
Strongest Police Officer

A godly police officer experiences rebirth after being betrayed by his close comrade. Coupled with his many years of experience in the police force and a system without equality, he vows to eradicate corrupt officials, save the weak from their oppressors, and bring justice to the world.

Damaker · Action
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

A tiger in sheep's clothing

Oframasi, police station, investigation room


"Kacha!" The sound of a doorknob being opened echoed out as Sergeant Quaye made his way into the investigation room alongside Yebou.

Upon hearing the noise from the door, Mr. Joe lifted his head to see who had come to meet him.

However, when his eyes fell on a particular person standing not too far from him, all sorts of emotions rushed through him. Ranging from nervousness, terror, and anger to excitement.

Nevertheless, with his excitement overshadowing his other emotions, he quickly approached the said person with glittering eyes.

"It really is you! I've been wanting to meet you for a long time. You finally showed up! Thank you for coming!" Mr. Joe excitedly said as he inched closer to him.

After his encounter with Yebou, he was sure the kid was no ordinary person. The skills and aura in the kid's arsenal reminded him of those monsters from the city.

Since then, he had been dying to know whether his intuition was correct or not and the only person who could confirm his guess is none other than the kid.

Yebou on the other hand was speechless as he stared at the man in front of him. He couldn't help but suspect that he had fought the wrong person yesterday night.

The attitude displayed by the man in front of him was nothing compared to what he had witnessed yesterday night from the assassin.

If not for him fighting and crippling him in person he would have never believed if someone had told him that this extravert and jovial man in front of him is a high time dangerous assassin even if he was beaten to death.

_Is it a trend in this life?_ Yebou thought as his mind drifted to when he had his first encounter with the sergeant.

Having a respectable rank within the police force, Sergeant Quaye didn't put on airs when they first met. He was honest and straightforward.

Though someone may argue that it's because he wanted to recruit him to his side that's why he adopted such an attitude, that was far from the truth.

Because with Yebou's current level, he wouldn't have been able to contend against a large group of police officers with weapons should Sergeant Quaye have decided to go hard on him. With that said, it was more like his charisma.

"Please sit down! You requested for him and now he is here. If you have anything to say to him, say it quickly. Time is not on our side.!" Sergeant Quaye said sternly when he saw the reaction from the assassin.

_You dare to put on airs? Let's see how I'll expose you! Hymph!! Sergeant snorted coldly. To him, the assassin was acting like a tiger in sheep's clothing.

He was pretending to be jovial and harmless to deceive Yebou. Although Yebou has strength and capability, he is a kid after all. A bit of an effort from an adult would put to shame a kid's lifetime effort.

"Ye.. Yea.. Yeah," Mr. Joe stammered as he was reminded of his situation. Due to excitement, he had forgotten about his current predicament. All that was in his head was to find out the truth from the kid.

Subsequently, Mr. Joe went back to his seat while Sergeant Quaye and Yebou pulled chairs to sit on.

"You requested to meet me in person. Now that I'm here, Could you tell me everything?" Yebou stated indifferently after getting a good look at the man in front of him.