
Strongest Martial Clan

Zhou Fan is a cultivators with big ambitions. But because of his low talent he could only live by keeping a low profile all his life. However one day when his friend died and asked him take care of his wife, his life changed. Let's Witness the story of Zhou Fan as how he slowly step by step become powerful and fulfill his ambitions. English is not my First Language, so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. [A/N] : The cover is not mine.

Devil_2004 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Top-level Spiritual Roots

"Sister-in-law, I don't know what your plans are in the future."

After putting three incense sticks on his fellow Daoist Su, Zhou Fan asked sincerely.

Nangong Yuqin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, dragged her body to kneel at Zhou Fan feet and said softly, "I am just a weak woman with no power to tie a chicken, without the support of my husband, how canI be in this world with peace of mind?. So I still hope... I hope my uncle can take care of me till I find a place to settle down peacefully.

Zhou Fan hurriedly reached out to help Nangong Yuqin, but Nangong Yuqin seemed particularly stubborn, as if she would not get up if he didn't agree.

Zhou Fan was also not good at using force, after all, he was worried that if he couldn't grasp the force, he would hurt his weak sister-in-law.

However the moment he held her hands to help her get up, a ray of his Qi energy accidentally entered her body. But what he discovered later completely shocked him and made him stunned.

A few moments later he calm down and in order to avoid mistakes, Zhou Fan planned to check twice more.

At first seeing his actions Nangong Yuqin was a bit startled, but seeing his serious face she also understood that something was wrong. So she looked at it very seriously and did not dare to interrupt in the slightest.

After confirming it three times, Zhou Fan gave up.

At this moment, a storm surged in his heart.

"Brother Su, Brother Su, you really are..."

Zhou Fan really wanted to say, you are really very lucky.

He has determined that this kind and pretty sister-in-law of his has top-level 4 spiritual roots.

But he was confused as to why even after having spiritual roots Nangong Yuqin was a mortal and never cultivated.

Zhou Fan looked at her and asked, "Sister-in-law, Brother Su, have he ever investigated whether you have spiritual roots?"

Nangong Yuqin nodded her head and replied "Before our marriage 6 years ago, he once checked. But he told me that I have 5 complete spiritual roots. That's why I cannot cultivate."

Hearing her Zhou Fan didn't asked anymore question as he understood everything.

It's not that Su Wentian did not knew that Nangong Yuqin have spiritual roots but instead ever after knowing he did bot told her and never taught her how to cultivate because he was afraid.

As Nangong Yuqin had better spiritual roots than him, he was afraid that once he taught her how to cultivate, the difference between them will continue to increase with the increase in her cultivation base and one day she will leave him and go away.

In the cultivation world it was not something rare. After all everybody is trying to increase their cultivation base and trying their best to become stronger for only one thing. And that is to live safely.

"Brother Zhao, I don't know what happened..."

Seeing Zhou Fan expression, Nangong Yuqin guessed something in her heart and asked.

Zhou Fan smiled slightly: "Congratulations, sister-in-law, you have spiritual roots. From today you can start cultivating and step into the world of immortality."

Hearing hi she was stunned for a moment and stood in her place with a expression of disbelief on her face. A few moments later she forcefully calm down herself but it still could not stop a beautiful smile appearing on her face.

At this moment she looked even more beautiful.

But it was only for a moment. A moment later, her smile again disappeared and she had conflicting expression on her face and sad, angry and various other emotions could be seen in her eyes.

Zhou Fan understood what she was thinking. Nangong Yuqin was not stupid. Instead she was very intelligent and she must have figured out why Su Wentian did not told her that she can cultivate.

Zhou Fan did not disturbed her and let her take her time to calm down. He did not said anything about Su Wentian because he knew that as an outsider it is not his place to talk about the matters between their husband and wife.

Nangong Yuqin also did not not dwell on this topic for long. She then looked at Zhou Fan and asked "Brother Zhou, then what are youra plans next."

He replied "Sister in-law, now you have decide what to do. First if you want I can teach you how to cultivate and second if you do not want to cultivate then I will go and make arrangements for you to live rest of your life peacefully as a mortal."

Nangong Yuqin is an unprecedented wealth for Zhou Fan.

If he help her at her lowest and teach her how to cultivate then in the future when she become powerful, Zhou Fan can depend on her to live the old days of his life peacefully. In fact, it is even possible for him to be able to reach Foundation Building Realm with her help.

But after all, in the end it all depend on what decision Nangong Yuqin make.

That's why he gave her two option. If it would have been before, then he would have definitely not asked for her opinion, but after finding about her spiritual roots he changed his decision.

With and without spiritual roots, Zhou Fan treatment method is definitely different.

Nangong Yuqin did not hesitate to choose and replied "Brother Zhao, I want to cultivate and also want to become powerful. I hope Brother Su will teach me."

He smiled and said "No problem. From tomorrow I will teach you how to cultivate".

"Then I thank Brother Zhou for taking care of me." Nangong Yuqin bowed to Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan quickly helped her up.

This time, Nangong Yuqin was not persistent, and got up with the strength of Zhou Fan.

Even faintly, Zhou Fan still thinks that his sister-in-law is still vaguely...attracting him?

Those bright eyes gleamed with style.

Zhou Fan immediately understood.

After his fellow Daoist Su died, Nangong Yuqin future life could not be guaranteed.

Although she has spiritual roots and can cultivate but currently she is no different then a mortal.

If you are unlucky, you may become a plaything for others.

Zhou Fan has also heard that there are many geniuses who fall even before they could come to limelight.

After all, even as a mortal Nangong Yuqin beauty is comparable to those cultivators Fairies in big sect, and it can be regarded as a disaster for the country and the people.

It seemed that Nangong Yuqin wanted to hug his thighs and let himself replace Daiost Su as her support.

But Zhou Fan did not said anything. He left and returned to his room to cultivate.