
Misfortune Smiles Upon You [Part 3]

"Don't slack off, boys!" an Old Lady holding onto a wooden cane shouted. "If we fail to push back these two critters, we're all gonna die. Put your backs into it!"

"We're doing what we can, you old hag!" a man who was nearly two meters tall and busy shooting at the two Monsters with his bow and arrows shouted back. "Stop yelling and start helping!"

"You bastard, who are you calling an Old Hag? You have a death wish?!"

"I don't. But if I run out of arrows, I'm gonna use you as a projectile!"

Similar scenarios were happening on the ramparts of the City Walls as the Exiles cursed, shouted, and encouraged each other to fight with everything they had.

The King of Exiles, who went by the name Louis, frowned as the two Monsters continued to advance toward their city even with all the able-bodied Exiles in the city doing their best to keep them at bay.

"Everyone, prepare to engage!" Louis ordered.