
Strongest Martial Clan

Zhou Fan is a cultivators with big ambitions. But because of his low talent he could only live by keeping a low profile all his life. However one day when his friend died and asked him take care of his wife, his life changed. Let's Witness the story of Zhou Fan as how he slowly step by step become powerful and fulfill his ambitions. English is not my First Language, so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. [A/N] : The cover is not mine.

Devil_2004 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Medicnal Bath

The next day Zhao fan was sitting cross legged and Nangong Yuqin was also sitting cross legged in front of him.

After waking up in the morning, both of them took a bath (separately) and cleaned themselves. Then Zhou Fan called her to his room to start today classes.

Zhao fan spoke "Today is your first day of cultivation. But before starting I will tell you somethings about cultivation world.

Cultivation is divided into various stages, starting from Qi Gathering, Foundation Building, Golden Core and so on. But that's for later on. Today we will talk about Qi Gathering Realm.

To become a Qi gathering realm cultivator you will have to open a Dantian. Dantian refers to the region in the body where a person's Qi is concentrated. It is located three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel.

The moment you open your dantian you will step into First stage of Qi Gathering Realm.

In this realm the Qi present in Dantian is in gaseous form. The higher your cultivation base the denser the Qi energy in your Dantian.

Now I will impart a cultivation technique to you. With its help you can cultivate all the way to 7th level Qi Gathering Realm."

She listened all the things Zhou Fan said seriously. Then he pointed his finger at her forehead and a sudden pain assaulted her.

After a moment the pain was gone, and a huge amount of information kept pouring in her brain.

The cultivation technique Zhou Fan imparted her was the one he use. With that cultivation technique he also gave a lot of notes which he wrote to help her understand that techniques more easily.

This is also one of the reason why everyone want to jain a sect or a clan. With the help of a senior and his experience, a person cultivation speed increases by many folds.

After Nangong Yuqin got the cultivation technique she Immediately started cultivating.

Zhou fan looked at her and muttered " With her talent she will be able to reach 1st level Qi Gathering Realm in one month on her own."

Then he got up and left the room. After coming out he did not started practising. Instead he left the house directly and went to the market. When he reached market he saw vendors on both side of the street shouting loudly and trying to attract customers. The street were full of pedestrian. Various Big shops were also opened on both sides for business.

He ventured in the market for sometime before coming in front of a stall. The owner of the stall was an old man and was selling various kinds of herbs. Of course these were herbs which do not have any effect on cultivators and can only be taken by mortals.

However from his experience Zhou fan knows that as long as the age of these herbs is high, they will have certain effect on those who has just started cultivating.

The reason he came to the market was because he wanted to buy various herbs to prepare a medicnal bath for Nangong Yuqin. As she has just started cultivating, the medicnal bath will have huge effect on her and will temper her body both externally and internally which will be helpful for her future cultivation.

After the old man saw Zhou fan his eyes sparkled, he immediately became exited and asked with a smile " This little friend, what do you want to buy. I have almost all types of herbs here".

"I want all the herbs you have with the age of 50 years or above." Zhou fan did not wasted time and directly said.

Hearing him the old man eyes lit up and he replied "Haha, friend you came to the right place. I have a lot of such herbs with me here".

Then he opened the big box in which he was sitting and took out various types of herbs. There were more than 20 herbs and all these herbs were more than 50 years old. And there was even a herb with the age of 120 years.

He presented all these herbs to Zhou fan and asked "How is it little friend. I didn't disappointed you right."

Zhou fan nodded his head and asked "How much are they all."

"2 gold coins ". The old man spoke.

Zhou fan did not said anything and directly took out 2 Gold coin and gave it to the old man. Then he picked up all the herbs and left the stall.

After he completely dissapered in front of his eyes, the old man reacted. He looked at the 2 Gold coin in his hands and muttered "He gave it just like that. No bargaining."

The old man thought he would bargain as the price of 2 Gold coin was not cheap. But how could he know that Zhou fan was not a mortal. To cultivators they use spirit stones to buy all the things they want. Gold and Silver are not of any use to them.

After he left the stall, Zhou Fan went to another stall to buy the herbs. After half an hour he had bought almost all the high level herbs present in the market. Then he returned to his manor.

Whrn he returned he saw Nangong Yuqin was still cultivating, so he did not disturbed her and went inside another room. There he prepared a big bathtub and filled it with hot water. Then he poured half of the herbs he bought into the tub. After stirring it for 10 minutes all the essence of those herbs got mixed and the colour of water changed to dark green.

Then he also sat down cross legged and started cultivating. Three hours later he heard the knock on the door of his room and opened his eyes. He got up and came outside. There Nangong Yuqin was standing in front of the door.

Seeing him come out Nangong Yuqin said " Husband come and have dinner ".

"Hmm. How is your cultivation going. Did you encounter any problem." He asked.

"Don't worry Husband. I haven't encountered any problem. And after practising I feel like my body has become very light weight and stronger." She replied.

"Hmm." He nodded his head. After yesterday night both of them has changed the way they used to address each other. Nangong Yuqin call him Husband and he also call her by her name Yuqin.

Then they both had dinner in the hall. After dinner when Nangong Yuqin was thinking of going back to her room and cultivate Zhou fan stopped her.

"Wait Yuqin. Come with me." He said.

She did not said anything and followed him. After both of them entered his room, they saw tub filled with a dark green liquid.

"This is a medicnal bath I have prepared for you." Zhou fan said.