
The Vahan Empire’s Proposal 

Gerald, the Ambassadors of the Six Kingdoms, Skystead Alliance, as well as the Xynnar War Pact, met at the entrance of the Domain of the Fallen to discuss the contents of Lux's proposal.

"So, in exchange for allowing your own faction's brats to explore the Domain of the Fallen, and challenge the Sacred Dungeon, we no longer have to pay for the slots of that Half-Elf and his two lackeys, right?" the Ambassador from the Vahan Empire asked.

"Yes," Gerald answered. "That is what Lux told me."

"Hoh… this sure is a tempting offer, but it doesn't sit well with me," the Ambassador from the Xynnar War Pact said. "Since the Wildgarde Stronghold are our allies, wouldn't it be better if you just give those slots to us instead? That way the relationship between us and the Six Kingdoms will remain strong. Isn't that right, my friend?"

The Ambassador of the Xynnar War Pact glanced in the direction of the Ambasador of the Six Kingdoms, which was composed of the Kingdoms that belonged in Solais.