

"Hello boss"

"Go with Ivan and come to **** street and buy food" I command.

"But why? can mike accompany me?"

"No just do it!" I said with a warning tone the kid beside me looking at me while he keeps poking me.

"Ok ok fine, hey fuck you we need to go" I shake my head. Steffan is like a brat when he is on Ivan side.

I hang up my phone and keep my attention on this child.

"How old are you?" I ask

"5 years old. your so handsome just like my dad " I smile at him and put him in my lap and try to caress his hair.

Why do I feel like this child gives me the comfort that I need in my whole life?.....