
Strongest Player in Another World

The Earth was taken over by demons. It wasn’t the first time demons had done this. They had been capturing many species like elves, angels, and dwarves for many years before attacking humans. Their sole goal of capturing and taking over worlds was to entertain themselves by making different races go into another world called Zeta. In Zeta, the demons have created a tower called the Tower of Nightmare. It is composed of many floors each filled with different challenges, they will have to face. A new society was formed there with the appearance of guilds, competitions, and a lot more… Watch how Max, a young boy from Earth, will acclimate to this new world where he will have to fight to survive!

Assassin_Lover · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Colosseum

In the stands, many were excited to see for the first time in Zeta history humans fight.

Many leaders of organizations were present wanting to recruit the best of the best.

"I wonder how strong humans are?" asked someone in the stands

As people were talking about humans, Max was getting prepared for his first fight.

"You are against a pretty good opponent be careful he has reached the third floor of the Tower of Nightmare which is pretty good but you are the strongest of your race. Make them proud and remember that if you perform well, you will be paid good money."

The air in the Colosseum was electric with excitement as thousands of spectators gathered to witness a historic event. A hush fell over the crowd as the announcer stepped into the center of the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he boomed, his voice echoing off the stone walls, "For the first time, a human will fight in the Colosseum! Please welcome Max to the arena!"

"Let's goooooo!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

"I put all my money on you, human you better not disappoint me."

"His opponent is also new to the Colosseum with only 4 fights but he is undefeated. Please welcome Arwen The Elf to the arena!"



"Arwen! please win."

"You better win!"

In the arena, the atmosphere was tense as Max and Arwen were looking at each other.

"You should give up human! you have no chance against me," said Arwen

"We'll see about that, you'll see why I'm the strongest of my race."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

As the bell rang, Max dashed toward Arwen. But Arwen went back trying to gain distance, so he could shoot with his bow from a long distance.

Max didn't lose a second and activated his skill Frenzy.

His eyes were changing color, they were now red. It looked as if the longer he was going to use this skill the more he would lose his mind.

"Barbaric," murmured Arwen watching Max activate his skill.

"Do you think this is enough to even scratch me?" shouted Arwen, trying to infuriate even more Max

Arwen activated a skill of his own, the arrow he had loaded on his bow was now blue illuminating the whole area.

'If I take this attack head-on, I'll die" thought Max.

Seeing the attack his enemy was preparing, Max decided to dodge it rather than take it.

After dodging the attack, Max dashed forward again trying to attack his opponent but that was what his opponent was waiting for this entire time.

Arwen watching Max dashing toward him smiled at him. He thought that everything was going as he expected.

However, Max still had unallocated stat points which he decided to apply right now.

[Status Window]

[Max Smith]

[Level 15]

[Health (HP): 100]

[Mana Points (MP): 10]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Berserker]

[Strength (STR): 17]

[Agility (AGL): 16]

[Endurance (END): 14]

[Defense (DEF): 10]

[Charm (CHR): 10]

[Speed(SPD): 20]

[Unallocated Stats Points: 0]

But with the stats which Max had just applied, Arwen couldn't keep up with him.

The speed at which Max was going was incredible, he looked like a blur from the point of view of Arwen.

Max jumped in the air and made a swift move with his sword.


The sword slashed the chest of Arwen, he was unable to continue fighting and surrendered.

"Please applaud the winner, MAX!" shouted the announcer.

The crowd was in awe at the skills and physical prowess Max had just shown.

"Wow, so that's what a human is capable of."

"He won against an elf. How is this possible? Arghhh"

Many leaders of guilds were discussing what Max had just shown.

"He really has the Ranker's Sword, the item which is given to every rank 1 of the tutorials," said Ava the leader of Messiah, one of the best guilds in Zeta. "And did you see him move? He was so fast, is he really new to Zeta, his stats look insane. We need to recruit him."

The other leaders had the same opinion, they wanted to recruit him at any cost.

