
Strongest Mercenary System

Crossing into a parallel world, Lu Ting inherited a struggling mercenary group! He originally intended to make a living as a mercenary, but after living day to day in uncertainty, he decided to find an opportunity to shut down his group, wash his hands of it, and completely withdraw from the vicious mercenary industry. However, unexpectedly, his transmigration privilege called the "Strongest Mercenary System" suddenly appeared! As long as he earns enough reputation, Lu Ting can purchase any military equipment from the system, ranging from handguns and smoke grenades to aircraft carriers and bombers, everything is available. Moreover, according to the system's requirements, completing related mercenary tasks also earns him very generous rewards! From then on, armed with the system, Lu Ting led his group to embark on a journey to overturn the entire mercenary industry!

MercenaryTao · Action
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92 Chs

Lu Ting gets Drunk!?

The 'happy' time always passes quickly. Lu Ting and the members of the 141 Special Forces arrived in Thailand and the first night passed quickly!


In Thailand time, it was five o'clock in the early morning.


Lu Ting, smelling of alcohol and slightly drunk, was supported by Roach and Yuri, one on each side, as they walked out of the Splendor Club's gate. The hostess who had gained greatly from Lu Ting's hands last night, along with the beauties, had escorted to the door and bid farewell to Lu Ting.


They watched Lu Ting get into the black SUV and gradually drive away before they turned and returned to the club.


Back in the black SUV, Lu Ting, who had initially appeared quite drunk, immediately opened his eyes, revealing slight dark circles underneath. His eyes were surprisingly clear.


After loosening the tie that had been tightening around his throat all night, Lu Ting sat up from the leather seat in the back and reached out to Roach in the front, saying, "Roach, pass me a bottle of water."


After drinking foreign liquor all night, Lu Ting's throat felt like it was on fire. It was fortunate that his body had been enhanced with super serum previously, speeding up his alcohol metabolism significantly. Otherwise, even someone like Lu Ting, accustomed to drinking alcohol, wouldn't have been able to handle such a night of drinking!


Upon hearing this, Roach immediately pulled out a bottle of mineral water from the side compartment of the car and handed it to Lu Ting.




Yuri, who was driving back to the hotel, couldn't help but show a surprised expression upon seeing this, exclaiming, "Commander, so you're not really drunk?! You acted so convincingly that both Roach and I believed it!"


Honestly, they hadn't noticed earlier that Lu Ting was pretending to be drunk. The smell of alcohol all over him and his drunken demeanor were seamless!


"Commander, your tolerance for alcohol is amazing!"


As Roach turned back to hand Lu Ting the wet handkerchief, he sincerely admired, "If it came down to a real drinking contest, maybe the rest of us wouldn't stand a chance against you!"


There weren't many things that could impress the members of the 141 Special Forces, but reaping heads on the battlefield and holding one's liquor at the table were definitely some of them!


Although most of the drinks on the table had been consumed by the companions last night, the amount Lu Ting had managed to drink alone far surpassed any of them!


Therefore, Roach and Yuri truly admired Lu Ting's alcohol tolerance now!


Lu Ting just smiled in response to Roach's praise. Then, he took the wet handkerchief handed to him and wiped his face, asking, "So, what did you observe over the night? Any findings?"


Although he had observed the environment below the dance floor and on the second-floor boxes of the Splendor Club last night, Lu Ting had mostly been busy playing the role of a playboy. Therefore, his observation time had been relatively short.


On the other hand, Roach and Yuri, who had been playing the role of bodyguards beside him, had spent almost the entire night observing the women around Lu Ting and monitoring the movements of people below the dance floor. This was also one of the reasons why Lu Ting insisted on having them by his side.


Upon hearing Lu Ting's inquiry, Roach and Yuri immediately became serious and thoughtful. After a few seconds of brief reflection, Roach spoke first, "Yes, there are several men in black suits below the dance floor whose movements are quite suspicious."


"They appear to be maintaining order on the surface, but their eyes mostly linger on some young men and women. Moreover, these young men and women all have similar facial features to yours, Commander, probably Asians."


One or two might be coincidental, but three, four, five... even throughout the night until they left, these men in suits kept glancing over, indicating that it wasn't just a coincidence!




At this moment, Yuri also spoke up immediately after, "That's right. They've also been looking at the second-floor boxes, but because of the glass, they shouldn't know that Roach and I have already noticed them."


It wasn't just these men in black suits who appeared to be staff that they were observing; there were also many people below in the dance floor area who seemed to be 'lingering' at various scattered tables.


Perhaps every nightclub has those familiar people who are generally friendly, but when their enthusiasm goes too far, it becomes suspicious. However, those already caught up in the situation often don't sense anything amiss and might even consider such behavior normal! It's precisely this mindset that gives kidnappers and scammers the opportunity to succeed!


However, what these people didn't know was that tonight, every one of their actions had been meticulously observed by Roach and Yuri from upstairs!




Just then, Yuri, who was driving the vehicle back to their lodging at the hotel, glanced unexpectedly at the rearview mirror while preparing to turn and noticed a white car that had been seen several times following closely behind their car.


Seeing this, Yuri, already on high alert, immediately informed Lu Ting and Roach sitting in the back, "There's a white car behind us that's been following us all the way!"


Upon hearing Yuri's words, Roach immediately turned around to take a look, but due to the specially made glass windows of their car, he couldn't see inside the vehicle's situation.


At this moment, Lu Ting also glanced back and saw that the car following them wasn't a luxury vehicle but a very common family sedan. This ruled out the possibility that this white car was staying at the same hotel as them.


Lu Ting then withdrew his gaze and said to Yuri, "No need to worry. Stick to the plan and return to the hotel to rest."




Upon hearing Lu Ting's instructions, Yuri didn't pay further attention to the white car following them. He focused and drove the car to the front entrance of the hotel.


As soon as they got out of the car, Lu Ting reverted to his drunken state with the help of Yuri and Roach, who supported him back to the hotel room.


To avoid suspicion, Yuri and Roach practically laid Lu Ting on the bed, drew the blackout curtains, and then left the room.


Later, lying in bed pretending to sleep, Lu Ting suddenly opened his eyes. He quietly approached the large floor-to-ceiling window in the hotel room and gently pulled back a corner of the curtain to glance below.


When choosing the room, Lu Ting specifically reserved one that provided a good view of the surroundings.


Not finding the white car in the temporary parking lot directly in front of the hotel, Lu Ting quickly moved to the side window of this large suite.


Sure enough,


There he saw the familiar white car parked discreetly behind the greenery outside the perimeter wall!


(End of the Chapter)