
Strongest Talent in Naruto

Arriving in Naruto World with the strongest talent. With unparalleled training speed and becoming the strongest in the Uchiha clan! A legend is born and he is the most feared existence in the Ninja world! ------------------ Early Access and read ahead: www.patreon.com/Skykritze Donation: https://ko-fi.com/skykritze Do consider supporting me as your support will help me in producing more works for you guys. ------------------ Original work: https://wap.faloo.com/book/355710.html ------------------ This is a translated fanfiction of naruto

Skykritze · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Ninjutsu Genius

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Chapter 3:

Sure enough, Mikoto wrinkled her little nose and said, "No, I want Brother Akira to accompany me!"

Hearing this, Fugaku was very helpless, and muttered: "What's so good about Akira, isn't he just a little more handsome than me…"

Akira smiled and said, "I plan to train today, maybe I will be free in the afternoon. Then I will play with you, Mikoto."

"Alright!" Mikoto clapped her hands and nodded while grinning.

"Akira, you want to train? Your strength is already pretty good." Fugaku was a little puzzled. Akira is very talented. Even his father Fukai Uchiha always praised him. This guy actually still want to train even more, he is really hard working.

Akira rolled his eyes, in a few years time, the second Ninja World War, will erupt okay? Can you not work harder?. Akira was stressed and pressured by it.

He knew very well that the world of Naruto was far more cruel than the previous earth. He must master his power and become a strong ninja that can control his own destiny.

After chatting with Mikoto and Fugaku, Akira trot all the way to the place where he used for training, which is a hill in Konoha Village and it belongs to Uchiha's territory.

After checking that there is no one in the surrounding, Akira is then relieved to communicate with his sensei.

"Old man, you can come out"

The figure of the sage of the six path floated out, reminding Akira in an angry tone: "I have told you many times to not call me old man!"

"Okay Sensei, hurry teach me the ninjutsu!"

The sage of the six path glared at Akira, seemingly dissatisfied, but still said: "Uchiha are good at fire ninjutsu, and the ninjutsu that i will be teaching you is also a fire ninjutsu, called fire style·Great fire dragon bullet jutsu. Although it is a c-rank ninjutsu, its power is not inferior to any b-rank ninjutsu, and the advantage is that Chakra consumption is very little."

Akira nodded immediately.

Fire ninjutsu is indeed the most suitable ninjutsu for the present moment. Uchiha's clan is known to be especially good at fire release and all uchiha have fire chakra attribute. Akira has also tried the chakra attribute test before and he was tested to be a rare five attribute genius, gifted with fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind attributes.

"Next I will teach you the hand signs…" Sage of the six path is indeed as knowledgeable as his fame. He explained the ninjutsu in a simple and clear way, making Akira listen to it with gusto and understand it easily.

Sage of the six path also had to admit that the talent of the student he accepted seemed to be a bit abnormal. Not only was the he very talented, but he was also extremely focused. Even the sage of the six path was shocked with his talent and attitude.

"Sensei, I think I had learnt and understood the hand signs already." Akira said

"So fast?" The sage of the six path was taken aback.


"Then you can go ahead and try." The sage of the six path was a little skeptical, how can this kid learnt the ninjutsu so quickly?

Akira nodded, began the hand sign and then gave a soft voice: "Fire Style·Great Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu!"

A ball of flame spurt out of Akira's mouth. The flames revolved and elongated, roaring like a fire dragon, it is so intense that the surrounding air was slightly burned and distorted. The flame was then shot into a pool in front, emitting the sound of evaporation and a white mist rose from the impact.

"Is it really successful?" Sage of the six path's eyelids twitched. Akira really succeeded in releasing the fire ninjutsu in just one try. Although the execution of the ninjutsu was not perfect, this is Akira's first time trying the ninjutsu after learning it!

This kid… is a genius in ninjutsu.

The Sage of the six path was very surprised. This was the first time he taught Akira a ninjutsu, and Akira's performance was beyond his expectation.

"It seems that I succeeded in releasing the ninjutsu?" Akira was also a little excited.

"Uh, don't be too happy, it is considered half successful" The sage of the six path was a little depressed. He originally planned to wait for the smelly brat to fail in the release of his ninjutsu and after he failed, he will just his use his prepared excuses to educate him, but he obviously couldn't use it now.

