
Strongest multiverse system

A story of a MC getting graced by the presence of the great truck-Kun. he gets reincarnated in a new world where he will have a fresh start with a system of his own creation. *** Ps: I don't own any of the series and novels that are mentioned in the story, as well as the cover photo.

xXTheDarkOneXx · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


After David entered his training chamber he found himself in a vast expanse of white space, after looking around he asked the system "so system how do we do this".


[host will be stripped of all his current powers and relearn them from scratch]

'what the hell why would I do that?'


[Although host current powers are basically his the way he got them is flawed which caused the host foundation to be extremely fragile and will hinder host in the future]

'sigh I guess this is the cost of obtaining power through unconventional means, so how do I train'


[when the host is stripped down of his powers system will purchase all needed materials mostly books from the store, after that host is required to start studying from the basics of the basics, the system will be available if the host is in need of any assistance]

'alright begin immediately'


[affirmative, striping host of his powers, purchasing required metrials]

David suddenly felt very weak and heavy he was sure that now even a normal human can beat him, his legs couldn't hold him anymore and he stumbled to the ground, he felt very heavy and could feel pain all over his body.

'argh, system what the hell, did you increase the gravity you sick bastard'


[naggative due to the high tier of the host equipment and host being weak currently he is unable to equip them, unequipping all items]

"hah that feels so much better " said David after the system removed his equipment, after looking around David found from where he was standing till as far as the eye can see shelves after shelves filled with books with tables and chairs in front of them, each shelf was numbered beginning with the closest one to him being number 1 and going on from there.


[host will begin studying from shelf 1 and go on from there, the higher the number of the shelf the more advanced knowledge is there, system wishes host good luck on his to be long training]

"sigh, well might as well start," said David after that he moved to the first shelf and picked the first book and began studying.

at first it was actually very easy but as he advanced further in the number of shelves it became even harder, it took him a freaking 4 months to comprehend and understand the tier 1 spell 'magic arrow' , and another 1 month to use it perfectly, after he finished comprehending his first tier 1 spell the system voice rang out in his head.


[Congratulations to host for learning his first spell, host now can begin gathering energy to use spells]

[buying highest grade Mana meditation technique, each increase in Mana meditation technique level will increase host Mana capacity, purity, and density, plus decrease mana recover time]

[the training room is filled with all types of energy but the host will only have access to them once he visits their respective worlds, for now, host have access to only Mana and can start practicing Mana meditation techniques immediately]

[host should know that although he can absorb all kind of energy's in here for training purposes once he is out he will only have the amount he came inside with]

"Finally I can do something else other than studying," said David, after that, he began practicing the meditation technique, it took him 1 month to fully comprehend it after that began a cycle of studying and meditation.

It took him 5 years to fully comprehend and relearn all of his tier 1 to 3 spells and master them.

Another 10 years for him to do the same with tier 4 to 6 spells, but after he reached the peak of 6th tier he was stuck there for a whole 5 years.

with no other choice, he focused on comprehending 7 tier spells and meditation technique instead, after those five years he was finally able to use 7th tier spell.

But even though he was making slow progress and all it didn't frustrate him in the least bit cause he knew that compared to other people of the new world he was making amazing progress, that and his undead calming effect played a part too.

He really wished that he could train his body but its a shame he was undead and even if he wasn't he would have to leave his current body anyway.

He thought that at most he will be done in 50 years, but In total it took him 400 years to comprehend to the bone and master all of his previous powers, what took the most out of his time is super tier spells which were very vet very hard to even understand.

Now he understood that the powers he previously had although were his but they were given to him by someone else and he didn't understand the first thing about them which made his foundation extremely weak, now after finishing such training he was very happy he decided to undergo it, it brought to him immense benefits aside from stabilizing his foundation.

first of all he doesn't need to stick to the way the game made the spells anymore, for example, if he wants to raise an undead now he doesn't need to concern himself with its level he can just rise a lowly skeleton and pump it with a crazy amount of Mana until it can rival a level 100 player, of course, higher tier undead require less Mana to straighten, same applies for all other spells.

He can circulate Mana all over his body making it many times stronger.

But best of all his race and classes don't limit him anymore, even being in the body of an undead currently he can disregard all of their weaknesses.

As for the classes unlike in the past where he could only use spells and skills related to his class now he could learn any type of spell as long as he is given enough time and resources.

'system equip back my items and show me my states'


[affirmative, equipping items]

[name : David

Age : 558Y.

Level: 227.

Race: undead.

Bloodline: none.

Mana meditation techniques: level 43.

Health: 400

Mana: 3950

STR: 360

AGL: 340

END: 520

DEX: 170

INT: 3940

WIS: 3940]

(A/N: I removed the concept of classes and races which would make it much easier for me and all readers in the future, from now on most things will be based on levels)

"ahh that is extremely satisfying , look at those states that level, only problem is except my Mana intelligence and wisdom all the other states are so low, but I guess that is reasonable since those are related to the body and I only practiced my magic till now, at least my hard work hasn't been for naught" said, David.

After Inspecting and trying his new powers for a while he decided it is time to go back to the outside world.

more then a year should have passed in the outside world and a lot of things must have happened although David already knew about the major events.

If you notice any plot holes please inform me so I can fix it.

xXTheDarkOneXxcreators' thoughts