
Strongest Mercenary System

After Transmigrating, Lu Ting inherited his father's mercenary group after a tragic incident. Lu Ting being a teenager was not suitable to lead a mercenary group, with the rival groups targeting his group, it quickly declined. Just as he was about to give up on it, fate handed him the Strongest Mercenary System—a mysterious tool that turned him into the ultimate mercenary. With top-notch combat skills and access to cutting-edge weapons, Lu Ting set out to revolutionize the mercenary industry.

MercenaryTao · Action
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133 Chs

Seeing the Living and the Dead

As the group of special police officers prepared to get into their vehicles and head towards the location of the green large truck to assess the situation, the three grenades inside the driver's compartment of the green large truck exploded thunderously at that moment!








The three grenades exploded in succession, and the resulting flames and black smoke rose directly, forming a small mushroom cloud that instantly engulfed and swallowed the green large truck!


The next moment, just as Lu Ting had anticipated, the tank filled with gasoline in the large truck also ignited due to the intense explosion caused by the three grenades!


The gasoline-filled tank directly intensified the force of the explosion!


The scene of a large truck exploding simultaneously with three grenades was nothing short of spectacular! Within several kilometers around the main road, the deafening blasts echoed everywhere, with massive flames soaring into the sky. In an instant, the explosion shredded the large truck, and its debris flew into the air, reaching heights of three to four stories!


Countless steel fragments scattered from the disintegrated vehicle and numerous gravel pieces from the pile that the large truck had collided with were also sent flying by the shockwave, striking the construction workers who had no time to escape.


They didn't even have time to utter a scream before perishing completely in this massive explosion!


Even the two armed helicopters that had been hovering above the large truck were severely jolted by the terrifying shockwave generated by the explosion! After quickly reacting, the helicopter pilots immediately raised the altitude of their aircraft to avoid losing control.


Meanwhile, several hundred meters away, the group of special police officers who were witnessing all this were similarly unable to escape the terrifying impact of the explosion!


Countless gravel and steel fragments scattered in all directions like a shower of flowers, centered around the explosion. The row of parked police cars on the main road had their windows shattered instantly by the shockwave, and their bodies were riddled with uneven holes!


Despite the horrifying power of the explosion catching them off guard, the special police officers managed to quickly take cover behind their vehicles. However, they couldn't avoid being dizzy and deafened by the tremendous shockwave caused by the explosion!


Fortunately, these special police officers were all wearing tactical bulletproof vests, and they managed to shelter behind the police cars in time, avoiding being hit by the flying gravel and steel fragments.


Four to five minutes passed before the chaotic aftermath of this massive explosion gradually settled down.


Once the shockwave from the explosion had subsided, the colonel and his group of special police officers immediately crawled out from the severely damaged police cars. They looked towards the still billowing black smoke from the explosion site not far away. The colonel's face darkened as if it could drip water!


Immediately after, he took out the walkie-talkie he carried, pressed the button, and communicated with his subordinates on the armed helicopter in the sky: "Can you see what's happening over there?!"


"We can't see anything at all!"


Soon, the walkie-talkie relayed the response from the subordinates on the armed helicopter, "Black smoke is blocking our view completely, Colonel."


Upon hearing this response, the colonel didn't say much more through the walkie-talkie. Instead, he turned to the special police officers beside him and instructed, "Get the vehicles moving. We're going over to take a look."


"Yes, sir!"


Not long after, the row of police cars parked on the main road drove towards the first explosion site several hundred meters away.


They did not approach the explosion site directly but chose to stop about twenty meters away from the site of the first explosion. They did this out of fear that if there were any subsequent explosions or fires, their police cars might also catch fire and result in another explosion.


After getting out of the vehicles, the group of special police officers immediately approached cautiously with bomb shields in hand, trying to get closer to the wreckage of the large truck at the first explosion site to observe the specific situation inside.


However, at this moment, the wreckage of the engulfed large truck still emitted billowing thick smoke, making it impossible for them to see clearly even when they got closer, whether there was anyone in the driver's seat of the large truck.


Even if someone had been in the driver's cabin, they would likely have been turned to ashes in the instant of the explosion.


In reality, confirming whether the enemy Lu Ting was truly dead along with the destruction of the large truck could only be done after the wreckage of the truck burned down completely, by having forensic experts come in to search for traces of a body in the vehicle wreckage.


At this time, the special police team that had been following behind Lu Ting's large truck also arrived in their vehicles.


Seeing this, the colonel looked at them and asked in a deep voice, "Did any of you see the target jump off the vehicle before this large truck exploded?!"


Obviously, the colonel also considered the possibility that the enemy might have used the chaos of the explosion to create an illusion of his own death.


After all, such situations had been encountered before.


Faced with the colonel's question, the several special police officers hesitated and could not provide an answer for a while. Finally, the captain of this special police team stepped forward and replied, "Sorry, Colonel, we couldn't see clearly."


At that time, although this main road had been under surveillance, there were still many vehicles on the road that had not been intercepted in time. Moreover, the strong sunlight during the day made it impossible for their eyes to see clearly what the situation was inside when Lu Ting's large truck entered the dim bottom of the overpass.


However, by the time their eyes adjusted and they could see clearly, the large truck had already collided with the gravel pile at the construction site. Immediately after, a massive explosion occurred.


Upon hearing the response from his subordinate special police officer, the colonel's expression instantly turned even more unpleasant. He glared fiercely at the special police officer and couldn't help but angrily scold, "What use are you to me? Can't even catch one person with so many people together?!"


At these words, the group of special police officers immediately felt ashamed and lowered their heads, not daring to meet the colonel's eyes.


At this moment, the colonel himself was also feeling very frustrated. With such a result now, how could he face reporting to Arthur?!


Uncertain whether the person was still on the vehicle or not...




Just then, the colonel's phone in his pants pocket suddenly vibrated. Without needing to think, he knew it must be a call from Arthur!


Sure enough,


After taking out his phone from his pocket, the incoming call displayed on the screen was indeed from Arthur.


After pressing the answer button, Arthur's voice came through the earpiece.


"Seeing is believing."


(End of the Chapter)