

The people in the throne room all left after what happened. The head of the fat man was sent at the plaza to make an example to those who will try to offend the young king, while the body was thrown somewhere outside the capital. The noble family in where the fat man belongs tried to use this incident to pressure the young king, but all they got was a warning that if they try to do it again, their whole family will disappear in the capital.

The whole capital was shrouded in fear because of what Zeno did. But everything was according to Zeno's plan, with this the people who are aiming at his head will not act rashly. Which will buy him some time to organize the people who are still loyal to the throne.

Zeno was now sitting in his rightful throne, the four royal guards were all standing beside him. They all have an indifferent expression on their faces as they stand like a block of ice.




A series of heavy footsteps sounded and the door of the throne room opens. A man wearing a light armor came in with his face covered in sweat and anxiety.

"Your majesty I have something urgent to report," the man said as he kneels down while trying to catch his breath.

"What is it?" Zeno asked.

"T-the kingdom beside us the 'Kingdom of Ur' have rallied their forces and is already in our borders. From our estimate, their total number is over 30,000 men. They are probably going to attack tomorrow morning" the man said nervously.

"You may leave," Zeno said to the man.

"General Sima!" Zeno shouted and a middle-aged man came in while wearing a set of armor.

"Yes, your majesty," the man named Sima said. He was the most trusted person of the previous king and his childhood friend. Sima was just a commoner boy who met the previous king in the forest when he was training. From then on, the two spends their time together and grew strong together. Because of his natural talent, Sima joined the army and was successful. His advancement in ranks astounded everyone even his friend until he became a well-known figure in the kingdom.

Sima-Lvl. 33


Status: Loyal to the Crown

Occupation: Knight, Army General


"General Sima prepare the army, take those who you think is loyal and be ready to follow me. We will greet our friendly neighbor" Zeno said.

"Yes, your majesty" Sima then leave the room in large strides.

"Kira and Alex follow me in the dungeon," Zeno said, "Mina and Jade you two stay here in the capital, both of you will report everything that happened here when I return"

"Yes, your majesty" Kira and Alex then followed behind Zeno, while the remaining two stayed.


The underground dungeon was the place where the most notorious and vicious criminals of the kingdom were imprisoned. They were left here to die by themselves without even seeing light. Zeno and his two summoned were walking inside the dark dungeon. The stench was almost unbearable and the slimy liquid in the floor was disgusting. Several groaning could be heard from the cells as they walk past them.

Zeno then stopped in front of a huge metallic door.

"Oh, after many years I didn't think that there will be someone to visit this old man" a hoarse voice came from the other side of the metallic door.

"Open it," Zeno said.



Kira removed the locks on the door and slowly push the door to open it. Immediately after opening the door, the scent like a rotten flesh quickly invaded their noses in which they frown.

Inside was a huge man with his skin was already colored black. There were metal spikes pierce through both his hands and feet. His long disheveled hair already reaches the ground and his beard reaches his legs. Although his appearance looks miserable, there was still an unknown aura radiating from him.

The man opens his red eyes and looks at Zeno and ask, "What does a little kid like you doing here visiting this lonely man"

Jack-Lvl. 48

Status: Criminal, Killer, Prisoner

Occupation: Dark Knight, Assassin


Zeno inspects the man's status and it is just as he thought. This man was really the well-known criminal in the empire where the Kingdom of Bur is part of. The only reason this man was here because he let himself in after he killed a patrolling guard in broad daylight. The guard's all tried to get information from him like what is his name or where did he come from. They do all kinds of methods to make him speak but everything they do can't make the man open his mouth. He just watches them with a wide mocking smile on his face.

"I never really thought that my guess would be correct," Zeno said and continues, "The famous criminal of the empire was here in the dungeon of my small kingdom. Am I right Jack"

A surprise expression appeared in Jack's face which immediately disappear, he then with a cold glint in his eyes, "So there is someone here who knows this lonely me. Tell me little kid, what is your purpose for visiting me. Because I am sure that you didn't come here for nothing right"

Zeno smile and said, "It is simple, I want you to work for me and I promise you, you will gain your freedom"

"Ha ha ha ha"Jack laugh loudly when he heard what Zeno said and he replied, " I will gain my freedom? Do you really think these toys here can contain me here and stop me? I say little kid, do you believe that I can reach you even before you can shout for help"

"Before I can shout for help?" with a cold smile on his face Zeno said, "Do you want to try?"

Jack's lips revealed an icy smile and his body started to shake. The spikes on both his hands and feet suddenly break and his huge body instantly pounces toward Zeno like a hungry beast. His red eyes were like blood which were staring at its prey.


When his hands were about to reach Zeno's head, he felt a sharp aura locking into him stopping his movements. He felt that if he makes one more move, he will be cut in two. He gazes towards Zeno who was holding the hilt of his sword with an unknown smile on his face. The two men behind him were also staring at him like they were looking at a fool.

"Now let's start over again, I want you to work for me and you will gain your freedom," Zeno said again towards Jack who was staring at him.