
Strongest Mercenary System

After Transmigrating, Lu Ting inherited his father's mercenary group after a tragic incident. Lu Ting being a teenager was not suitable to lead a mercenary group, with the rival groups targeting his group, it quickly declined. Just as he was about to give up on it, fate handed him the Strongest Mercenary System—a mysterious tool that turned him into the ultimate mercenary. With top-notch combat skills and access to cutting-edge weapons, Lu Ting set out to revolutionize the mercenary industry.

MercenaryTao · Action
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133 Chs

Fish is hooked

At 8:30 PM, local time in Thailand.


Southern Pattani Province, inside the Cangsheng Casino.


The number of guests entering the Cangsheng Casino today was clearly several times more than usual! A continuous flow of vehicles parked at the entrance of the casino, keeping the valets busy.


Dressed in luxurious attire, guests either came in small groups or with companions, chatting and smiling as they walked into the Cangsheng Casino.


Anyone who knew the inside story understood why it was so lively today—it was because of the underground auction scheduled for tonight!


However, the guests who arrived were taciturn about the auction, knowing well that everything exhibited at the underground auction was illegal.


Inside the Cangsheng Casino, Lu Ting finished the last bite of his steak, washed it down with a sip of red wine to clear his throat, then glanced at his wristwatch. There were still two hours until the underground auction began.


Seeing this, he got up straight from his dining chair, buttoned up his suit jacket, and said to Roach and Yuri behind him, "It's still early. Let's go and have some fun."


With that, Lu Ting left the dining area.


Roach and Yuri, still playing the role of Lu Ting's close bodyguards, immediately followed his footsteps after a quick scan of the surroundings in the restaurant.


Little did they know, their three figures had been secretly monitored in the surveillance for quite some time!


No, it should be said that Lu Ting had been secretly watched since he entered the Cangsheng Casino.


On the third floor of the Cangsheng Casino, in a secluded office.


A woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face, dressed in a black professional OL skirt, sat leisurely on the sofa with her legs crossed. She swirled a glass of red wine in her hand, painted with bright red nails.


After a moment, she tilted her head back and downed the remaining crimson liquid in the glass, then glanced at the middle-aged man sitting behind the boss's desk opposite her and said, "How about it? Are you satisfied with this prey?"


Upon hearing the woman's self-satisfied tone, the man sitting on the boss's chair put down the file in his hand, looked at her, and smiled faintly before replying, "Satisfied. You've done a good job, so naturally I'm satisfied!"


With that, he set aside his tablet. On the screen of this tablet appeared the detailed personal information of Zhao Ting.


Glancing at this personal information, the man clasped his hands together and looked at the woman, asking for confirmation, "But, Xingyue, have you verified the authenticity of this identity information?"


At his words, Xingyue, the woman, immediately restrained the hint of coyness in her smile. She casually tossed the wine glass onto the coffee table with a 'clink' and countered, "What do you think? Xingyue always handles things cautiously. If I didn't have a grasp on the 'prey,' when would I have brought it to you to see?"


After saying this, she rolled her eyes playfully, then explained again, "Rest assured, I've had people check Zhao Ting's identity information several times over. I've confirmed that there's no issue."


According to investigation records, Zhao Ting is the only son of a domestic mining conglomerate in Chinese, with an older sister in the family besides him.


The reason he came to Thailand for leisure this time was because he had recently been pressured too tightly by his family. Taking advantage of his sister's business negotiations in China, he directly left his business partners behind and sailed freely to Thailand.


Apart from the two temporary hired bodyguards, he doesn't have any acquaintances around him!


Xingyue stood up and walked to the boss's desk, reaching out to grab the tablet. After swiftly making a few gestures on it, she brought up another set of data and placed it in front of the man, saying, "These are his expenditures over the past few days in Thailand, at various nightclubs, casinos, and luxury hotels."


As the only son of a domestic mining conglomerate in Chinese, Zhao Ting naturally has no shortage of money, and every expenditure record here is quite high!


Moreover, Xingyue could tell that this wasn't his maximum spending level.


In other words, these expenditure records only represent the upper limits of those nightclubs, bars, and luxury hotels, not Zhao Ting's spending limits!


If the son is so wealthy, then it's certain that his father must have even more assets!


Upon hearing the man's inquiry, Xingyue set down the tablet and turned to look at the huge surveillance screen opposite, where Zhao Ting's every move since entering the casino was clearly displayed.


Then, Xingyue's lips curled up with confidence as she said, "I think, we can squeeze at least several times more ransom than the last one, easily!"




The man's face showed agreement as he analyzed, "Indeed, compared to mining conglomerates, real estate tycoons are bound to pale in comparison."


After all, domestic real estate companies in Chinese basically only do domestic business, but mining conglomerates are different—they have been involved in both domestic and international business from the beginning!


Then, the man's gaze shifted to Xingyue and he asked, "Are you confident you can capture him?"




Hearing the man's question, Xingyue immediately let out a disdainful snort. In her eyes, these young masters within Chinese, especially those who enjoyed revelry, had little intelligence!


Especially when they were having fun, as long as they tasted some addictive benefits, these young masters would easily take the bait due to their carelessness and inexplicable confidence!


Based on Zhao Ting's behavior during his leisure time in Thailand over the past few days, in Xingyue's eyes, tricking him again would be simply effortless!


She looked at the surveillance footage, where Zhao Ting was seen laughing heartily after winning a large amount of bets, and said, "Since he also wants to join in the excitement of the auction, let me see what kind of 'goods' he really is!"


"Be careful."


Although Xingyue appeared very confident, as if she already had the prey in her hands, the man still reminded her, "Don't be too obvious, don't arouse his suspicion."


(End of the Chapter)