

There was a boy who was born weak in a strong family, because of that he scrutinized by his older siblings and his father. He had a mother that loved him she didn't care that he was weak. This boy was nice he loved his family, but they did not love him back. His mother gave him the only love he ever had but that was enough, untill she got sick and left this world. This is the story of this boy and how he became the most loved person in the world.

"Why is everyone so mean." This was a boy crying in his room, the look of this boy would make most people sorry for the boy.

"Big brother why is th-th-this happening 'sniff'." There was a tall good looking young man looking at this boy smiling maliciously.

"This is what you get for killing mother, David you ungrateful fuck." The boy named David who was crying hysterically now was getting beaten to pulp by his brother Alec.

David was now thinking that the butler that he called over before his brother came would come soon and stop his brother.

"ALEC!!!!" At the door way there was a middle aged man that no-one knew the name to people called him 'butler' and was the last person in this family to even care about David.

"Butler sir uhh... me and David were just playing a game. r-right David." David knew if he said that they weren't he'd get beat up again, so he just shook his head profusely looking like a chicken pecking at some seeds.

"Is that right... ok well master David are you done 'playing'." "Yes sir butler we are." Alec responded. "Alec you're name is not David is it." David was not crying anymore and was relieved that the person that came was sir butler, because it was rumored that sir butler was the same strength or stronger than his father. The reason sir butler is a butler is beyond him.

"No sir." "Master David are you done 'playing' with Alec?" David thought for a moment then said "Yes." "Good I have a gift for your tenth birthday" Two years ago David's mother died and her last words were to this butler, telling him at David's tenth birthday to give him a necklace with a green jewel and also to protect him no matter what. "Alec would you please excuse your self so I can talk to David." Alec sneered in his heart but left without saying anything.

"Happy birthday Master David, here." Sir butler took out a weird box that moved like a ripple in water, causing David to be surprised about the box. David grabbed the box out of Sir butlers hand and opened it he was happy to see that it was the necklace that his mother wore all of the time. When he picked up the necklace he unlatched it, but to his surprise the necklace shot at his neck. He tried to take it off but it did not budge, then his vision started to become blurry and he became weak. The last thing that he heard was Sir butler yelling.

When David woke up he was not in a familiar place it was foggy the sky and ground were an off white with a golden glow. "Where am I, Where is Sir butler hope he is ok." Then a very deep, loud, and overbearing voice could be heard. "I guess that the woman chose a successor, what is your name?" David was scared shitless but he is used to being scared so he answered "David Sparks." Sparks was his mother's maiden name, he had the name because of his father not giving David enough face for the families last name. Then the voice could be heard again "So you are her son... call me super overlord king." David could not help but to snicker at the shameless person behind the voice. "HEY... goddamn it I thought you might be a little more respectful than your mother, but I can't blame you, you both are related." David still did not understand what was going on but he could tell the voice had no bad intentions, relieving him, so he asked.

"Who are you." The voice responded. "I will tell you later, but now you must pick to be a person who takes revenge for your mother or to be a savior for those who need saving, chose wisely." "What... my mom died from a sickness how can I get revenge?" "Oh, so you don't know ask The butler." That crushed David's whole reality like a boulder falling on him, this voice is implying that his mother was killed. He was angry no-one has told him not one person has ever told him the truth. Anger is not a emotion he is familiar with, not even when he is getting beaten he always took it, never retaliating, because he thought he was getting beat for a good reason... for killing his mom every one was blaming him. So he thought it was fair to be beat, now he understands that his mom was not killed by a sickness that David brought into the family, but a person. David was bright red with anger then he said. "Both, I chose both I can protect the weak and get revenge." The voice started laughing. "Kekekeke" the ground started to shake. "Interesting I will let you be that person, no-one before had the idea to ask for both. I will grant you with the book [God's Will] for you to become that person... but you have to fight me when you are done, deal?" David did not expect that this voice will help him get revenge just to fight. "Deal!"

Next thing David knew he was in his bed with a black ring on his finger, but what David did not expect was when he constrained on the ring he could see a space with a cubed mile of space and within the ring was a black book with a turquoise title [God's Will]. He has heard of the type of rings that can do this but never seen one not even his father the strongest person in the Roean kingdom has one, even the ones he has heard have only a couple cubed feet of space not a full mile. he reached out to the book it fell on his lap then he heard it. "Ding- would you like to learn [God's Will]." David had never heard this voice before, it sounded kinda like an automated voice from a phone or a computer. David nervously said. "Yes." Then a flow of knowledge that he has never known before was in his head making him feel dizzy. The knowledge in his head was perfectly clear like a page of a book, then he noticed it looked like a training technique. He went into a lotus pose then according to the technique he channeled the life energy* through his life points* then the life energy that was within 10 miles rushed towards him at once causing everyone in tune with life energy to be surprised including the butler, rushing into David room to be surprised that the boy that was knocked out a couple minutes ago was gathering a massive amount of life energy then 'pop' like every bone in his body broke and then healed made a loud noise, after that you could hear a loud tear sound like ripping a piece of paper.

Over and over it happened signaling that he is breaking the barrier to postmortal stage* then the butler began to see a black ooze coming out off the boy, which means the boy is becoming a postmortal mid stage* the black ooze is the impurities of the body coming out of the body. Then there was a loud voice. "What is going on. Who is doing that." this voice belongs to to David's father Aaron Carter, he is the strongest person in Roean kingdom. In less than a blink of an eye he was next to the butler looking at his son that he thought was weak training already in less than 30 minutes becoming a postmortal mid stage from a mortal astonishing him for any normal person it would take at least Two years but it took his ten year old son 30 minutes.

When a person reaches postmortal stage they unlock their Energy Spirit and behind David was a man with eyes that could kill with one glance. Aaron was shocked. "D-d-divine spirit." In this world Energy Spirits had a ranking on their strength, mortal is the weakest then there is immortal, demon, and Divine spirit I the strongest anyone with a Divine spirit is has a fate that defies the heavens, even Aaron Carter has a demon spirit which already makes you a super genius. Then David opened his eyes to notice that he is at least 50 times stronger than before, then he noticed his father and butler with there jaws on the floor. "Hi Sir butler and father." His father was the first to speak up. "What the hell was that, how did you improve that fast?" David knew that this was amazing speed but this is the first time his father ever talked to him always sending servants to in his place. But David knew that his father did not like him at all. "I don't know!." David said sounding surprised as well. Then Sir butler said. "This is my first time seeing Divine Spirit maybe they are just that great." This seemed to make Aaron more comfortable because even he has never seen a person with a Divine Spirit.

* life energy like qi and other energy but is created by life all life down to the bacteria

*life points, points that are required to train

*postmortal is the weakest in training next is immortal, postimmortal, precelestial, celestial, postcelestial, then God stage David's father is a precelestial

Daku_Kamicreators' thoughts