
Strongest Magician's Unlimited Mana

In a world where traditional mages are deemed obsolete due to the creation of the powerful Tulk cards—a revolutionary invention capable of storing magic spells—Mizar Morgan yearns to become a formidable battle mage known as a 'Duelist'. Undeterred by the exorbitant price of these coveted cards, Mizar remains determined to master the art of casting magic spells through traditional means. His unwavering passion drives him forward, despite the odds stacked against him. One fateful day, Mizar and his trusted friend stumble upon a mysterious book bestowed upon them by an enigmatic merchant. Its title: "Unlimited Mana Manual." Within its pages lies the promise of unlocking boundless reserves of mana—a priceless resource for any aspiring mage. Guided by their unwavering determination and armed with their unique blend of traditional magic and revolutionary cards, Mizar and his friend must navigate treacherous battles, and unravel the truth behind the Unlimited Mana Manual. ((My discord username is tachyonguy, ask me anything. but please don't spam message or advertising in my dm. also I already have an editor))

CardCreator · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Mizar squad vs Abel (2)

Despite being struck by a missile, the boys stand their ground resolutely. Undeterred by the impact, they swiftly regain their composure. Their defenses was all brought down by Abel. there was many trace of destruction surrounding them.

The damage inflicted upon them was partially mitigated by the protective membrane. However, despite this defense, they find themselves falling to their knees, weakened by the impact.

"What in the world is that?!" Ridley exclaimed, his voice brimming with disbelief. Taking a protective stance in front of Vanta, he shielded him from any potential follow-up attacks. Despite having sustained the brunt of the previous magic missile's impact, Ridley remained resolute on his feet.

"What should we do next?" he asked Vanta, his determination unwavering.

"It's overwhelming. He showed no mercy whatsoever. It's far beyond what I anticipated," Vanta exclaimed in astonishment.

He never anticipated Abel would be so merciless, even towards a weaker opponent. They're akin to a group of ants swept away by a flood, completely powerless in the face of his onslaught.

"He's holding nothing back," Letto remarks, taken aback by the immense power of the spell. They were ill-prepared for such a formidable display. The sheer magnitude of mana unleashed by him is astounding. What's more surprising is that it is merely a fraction of his full potential.

"He's trying to finish this duel quickly. What do you think?"

"We will do the same. Use all that we have to finish this in one move. I have a plan"

Vanta declares, delving deep into his thoughts to uncover a solution for their predicament.

Meanwhile, Mizar's response diverged completely from his friend's.

Rather than feeling intimidated by his brother's magic, he found himself filled with elation at the unexpected turn of events.

For the first time, he experienced firsthand the impact of an opponent's attack, transitioning from a mere spectator to an active participant. "It's both terrifying and exhilarating!" he exclaimed, caught between fear and an undeniable thrill.

Assuming a poised stance, he prepared himself for another assault. "What's the plan now, guys?" he inquired eagerly, turning to his friends for guidance.

"It's time for us to seize the offensive. Mizar, unleash your most potent magic. And brother, harness your strength to its fullest," Vanta declared emphatically.

Hearing these words, Mizar was filled with elation and anticipation.

Unable to contain his excitement, he longed to give his all in this duel. Like a fledgling bird discovering the thrill of flight, he yearned to spread his wings and push the boundaries of his magical abilities, eager to see just how far he could soar.

Upon receiving the command from his friend, Mizar readied himself, summoning his most potent magic—a colossal fireball. Raising both hands into the air, he initiated the incantation.

A small fireball materialized before him, steadily growing in size as Mizar concentrated his thoughts and channeled the mana he had acquired from the Membrane, fueling the flames.

As he intensified the flow of mana feeding the fire, its temperature surged, growing increasingly scorching. The fireball's core blazed with a brilliant white radiance, causing the surrounding air to swirl and ascend, drawn by the intense heat.

The venue struggled to withstand the overwhelming intensity of the inferno, with its surroundings beginning to melt under the onslaught of searing heat.

Witnessing this awe-inspiring display, Abel couldn't remain still.

The sheer magnitude of the impending fireball threatened to engulf the entire duel venue in a blazing inferno, posing a danger to not only the combatants but also to those in proximity.

"Mizar! That's enough!" Although locked in combat against his brother, Abel's concern for Mizar's safety and well-being stirred within him.

Instinctively, he moved to stop his brother from harm, unaware that his actions played directly into Vanta's trap—a cunning maneuver that had lured Abel closer than ever before.

"Ha! He fell right into our trap!" Vanta exclaimed triumphantly, prompting all the boys to act in perfect synchrony, each taking their designated role.

"Array Release!" Vanta invoked the Arrangement card he had meticulously prepared beforehand, triggering a chain reaction of fifty ethereal tendrils of 'Systole Chains'.

Glowing with radiant light and enveloped in a mystical aura, the chains surged forth, relentlessly pursuing Abel, aiming to bind him and bring him to a halt.

Simultaneously, Vanta unleashed his signature magic, Wicked Tracer.

A series of small fireworks materialized and slithered across the ground in serpent-like patterns, poised to detonate upon contact. Vanta summoned as many as he could muster, conjuring twenty Wicks that advanced menacingly toward Abel.

The resulting spectacle was a mesmerizing display of countless spells, each behaving like a living creature obediently pursuing its target.