The look of the sage of the six path looking at Akira was a bit complicated – as a sensei, most of them hoped that their students are talented and outstanding, however it seems that having a student that is too talented and outstanding is also a headache itself. But the sage of the six path is also satisfied to have such a talented student.

"Smelly brat!"

"Yes?" Akira found that the sage of the six path was looking at him with weird eyes.

"Boy, the task of maintaining peace in the Ninja world will be in your hand, I am very optimistic about your future and potential!"

"…" Akira rolled his eyes and spit out: "Old man, if you say that again, I will shut you inside the ring!"

Maintaining the peace of the ninja world, your ass! It will be too troublesome to maintain the peace of the ninja world.

After getting the ring housing the sage of the six path, Akira accidentally discovered the many uses of the ring, one of which is that it can directly block off the connection with the sage of the six path.

Akira was happy with this new discovery, of being able to block off the connection with sage of the six path if he wanted to. This is so, in the future when Akira is dating and having fun with beautiful girls, he don't have to worry about the old man disturbing him.

"I just learned this ninjutsu and I still need more practice to be proficient in it." Akira said.

The sage of the six path nodded and thought that his attitude is praiseworthy, he is not arrogant and not impatient. Although the sage of the six path find that a seven-year-old little kid, actually behaving so mature is also a little strange.

After practicing ninjutsu for an entire afternoon, Akira finally mastered this c-rank ninjutsu. Moreover, the sage of the six path also taught him a lot of ninjutsu knowledge and information, which is very beneficial to the growth of Akira strength.

It can only be said that he is really worthy of the being the sage of the six path, having him as a sensei is simply like having an encyclopedia of the world of Ninja!

"By the way, sensei when can I learn yin and yang release and other more advanced ninjutsu?" Akira look forward to the moment when he can learnt those ninjutsu.

The sage of the six path blew his beard in anger and glared: "You just learnt to walk and now you want to run! Yin and yang release is strong, but it is the most difficult to learn of all type of ninjutsu. Even the reincarnation of Indra and Asura can only accept the inheritance of yin and yang release after achieving a certain degree of strength.

Akira nodded. In the original work, Naruto and Sasuke became really powerful after grasping yin and yang release.

"Don't worry, when you get stronger, I will start to teach you some simple yin and yang release and senjutsu (sage art)." The sage of the six path said with a smile.

Akira is satisfied with the promised about learning all this in the future.

It was almost night time when Akira returned back to the Uchiha clan compound.

Akira was sweating profusely and panting for breath. Obviously, a entire day of training is very tiring.

"Brother Akira, have you been training until so late?" a small figure appeared. Akira then saw a cute little girl pouting. The cute little girl is Mikoto.

Akira then realized that he had promised Mikoto that he will play with her in the afternoon. It seemed that she had been waiting for him all this while

"Mikoto, I had forgotten, I'm really sorry…" Akira said immediately.

Although Mikoto pouted her small mouth, she quickly smiled sweetly with her crescent eyes and said: "It's okay, Brother Akira, you definitely haven't eaten dinner yet right? I specially left some rice balls for you."

Mikoto took out a bento with rice ball neatly placed inside for Akira, which he couldn't help being moved by her gesture.

At a young age, Mikoto had a somewhat gentle appearance, yet she was playful and cute, like an elf.

"Thanks." Akira had practiced ninjutsu for a entire day, and was too hungry that he voraciously ate the rice ball.

Mikoto held her chin on one side as she watch Akira finish eating. After eating, Akira also played with Mikoto for a while.

After accompanying Mikoto, Akira dragged his tired body to a bath, and spent the next two days in training as well.

Until the early morning of the third day.

"Brother Akira, get up quickly, we are going to school today!" In the morning, Mikoto's cheerful voice came, waking Akira up from his sleep as usual.

"I know already!"

Akira was a little excited because today is the day of the ninja academy exam!

Ps: MC can use the ring to actively cut off the connection with the sage of the six path, so don't worry about the problem that sage of the six path will be watching when he is the picking-up girl. The protagonist can cut off the connection with sage of the six path at any time and has his own privacy.

This is also an alternate universe, so there are some parts that are different, please understand as it would be boring if it is just a copy of canon.