
Strongest multiverse system

A story of a MC getting graced by the presence of the great truck-Kun. he gets reincarnated in a new world where he will have a fresh start with a system of his own creation. *** Ps: I don't own any of the series and novels that are mentioned in the story, as well as the cover photo.

xXTheDarkOneXx · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

3rd Reincarnation

Time passed in the blink of an eye and soon it was time for rei birthday.

In the golden halls of Asgard palace inside the medical wing there could be seen a woman laying on her back screaming, she was obviously Giving birth, by her side, there was a blonde muscular man in golden armor holding her hand.

All around them there could be seen women both old and young running around, and in front of the woman giving birth there was an old woman, clearly experienced helping her.

Things went like this for about two hours before everything and everyone calmed down, after a moment a baby scream broke the silence.

" Waaa...waaaa" cried rei, although from his perspective he was cursing.

"Congratulations my king, my queen, it's a healthy baby boy," said the old woman as she held the now quiet baby and handed him to his parents.

The first to take him was his mother as she looked affectionately at him with tears streaming down her eyes, "my baby boy, I will protect you to my last dying breath" she said stroking his cheek.

"There is no need to speak words such as these my love, why don't you just rest for now," said Odin from the side "with me around no one will come close to even touching a single hair on his head".

' you can say that again 'said Rei sarcastically, as he looked at some red dots moving on his map which clearly represented enemies.

"I know my love," she said tiredly " I will just rest for a minute and I will be right back up, as I am sure you've already planned a celebration ".

"Hahaha, you know me too well my love, haha," said Odin laughing.

Seeing him like this Frigga just smiled and closed her eyes to rest for a while.

Odin took Rei back to the old lady from before to clean him up as he stayed by his side all the time, as she finished she wrapped him up in clean white cloths before giving him back to his father who took him back with a loving smile on his face.

Getting out of the medical wing Odin walked all the way back to the throne room with rei in his hand, from time to time he would look at him and smile happily.

stepping through the gigantic golden doors of the throne room he saw a very long table in the center of the room starting up from the entrance and moving all the way till it was only three meters away from the throne, lined on it were all sorts of delicacies, there were people running all around the throne room obviously servants preparing food, beer, fruits, beer, and more beer.

There were also people already sitting at the table laughing and drinking together when Odin entered all stopped what they were doing and bowed even the people at the table stood up and did the same.

All eyes were on the newborn baby boy in the arms of their king sizing him up and he was also doing the same, although from their perspective they were just staring at the innocent eyes of a baby.

What caught Rei's attention the most was a dark-skinned man wearing a full golden armor with a sword hanging on his back, he was just standing there on the right side of the throne, this was obviously Heimdall the guardian of the Bifrost bridge, but today was a special occasion so he left his post to attend this celebration.

'system is there a way to scan people and know their information? if there is apply it immediately'



[buying scanning function from the system for 1 billion system points.]

[integrating scanning function to the system]

[Scanning function: can scan an individual and deliver all information about them back to host, if the target is above host level by a large degree scanning might note work]

[Note: the use of the scanning function is undetectable by anyone no matter their level]

(A/N: give me some ideas of new functions you want to see).

'good let's test it then' thought rei, the conversation between him and the system didn't even take a second so nothing changed on the outside.

Rei first scanned the two people who were at the head of the table on the right and left because his instinct told him that except his father, Heimdall, and him of course, they were the most dangerous individuals in the room.



[name: sol.

Age: 2300Y.

Power level: Rank 3 stage 8.

Background: one of Odin's most trusted general's, have been to many wars with Odin and fought side by side with him earning him Odin's trust and respect.]

[name: Svart.


Power level: rank 3 stages 9.

Background: one of Odin most trusted general's, have been to many wars with Odin and fought side by side with him earning Odin's trust and respect]

'wow these two are already at a higher power level than me, even though I could kill them easily it is really impressive' thought rei.

The reason he was so confident in being able to defeat them despite his level was the fact that he has already to some degree or another mastered many laws and comprehended others.

the fact is that only individuals who are at Rank 6 can even dream of starting to comprehend laws and by mastering just one law they can step into Rank 7, his Rank 3 was only a Rank 3 without counting the laws he mastered.

so right now even Rei isn't sure of his real battle power but he was sure that with all the laws he has mastered he can decimate any rank 8 beings easily, and the reason for all of that was, of course, his origin bloodline.

Next rei checked Heimdall's level.



[name: Heimdall.


Power level:???.


Title: Guardian of the Bifrost bridges, ???, ???, ???...

Current state: interested in host

Threat level: high, low if host use his true powers

Status: friendly].

'sigh, if I want to see his information I have to use my real powers, not worth it'.

By this time Odin has already reached his throne and sat down with Rei still in his hands, at that moment everyone present inside the hall still bowing down shouted, " MY KING".

"at ease," said Odin waving his hand casually, although he was speaking normally but each and everyone in the hall heard him, " today is a very special occasion as it is a celebration to welcome my firstborn son into this world" he paused a second watching everyone's expression before he continued shouting "SO IF BY THE END OF THIS NIGHT I DON'T SEE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU PASSED DOWN ON THE FLOOR THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A TASTE OF MY FIST, HAHAHAHA".

"AURAAAAAHHHH" screamed everyone at the table at the same time after getting up, slamming their beer mugs with each other and started drinking and laughing.

'sigh, this is going to be a long long life' thought rei.

Staring at the red dots that are mixed with the green dots in his map that is showing the throne room he spoke, 'system there will definitely be some trouble tonight, and I don't really feel like using my powers just as I have reincarnated and increase my risk of failing the quest, is there a way around it".


[host can pick one power of his he wishes for, and from then on the host can use it infinitely without failing the quest].

'good, then I pick time, am already trying to improve it and I have already comprehended it to 90% so it will be of much help, and when I make a breakthrough and take it all the way to law, very few will be my match'.



[host now can now use his power and comprehension of time and any time-related abilities without affecting the quest].

'Hehehe, this is going to be fun thought Rei.