
Strongest Space-Time Transcendent

An ordinary person who was living a simple life, but suddenly everything changed as he obtained power from an ancient being, making him transcendent. What I will never age, I am not the only one with supernatural power; there are people and organisations with mysterious powers who silently control the world. Follow an ordinary individual on his journey as he understands how cruel the world truly is, as he joins the transcendent forces, encounters unusual people while making friends, grows stronger, and discovers the lost, ancient mystery of the cosmos.

sleepingpeacefully · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Sector 18 'Union main headquarters' ...

"Miss Maeve, Miss Maeve, emergency, emergency, something has happened", a young man in his early twenties came, shouting.

"What's the matter? Why are you so worked up? You are disturbing my rest time," a beautiful mature woman with blond hair, deep blue eyes, and an exquisite body that can make any man lose his mind said lazily, lying on the chair.

"Miss big news, a new A-rank talent has emerged," said the young man with a heavy breath. "So what's the big deal? An ancient transcendent family produces a good heir; it has nothing to do with us," said the woman lazily without much care.

But the young man did not stop and say, "But, miss, this person is not from an ancient transcendent family, but he is a normal civilian who awakened Unexpectedly." 

"Ohh! A civilian with A-rank talent; then things will get interesting," the woman said with a seductive smile.

"This is not a laughing matter; it's been more than twenty-two years since an A-rank talent appeared among civilians. With so many groups showing interest and many already moving, we have to get to him first, otherwise". He did not finish the sentence, but the woman in front of her naturally understood what would happen if they did not find him first.

"Alright, I will go myself; anyway it has been more than four years since I had some fun." As she said that, the young man in front of him was surprised, as usually Miss is too lazy to do anything, but this time she was going herself.

Seeing that Miss was going herself, he could not help but say, "But Miss, please control yourself this time; don't kill too much and create more problems than we already have."

He did not say not to kill any, as he knows evidently that whenever Miss made a move, it was a massacre, so the only thing he can do is tell her not to go overboard.

"Naturally, naturally; I will definitely not kill many, just enough so that they can understand who is the real master". She said it with an eerie smile. But the young man in front of her already imagines the dreadful scenes. "Sigh! Whatever happens, let's think about that time", and with that, Miss Maeve left the room with a small but wicked smile.

While Aeon and his friends were in the car, Aeon could not ask, "What do you mean, not friendly?" to his friends.

Luke said with a sigh," Who thought that your awakened talent would be A-rank? Then we would not go to the union to test your talent rank openly; that's just asking for trouble".

"Do you really think A-rank is common and can be found everywhere? Every A-rank talent is almost an heir to the ancient transcendent family, which can maintain their high status and strength for many years. A-rank talent is the strongest weapon in the transcendent world, but aside from those ancient transcendent families, it is rare for someone to awaken A-rank talent, not to mention a civilian.

"The main problem is that you are a civilian who doesn't have any backing and is just a newly awakened person who is pitifully weak, so it is the best opportunity for many organisations to get you. There are many ways to control you since you are weak. Those organisations want you because having control over you means getting a super weapon who, in future, can go toe-to-toe with the strongest transcendent in the world".

Aeon's face changed after hearing this, as he did not think A-rank talent would bring him so much trouble.

He suddenly remembered something and asked," Did you not tell me that the union maintains the order between the transcendent forces, so will they not stop these forces who want to attack him."

"They will, but you have to remain safe until union experts arrive. Also, the union is corrupted from the inside, as within the union there are also members from transcendent families.

And some of those are from transcendent families that have degraded and become weaker due to a lack of talent. Such families will try any means to become stronger again, and you are their chance." Luke's expression was filled with worry as he spoke.

"Damm! What a mess", Aeon also could not help but be nervous as he did not know how many were coming after him, what their strength was, or what he would do if he faced them. But for some, even though he was worried, he was able to maintain a calm perspective, and if it was before he awakened, he might be shitting his pants, knowing many super-powerful people were coming to kidnap him.

Half an hour later, in front of the 'Saint Lucifer University', many figures in black outfits approached, but for some reason, people around them did not seem to notice them at all as they were invisible. As one of the group members asked, "Is that A-Rank kid here?"

"Yes, he is a student here," confirmed by the another person in the group. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go inside and see if he is here or not. Before other groups arrive". And with that, they directly walked straight into the university from the front gate without anyone noticing them.

They were walking steadily without tension, as one of them started saying. "If we catch that kid, we will be able to get enough source stones to increase at least all our strength by 100%."

"Haha! You are right; we might become famous enough to make more money." 

"Indeed, haha haha," all of them started to laugh as they already accomplished their mission, but when they just entered a few hundred metres from the main gate, all of their laughter dissipated as they all suddenly felt difficult to breathe. 

"What?" they exclaimed, but before they could finish speaking, each one of them suddenly began to inflate like a balloon and then exploded. But not a single drop of blood touched the land, as all the blood started floating and flying away and disappeared in the university, and no one there noticed anything.

Outside the main gate, a few mysterious people were looking at the things that happened: "Idiots looking for death, he is still here; let's leave this area now", and within a second, they disappeared from there.

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