
Unexpected Genius!

"Hoh... are you trying to make a move on my disciple?" Xiao long said while releasing his aura to suppress the old man.

The old man was surprised because he felt threatened by Xiao long's aura!" Who exactly are you!? Don't you know I am the guardian Yang Qi, sent by the 1-star Violet Sun kingdom!?" Yang Qi said in a threatening voice to Xiao long.

"Hoh a 1st layer core building realm martial artist dare to threaten the sect master of my supreme martial sect?" Xu lin said.

Boom! Everyone was once again surprised! Xu lin a 4th layer Core building realm martial artist was part of the sect that nearly destroyed the Fire cloud sect a few months ago! What's more surprising is that they can't see the face of Xiao long!

"Good thing I can manipulate the hundred face mask and let me hide my face." Xiao long said to himself.

"Se-senior Xu! Dont tell me your part of his sect!?" Yang Qi said in an alarmed tone.

"Looks like your not that dumb. And let me tell you our sect master is way stronger than me!" Xu lin said to Yang Qi in a loud tone.

"This... my apologies Senior! I have eyes but failed to see Mount Tai!" Yang Qi said trying to appease the anger of Xu lin and Xiao long.

"Well nothing bad did happen so I'll let it pass but be sure to remember not to let anything bad happen to my disciple because if anything bad happens to him while his in the royal city even the guardian of your 1-Star Violet sun kingdom can't do anything to me. Oh and if I ever knew that you spread out what happened today you won't live to see tonorrow." Xiao long said to Yang Qi using his spiritual Qi to transmit his message to him so that no one else can hear their conversation. Xiao long then floated for a second to let Yang Qi know that his in the nascent soul realm. Even though Yang Qi saw him float it doesn't mean that the people in the audience also saw him. Xiao long adjusted his speed so that only people at the Core building realm can see him. After that Yang Qi just nodded and left suddenly but before he left he told the announcer to announce that the tournament will continue. He also picked up Zhao chen and carried him towards the palace.

"Th-the matches will resume!" After the announcer said that both Xiao long and Xu lin disappeared from the stadium and went back on their usual spot without anyone noticing them.

Zhao Fu then looked at the remaining 3 competitors which are Lin dong, Chen Hu, and Wang Xiu." If you want to continue your match I wont intervene and just watch until one of you wins." Zhao Fu said to them with a calm look.

"If that's the case thankyou 4th prince!" Lin dong said while bowing to Zhao Fu.

" thankyou 4th prince!" Both Chen Hu and Wang Xiu said at the same time. After that the match of the three of them continued all three of them are tied until suddenly Chen Hu transformed into a half tiger man and pounced towards Wang Xiu!" Tiger bloodbath!" Chen Hu then tackled Wang Xiu and Wang Xiu spat out a mouthful of blood! He then once again dashed towards Wang Xiu readying his fist wanting to punch her with an uppercut to knock her out but before that happened Wang Xiu surrendered!"I give up!" Wang Xiu shouted wanting to save herself from the beating she will get but even though Chen Hu heard Wang Xiu give up he still didn't stop his attack!

" Don't think I'll let you surrender that easily." Chen Hu said before trying to punch Wang Xiu! But suddenly a shaddow emerged at the front of Wang Xiu and blocked his attack! And it was Lin dong!

"Hoh... It looks like we have a good seedling here." Xiao long said to himself while looking at Lin dong.

"He already surrendered Chen Hu so ehy did you still attack her?" Lin dong said in a calm tone.

"Thankyou Lin dong! I wont forget this favor!" Wang Xiu said before stepping out of the stage and moving back towards the other competitors who already lost and Lin dong nodded in response.

"Heh it looks like you can still fight with me evenly even if am in my strongest monster transformation. You should know that I can even rival 2nd layer foundation building realm martial artist while in this form." Chen Hu said with a smile on his face.

Lin dong then raised his hand and showed 1 finger." One move. I only need one move to defeat you." Lin dong said with confidence.

"Punk! Don't underestimate me like that! I'll make you regret what you just said! Tiger king's Fury!" Chen Hu then moved towards Lin dong and attacked him furiously! But no matter how much he attacked he only hit air and nothing else! He didn't even touch Lin Dong's clothes!

"Punk Don't try me!" But then Chen Hu stopped for a moment and suddenly laughed."hahahhaha Lin dong are you trying to impress some major forces for them to recruit you?" Chen Hu said mockingly.

"What are you talking about?" Lin dong said calmly.

"Hahhahahaha Don't try to fool me! I know that you've been kicked out of the everlasting sword sect!" Chen Hu said in a loud manner.

Everyone was surprised! They didn't expect the number one disciple of the everlasting sword sect to be kicked out just like that!" Is it true?" Someone said." I can't believe it... so thats why I don't see anyone from the everlasting sword sect trying to support Lin dong" another one exclaimed.

"Your correct I am not part of the everlasting sword sect anymore." Lin dong calmly said.

Everyone was once again shocked because what Chen Hu was saying was true!

"But they didn't kick me out. I left by myself. I can't tolerate a sect where they tolerate the bullying of disciples. A sect with no morals and principles isn't fit to be a sect at all!" Lin dong said in a loud tone. He then took his stance and said" One move. Be ready here I come!" Lin dong said.

After a while everyone was surprised to see Lin dong at the back of Chen Hu! They then saw him put his sword back at its sheath at the same time as the sword went back in its sheath Chen Hu fell to the ground unconscious.

Everyone was amazed and started cheering not even bothering to remember what Chen Hu said before about Lin dong being kicked out of the everlasting sword sect.

Xiao long and Xu lin were surprised because the both of them saw what really happened! Not only did Lin dong use his sword to beat Chen Hu but he also used sword Qi!A 15 year old foundation building realm martial artist comprehending sword is unprecedented in this world! Normally only core building realm martial artist can comprehend sword Qi or other kinds of Qi intents but Lin dong broke that logic! Suddenly Xiao long heard a notification sound in his mind and he smiled.

[Ding! System found a suitable core disciple for host! The system automatically looked at the recommended disciples status because host didn't check the persons status manually! Automatic analysis for suitable disciples is now in use!]

Xiao long just smiled and sighed and then opened Lin dong's status.