
Strongest Space-Time Transcendent

An ordinary person who was living a simple life, but suddenly everything changed as he obtained power from an ancient being, making him transcendent. What I will never age, I am not the only one with supernatural power; there are people and organisations with mysterious powers who silently control the world. Follow an ordinary individual on his journey as he understands how cruel the world truly is, as he joins the transcendent forces, encounters unusual people while making friends, grows stronger, and discovers the lost, ancient mystery of the cosmos.

sleepingpeacefully · Fantasy
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23 Chs

MX198( Final)

The battle between them became intense as MX198 started to show an expert level of martial arts and started to use a technique that created an aftershock after every attack.

Every time the attack hits Aeon, it creates a delayed second impact, which means a single attack can double the damage. Even when Aeon blocks the attack, he still feels hurt because of the second impact.

This is also the weakness of Aeon, as he does not know the techniques. He began to think and try to make man shields just like Luke, "Concentrate, control mana and its flow, make different layers of mana overlapping on each other, and make them bond."

He did not know the correct way or how to make a mana shield correctly; he just thought of using it after thinking about possible methods on its own.

Immediately, when MX198's fist was about to hit him, instead of using his hand, a small mana shield appeared in front of him. Crack! The MX198 fist was blocked by that shield, and the second aftershock created a few cracks in it, but it did stop the MX198 attack.

"Oh!" Everyone was surprised as they saw Aeon also using a mana shield, especially his friends and instructor, as they knew he did not know any techniques; he just fought with his strong body and brute force.

But now he was suddenly able to use a mana shield and make a concentrated mana shield, which directly surprised them: "Did he just see them and use it immediately?"

They could not believe this, but Aeon, right in front of them, was displaying it.

His every movement was becoming more and more clear and fluid. He was slowly becoming more and more proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and his every punch or kick was starting to generate more devastating effects.

He even managed to adjust to the MX198 pace. Now, even using all his strength, MX198 cannot directly overpower him.

MX198 also understood that he started to change his tactics and started to use long-range attacks, and immediately in the air, numerous black blades appeared, which were almost identical to Alex's attacks but had a slight difference in mana. He attacked Aeon with fast speed.

"This is my attack!" Alex exclaimed, as just a few minutes ago he used a similar attack, but now MX198 just copied his attack and used it.

Whether Alex or anyone else was shocked, even though instructor Salem told them that 'MX198' can copy and learn techniques, they did not think it could reach such a high level.

Aeon concentrated his mind and soul, as just covering your body with mana cannot protect him as these blades are condensed with the very weird mana of MX198, so he is going to create multiple small mana shields that will protect him from every small blade.

Immediately, he used his time talent for one-tenth of a second, which made him see everything in slow motion. "Here it is", giving him time to see the accurate number and direction of blades, and then he instantly created multiple small concentrated mana shields that blocked all those attacks.

He moved, piercing all the sea of blades, closing the distance between him and MX198, and punched with all the strength he could gather. Boom! But this was not over; a moment later, the second impact came with destructive power. Boom! Bang! Bang! sending the MX198 flying many metres.


There was silence in the whole hall; they could not understand how Aeon pierced through the rain of blades using multiple mana shields.

To do that, he needed to have super reflexes and concentration to know which attack was going to him; even elites in the union could not do that.

As they were shocked slowly, the MX198 seemed to stand as that attack did not do him anything and seemed ready to attack again. But Aeon immediately said, "I give up."

"I do not have any more mana", as he again used his time ability; even though it was for a tenth of a second, it still drained most of his mana.

Everyone also snapped back to reality, as they also felt that the battle had come to an end.

MX198 glanced at Aeon like he was showing humane emotion. "You will run away after punching him.'"

Aeon slowly walked and left the ring, and then the hologram started to show his various data.

[Aeon Miller]

[ Strength: 33 ]

[ Agility: 29 ]

[ Endurance: 34 ]

[ Spirit: 30 ]

[ Mana: 86 ]

When everyone saw this, especially Alex, his face changed as he was shocked, even though he knew that after seeing him fight, "How could he be this strong, just after being awakened?"

"This does not make sense."

At this moment, Ian and Instructor Salem were surprised by Aeon's strength. His body is as strong as most peak transcendent, while his mana pool is low-grade transcendent, which they expected.

"Go, Amelia, your turn." Instructor Salem did not waste any moment, as he quickly wanted to train them as he could see potential in them.

Amelia walked slowly and gracefully, her silvery white hair and blue eyes creating an ethereal atmosphere for those around her.

And the fight between her and MX198 was no less intense than that of Aeon. She also showed her strong control of her mana and mastery of different techniques, and in the end, her results were also shown on the hologram.

[Amelia Earhart]

[ Strength: 22 ]

[ Agility: 21 ]

[ Endurance: 21 ]

[ Spirit: 30 ]

[ Mana: 990 ]

Her stats were not low, as it appeared that all of them, whether it was Aeon, Alex, or Amelia, had their advantages and could not overlook one another.

"Okay, now that the basic test done, we have moved on to the main training part ", Instructor Salem said as he looked at them.

They were excited, especially Aeon and his friends, as this marked their new beginning.

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