Back in the waiting room, Jay went to see Max to congratulate him on his overwhelming victory against Arwen.

"It was truly a sight to behold, you completely overwhelmed your opponent at one point in the fight. Here's your part of the money," said Jay as he handed the money to Max

"Alright, thank you."

Max decided to stay and watch Avery to see if she would win her fight.

But as he was heading toward the stand, someone interrupted him.

"I have an offer for you," said the man "Allow me, to present myself. I am a division captain from the Messiah guild, one of the strongest guilds in Zeta. I am here to offer you to join our guild."

"Ok, but what can you offer me?"

"We will offer you two skills of your choice from our library. We will also give you a piece of equipment of your choice. Those are the conditions we are offering, do you accept?"

"Don't accept" an another man interrupted "I am from the Apex guild, we are here to offer you a better contract than whatever this man can offer you. We will double. No triple his offer. What do you say?"

Max overwhelmed by the sudden offers, decided to negotiate with them.

"Just both give me your best offer and I will choose the one I like the most."

"Hmm, is it okay with you if I go ask my leader, what more we could give you?" asked the man from the Messiah guild.

"Sure but don't take too long," said Max trying to intimidate him.

"I will do the same." said the man from the Apex guild.

15 minutes later, a dwarf and a vampire were coming toward Max.

The vampire looked beautiful. She had long, wavy chestnut hair that flows down her back and bright green eyes that sparkle with mischief, set in a heart-shaped face with full lips and a small nose; her lightly tanned, lean yet curvy figure is accentuated by tight-fitting clothes.

The dwarf on the other hand was a short, bulky man with a long beard that could almost touch his feet. His well-defined muscles are visible through his clothes, and he carried himself with a confident, easy grace.

"Hello Max, my name is Ava, I'm the leader of Messiah, and as my assistant told you, we're one of the strongest guilds in Zeta," said Ava, grabbing the arm of Max.

Max was completely red as she did that, her cleavage was touching his body making him really uncomfortable.

"Ava, stop trying to get him to accept by using your body. That's not fair!" said the leader of Apex as he was separating Max and Ava by force.

"Come on, you're no fun. I'm sure our friend here didn't mind right?" said Ava as she looked at Max with pleading eyes.

"Right... right, she didn't do anything bad," said Max, completely red.

As Max said that she immediately grabbed his arm again.

"So, do you want to join my guild, Max?" asked Ava taking advantage of her body once again.

"Umm... can I hear both of your offers before deciding where I will go?" said Max

"Do I not please you?" asked Ava with a tone of playfulness

"What... what are you talking about?"

"Well even after doing all of that you still don't want to join me. But it's fine I like a man who can a head on his shoulders," said Ava smiling at him.

"Alright, enough," interrupted this scene between Max and Ava. "Let's talk about our offers since that's why we are here."

"Sure, I will train you for one month, and just so you know I'm like you, I was ranked number 1 in my tutorial too and I am currently on the 43rd floor which is the highest floor that has been conquered yet. That's probably enough, right?" said Ava

"Wait don't accept yet! Listen to mine, we will give you four skills and two pieces of equipment of your choice. Isn't it much better?" said the leader of Apex feeling pressured by the offer Messiah had just given.

The first option would give Max the chance to learn the experience of someone who has a lot of experience in the Tower of Nightmare which is invaluable.

The second option gave him skills and equipment but he wouldn't be able to get help from a high ranker there which was a downside Max had to consider.

"Alright, I'll choose the Messiah guild since the experience I can gain there has no price from my point of view. Still thank you both for your offers, I am honored," said Max as he bowed to the two leaders.

"I knew you would choose us, it's because I'm the greatest that you chose me over him. Right? Right?" said Ava as she got closer to Max.

"Yes... yes" nodded Max, completely red from the contact with Ava, again.

"Alright come to our guild tomorrow I'll show you around." said Ava as she was leaving.

Thank you for reading this chapter! If you like the story, it would mean the world to me if you could consider adding it to your library.

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