
Level up!!

[Master roshi- 1,000,000,000 Gold coins.]

Yes! You heard it right! Master Roshi from the dragonball series! Xiao long decided to buy Master roshi first because at body tempering realm together with the cultivation method given by him to the disciples of the sect master roshi can also help with the tempering of their bodies and combat prowess.

But Xiao long first have to look for monsters to kill for him to get gold coins to get Master Roshi.

After exiting the inner world Xiao long first went on a mountaintop and tried an experiment. He used his doppelgänger skill and summoned his clone after that He started to order his clone to look for monsters while he cultivated in the immortal pond.

[+20,000 exp!]

[+20,000 exp!]

[+20,000 exp!]

Xiao long was surprised! With the help of the inmortal pond alone he can get a total 3 billion exp a day! And thats without the help of his clone! Xiao long's clone is still journeying towards the 1-star Violet sun kingdom. After exactly 7 days Xiao long managed to get his exp to 25 billion exp! And now that his clone has finally arrived at the 1-star violet sun kingdom the clone first asked about the neighboring kingdoms and learned that the Violet Sun kingdom alone governs a dozen or so starless kingdom! After getting the information he needed Xiao long then went towards a place called monster beast valley were it span towards the horizon snd no one knows how long it actually is! No one has ever went farther than a 1000km in the monster beast valley! Even nascent soul realm monster beast are found in the monster beast valley! There are rumors that even monsters above the nascent soul realm are located within the monster beast valley but lucky for us the Violet sun kingdom is only located at the periphery of the monster beast valley and it is 10,000km away from the kingdom main city! Xiao long is now in a small city built for cultivators who are specifically going to the valley to hunt monster beast. In here they can swap monster beast for earthly treasures or even low grade spirit stones! But a low grade spirit stone cost a whooping 10,000 gold coins! But even if you raise the price no one is willing to swap gold coins for a low grade spirit stone because it can help you advance in cultivation!

A spirit stone is made up of spiritual Qi formed by the heaven and earth and by absorbing the pure spiritual qi found in the spirit stone it can help you advance leaps and bounds in your cultivation! But usially only core building realm martial artist can afford to have a low grade spirit stone!

"System can I also swap spirit stones for items in the shop?" Xiao long asked curiously to the system.

[Ding! Replying to host! If the host want the currency in the shop will be changed form gold coins to spirit stones.]

"Change it!" Xiao long said to the system and then after looking at it now the price of Master roshi in the shop is only 100,000 low grade spirit stones!

After asking around in the city Xiao long learned that 1st-3rd (early stage) layer core building realm beast core can get a price of 1-20 low grade spirit stones depending on the level of the beast and its type. For example a black python beast core can get a total of 3 low -grade spirit stones because of its use as an ingredient in making medicinal pills but it is only a 1st layer core building monster beast.

The price of 4th-6th layer monster beast is a whooping 20-100 low grade spirit stones! Because of the danger of getting killed by these monster beast it is rarely hunted down resulting in the rise of prices on their monster cores. Usually 4th-6th ( middle stage)layer Core building realm martial artist are the top experts of a sect! And they usually only have a hundred or so masters in their sect! Only rogue cultivators of that level tend to hunt monster beast for money resulting in a shortage of supplies. and don't even speak about late stage monster beast (7th-9th stage) because only top experts can hunt those monster beast! Usually they sell for about 500-1000 low grade spirit stones!

After getting enough information Xiao long started to fly towards the inner part of the monster valley not even minding about the low grade monsters! After finally arriving at the hunting grounds for Core building stage martial artist Xiao long went even deeper to avoid the eyes of the people! Finally Xiao long arrived at the place for late stage core building stage monsters!

[+500,000 exp!]

[+ 500 low grade spirit stones]

[+700,000 exp!]

[+550 low grade spirit stones]


Xiao long went deeper and deeper into the forest and slaughtered every beast that he saw until finally after half a month he stopped hunting because he suddenly heard a notification sound in his mind and he smiled.

[Ding! Congratulations to host for leveling up to nascent soul realm 4th layer!Exp required before next level up 300 billion!]

Xiao long sighed because now he needed trice the amount of exp to level up to the 5th layer! Good thing there are alot of monster beast in the monster valley thought Xiao long because he has went 2000km deep in the monster valley and there is still no sign if the other side! Xiao long also managed to get a total of 150,000 low grade spirit stones while hunting.

Xiao long's doppelgänger skill is now level 5 with the constant use of his! Now this is it's description.

[ Doppelgänger level 5- a skill which allows the host to summon up to 3 Doppelgängers with 80% of host strength.]

Xiao long then left the 1 doppelgänger to keep hunting in the monster valley while the two others were ordered to find suitable core disciples for the sect!. While the real body of Xiao long is still in the mountaintop near the royal city of magnolia kingdom inside the inner world. Zhao Fu is now once again nearing the 3rd layer of the foundation building realm while Lin dong is trying to breakthrough to the 2nd layer. Zhao Fu also visited his father last month and got his reward. His father Zhao Feng also talked to Zhao Fu and asked for forgiveness but Zhao Fu just nodded. The king also wanted to give Zhao Fu the title if crown prince but Zhao Fu told him that he likes being free and growing stronger and managing a kingdom doesn't suit him so his father didn't force it into him.

One month has now passed after the departure of Yu lang and Yu lan for their journey and something unexpected happened this day. Lil'Xiao Finally woke up!

[Ding! Congratulations to host! Monster companion Lil'Xiao evolved into a true dragon! Please check!]