Both the sparkling Wicks and the electrifying chains created a breathtaking exhibition of luminous, swirling lines converging upon a single point.

Despite being overwhelmed by the barrage of attacks relentlessly pursuing him, Abel remained determined to reach Mizar and prevent the fireball's release.

Harnessing an immense surge of mana, he unleashed a tremendous wave of energy to counter and dismantle the incoming assaults.

"Stay out of my path!" he roared, directing his palm towards the three boys, his voice filled with authority. Enchanting a powerful spell, he commanded, "Beam Canon!"

In an instant, a colossal beam of radiant light erupted from his outstretched hand.

With pinpoint precision, it traversed the distance and collided with the chains, effectively halting their advance.

The released energy dispersed in various directions, striking multiple targets, including Letto, Ridley, and Vanta. The resulting impact shook the surroundings, leaving a trail of chaos in its wake.

In response to the incoming beam headed towards him, Letto swiftly activated his dispel card, nullifying and eradicating the impending threat.

However, a few stray beams found their mark, scorching through his protective barrier and leaving searing burns on his skin.

Meanwhile, Ridley selflessly positioned himself as a shield, guarding Vanta from any approaching attacks.

Bracing himself against the onslaught, he shielded Vanta from the devastating light of destruction raining down upon them. Their defense was barely sufficient, as the intense radiation toasted the protective membrane, leaving it visibly compromised.

"Keep up the barrage! We're almost there!" Not willing to squander the momentum gained, Letto pressed on with the assault, swiftly drawing a set of six cards into his hand.

Each card bore the mark of "Thunder," a simple yet powerful lightning attribute spell.

As Letto chanted the name of the card, a resounding thunderclap accompanied by a blinding electric surge emanated from each spell. Focusing his aim, he directed the combined power of all six Thunder spells towards Abel.

Although Abel's light attribute magic couldn't fully neutralize a lightning spell, he managed to evade being electrocuted. Utilizing his light magic, he heightened his speed, maneuvering swiftly to avoid the electrifying onslaught.

"Mizar, stop!" Abel managed to approach Mizar closely, urgency evident in his voice.

"Dispel!" he chanted, attempting to extinguish the raging fire with a spell reminiscent of the Tulk card version.

The Dispel spell possessed the ability to nullify and negate other spells. However, Letto had no intention of allowing Abel to succeed unimpeded.

As planned, Vanta instructed Letto to bring a selection of Counter-spell cards as a precautionary measure.

These specific cards were designed explicitly to counter Dispel spells.

Vanta anticipated that at some point during the duel, Abel would seek to neutralize their attacks using Dispel. It was this foresight that led Vanta to instruct Letto to come prepared with the nemesis to that card.

Abel's attempt to extinguish the fire proved unsuccessful. In the meantime, Mizar had completed the charging process for his spell.

The fireball he conjured was colossal, hovering high above the ground, radiating intense heat that scorched the surrounding field. Remarkably, Mizar himself remained unaffected by the searing temperatures.

The protective membrane he had established acted as a barrier, isolating him from the blistering heat and preventing the spell's energy from permeating his immediate surroundings.

"Haha, Abel, catch!" Mizar exclaimed cheerfully, his voice filled with elation.

With a swift motion, he hurled the massive fireball towards Abel. In response, Abel summoned a significant part of his strength and unleashed an intense surge of mana, creating a palpable pressure that sent shockwaves through the vicinity.

The exertion was evident as a single droplet of sweat trickled down his forehead.

Understanding that dispelling the fire would prove futile in this situation, Abel resorted to a direct elemental countermeasure: water. Drawing upon his reservoirs of mana, he conjured a waterball, utilizing the opposing elemental forces to extinguish the raging flames.

As Abel conjured a waterball, matching the size of the fireball, ready to douse the flames, an unexpected turn of events disrupted his intentions. Just as he was about to pour the waterball onto the fire, the remaining Wicked Tracers reached him. Evading the slow-moving projectiles became increasingly challenging, but before Abel could fully dodge them, Ridley appeared seemingly out of thin air. Employing his stealthy prowess, Ridley seized Abel, gripping him tightly and preventing any chance of escape. Ridley's ability to turn transparent using the Membrane's stealth function allowed him to silently approach unnoticed.

Overwhelmed by the convergence of the approaching fireball, the relentless pursuit of the Wicked Tracers, the counter-spells aimed at him, and Ridley's firm hold, Abel found himself trapped. The imminent collision of the Wicked Tracers and the fireball intensified the tension.

As the wicked flames from the Wicked Tracers made contact, an explosive burst erupted upon Abel. Simultaneously, the fireball loomed closer, its destructive potential on the verge of being unleashed.

The precarious situation heightened the suspense as Abel finally took hit. However, they could not rejoice just yet, as the fireball was still hurtling towards them.

"Letto, do it now!" Vanta's voice resounded urgently as he commanded Letto to employ the Dispel spell on the fireball.

With swift precision, Letto executed the spell, causing the fireball to dissipate in an instant. The searing heat vanished as Dispel nullified the flames.

Seizing the opportunity, the group successfully landed a hit on Abel, utilizing a combination of diverse tactics and distractions.

"Did we get him?" Mizar asked as he sprawled on the ground his chest pounded in anticipation as he waited the smoke from the exploding Wicked eraser to Dissipate